Friday, December 16, 2011

2 men sue Syracuse, Boeheim for defamation (AP)

NEW YORK ? Two men who say they were molested by an assistant basketball coach at Syracuse University have sued the school and men's basketball coach Jim Boeheim for defamation.

Former Syracuse ball boys Bobby Davis and Mike Lang say they were molested by assistant coach Bernie Fine, who has since been fired and has denied the allegations. A third man also has accused the 65-year-old Fine, who had been Jim Boeheim's top assistant since 1976.

The U.S. attorney's office is investigating.

Attorney Gloria Allred said at a news conference Tuesday afternoon in New York City that the two men filed a lawsuit Tuesday morning in New York State Supreme Court.

Davis was a ball boy for the team in the 1980s; Lang is his stepbrother.

"It really hurt me to learn coach Boeheim had accused me of lying," Davis said.

Allred said after repeatedly telling the world that Davis and Lang were liars, it's time for the university and Boeheim to be held accountable.

"Boeheim's statements impugning the veracity and motivations of Mr. Davis and Mr. Lang were particularly disturbing given his 35 years of opportunity to observe Fine at close quarters, and at least seven years of opportunity to see Fine with Bobby Davis on trips, at practices, in Manley Fieldhouse and at games," Allred said.

Syracuse University did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

When the news broke Nov. 17, Boeheim staunchly, even defiantly, supported his old friend and said the accusations were lies to capitalize on the Penn State child sex abuse case and make money off a lawsuit.

"The Penn State thing came out and the kid behind this is trying to get money," Boeheim told the Syracuse Post-Standard on Nov. 17. "If he gets this, he's going to sue the university and Bernie. What do you think is going to happen at Penn State? You know how much money is going to be involved in civil suits? I'd say about $50 million. That's what this is about. Money."

Lang said that when Boeheim suggested "my little brother and I were lying" he "felt sick to my stomach."

Victim advocates reacted angrily to Boeheim's initial comments and called for him to resign or be fired. He later backtracked and said he was wrong to question the motives of the accusers.

That's not enough, said Allred, whose recent clients include a woman who accused presidential candidate Herman Cain of making unwelcome sexual advances.

"Although Boeheim eventually acknowledged that he "misspoke," those words came too little too late," Allred said. "One of Syracuse's most respected individuals had already told the world repeatedly that Bobby Davis and Mike Lang were nothing but liars and out for money and nothing else.

"Boeheim has not suffered any consequences in his employment for using his position of power within the university to make these false, inflammatory and injurious statements about Bobby and Mike."

Boeheim first softened his stance 10 days after the accusations were made public. After Fine was fired Nov. 27, Boeheim released a statement saying he regretted any statements he made that might have been "insensitive to victims of abuse." On Nov. 29, Boeheim apologized but said again he didn't regret defending his old friend based on the information he had at the time and said he had never worried about his job status in 36 years.

By Dec. 2, he was far more contrite.

"I believe I misspoke very badly in my response to the allegations that have been made," said Boeheim, who paused frequently during a postgame press conference. "I shouldn't have questioned what the accusers expressed or their motives. I am really sorry that I did that, and I regret any harm that I caused."

Davis, now 39, told ESPN that Fine molested him beginning in 1984 and that the sexual contact continued until he was around 27. A ball boy for six years, Davis told ESPN that the abuse occurred at Fine's home, at Syracuse basketball facilities and on team road trips, including the 1987 Final Four.

Davis' stepbrother, Lang, 45, who also was a ball boy, told ESPN that Fine began molesting him while he was in fifth or sixth grade.

Davis told ESPN that Boeheim knew he was traveling on the road and sleeping in Fine's room.

"Boeheim saw me with Bernie all the time in the hotel rooms, on road trips," Davis said. "He'd come in, and see me laying in the bed, kind of glance at me like, `What are you doing here?' But he wouldn't say that. He'd just scowl. And I would look at him like, I'd be nervous. I felt embarrassed `cause I felt stupid that I'm there. I'm not supposed to be here. I know it, and Boeheim's not stupid."

In a Nov. 17 telephone interview with the AP, Boeheim denied ever going to the assistant's room, much less seeing Davis there.

"This kid came forward and there was no one to corroborate his story. Not one. Not one," Boeheim said. "... They said I walked into Bernie's room on the road and saw this. I have never walked into Bernie's room on the road. This isn't true. This just isn't true."

Davis went to the Syracuse Post-Standard newspaper in 2002 and ESPN in 2003; neither media outlet could corroborate his claims. He went to the police, too, in 2002, and a detective told him the statute of limitations had expired. Three years later, he went to the university; Syracuse had its lawyers do an internal investigation and says it, too, couldn't verify Davis' accusations.

Then, on Nov. 17 ? with the country still caught up in the child sex abuse scandal at Penn State, where a former assistant football coach is accused of molesting at least 10 boys ? Davis told his story on ESPN. Lang also came forward. Ten days later, Zach Tomaselli, of Lewiston, Maine, spoke out. Also on Nov. 27, ESPN aired a tape in which a woman it identified as Fine's wife tells Davis she knew "everything" that was going on.

The university fired Fine that day.

Onondaga County District Attorney William Fitzpatrick said last week that Davis was credible but he couldn't investigate under state law because the statute of limitations had expired.

The statute of limitations in New York on bringing a civil suit for child sexual abuse is five years after the victim turns 18, though there have been several legislative attempts recently to open a one-year window for older incidents. Prosecutors can bring criminal charges for felony sex abuse any time during the victim's life under an amendment to New York's criminal procedure law enacted Aug. 5, 2008. Previously the felony limit was five years.

"We're grateful any time a child sex abuse victim finds the courage to take action against a child predator," David Clohessy, executive director of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, said in a statement. "That's an enormous benefit of civil litigation - it can help uncover evidence of complicity by a predator's colleagues and supervisors, and thus deter others from keeping secret about possible child sex crimes in the future."


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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Gingrich or Romney for Christian Republicans? (ContributorNetwork)

COMMENTARY | Herman Cain is gone. One down, a string of morally compromised or otherwise untenable candidates remaining. Which of the lesser of several poor choices do they choose?

While it is true no one is free of baggage, the quantity of Gingrich's baggage can't be overlooked. A slip-up here or there can be expected of human beings, but that many? Over and over? Do Christians vote for the platform or the man? Will integrity be required? Newt Gingrich is not known for consistency except for being inconsistent. The "insider" reputation runs deep. He has been called many things, including brilliant, articulate and bold. Honorable hasn't made the list.

It looks like Gingrich or Mitt Romney now. Some Christians dismiss Romney because they see Mormonism as a cult.

Do Christians dismiss Romney because he belongs to a cult or do they support him because he espouses strong family values, doesn't drink or smoke, and is a pillar of his religious community?

If Rick Santorum is still being considered, he's got trouble as well, having supported pro-choice Democratic Sen. Arlen Specter in the past. He had to defend this decision recently at a rally at a small Christian college in Iowa, according to an ABC News report.

Who does that leave if Republican Christians want to support a candidate who has acceptable values, a sound platform and any kind of consistent record? Is integrity even on the wish list?

Early this morning on ABC's radio show, Michele Bachmann stated Gingrich and Romney are "flawed" candidates. I don't see this statement of the obvious helping her floundering campaign.

Oh, right, there's Rick Perry. I forgot about him.

What I don't understand is why Jon Huntsman is not getting more press. Does his lack of scandal set him back? He's accused of "siding with the enemy" by cooperating with Barack Obama's government. What has happened to collaboration? Is that no longer a value we hold as American voters? If collaboration is the worst thing Huntsman has been accused of, I'm all for him as a viable alternative to President Obama. According to the Huffington Post, he's really the only electable candidate. I for one am simply too terrified of the rest of them.

Whatever Obama has done, he has tried. He has taken risks and endured the blame for a big mess that has been decades in the making. The GOP race has been nothing less than a circus so far. Whatever his failings, I do not hate a president who has been willing to try even if his solutions are not popular. At least he is offering some.

For Obama to be re-elected, let the carnival continue.

If I actually have to choose between two good candidates, then Huntsman is my man, simply by process of elimination, although the more I learn about him the better I feel about it. No other Republican on the current agenda would get my vote, and I know I'm not alone.


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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

'Laugh-In' comic actor Alan Sues dies at 85

(AP) ? Alan Sues, who brought his flamboyant and over-the-top comic persona to the hit television show "Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In" in the 1960s and 1970s, has died, a close friend said Sunday night.

Sues died of cardiac arrest on Thursday at his home in West Hollywood, Michael Gregg Michaud, a friend since 1975, told The Associated Press.

"He was sitting in a recliner watching TV with his dachshund Doris who he loved in his lap," Michaud said.

Sues had various health problems in the last several years, but the death came as a shock to friends, Michaud said. He was 85.

A native Californian who moved to New York in 1952, Sues began his career as a serious actor and in 1953 appeared in director Elia Kazan's "Tea and Sympathy" on Broadway.

But he would be remembered for his wild comic characters.

They included "Big Al," an effeminate sportscaster, and "Uncle Al the Kiddies Pal," a hung-over children's show host, on "Laugh-In," the TV phenomenon that both reflected and mocked the era's counterculture and made stars of Goldie Hawn, Lily Tomlin and many others.

Sues also donned tights as the commercial spokesman for Peter Pan peanut butter, and appeared in the popular 1964 "Twilight Zone" episode "The Masks."

Fellow cast members and crew from "Laugh-In" remembered him as even more entertaining behind the scenes.

"Alan Sues was one of those guys even funnier in person than on camera," Ruth Buzzi, a co-star who appeared in many skits with Sues, said on her Twitter account. "Across a dinner table, over the phone ... hysterical. We'll miss him."

Executive producer George Schlatter, who would eventually bring Sues to "Laugh-In" after seeing him alongside future co-star Jo Anne Worley in the Off-Broadway comedy "The Mad Show," said Sues was "a free spirit," an "outrageous human being" and "a love child."

"He was a delight; he was an upper," Schlatter told the Los Angeles Times, which first reported the death. "He walked on the stage and everybody just felt happy."

Sues would always be best known for "Laugh-In," which he left in 1972 before its final season.

But Michaud said the Peter Pan spots brought Sues nearly as much recognition in later years.

And he said the "Twilight Zone" episode brought him appearances at sci-fi and autograph conventions for decades.

"Fans of 'The Twilight Zone' are cuckoo," Michaud said.

Michaud said that while Sues was always cast as the stereotypically gay character, he believed he needed to hide his own gay identity during his years on television.

"He felt like he couldn't publicly come out," Michaud said. "He felt like people wouldn't accept him."

Sues was grateful for "Laugh-In," but wasn't happy he was typecast in his comic persona as he sought to return to more serious acting.

He got one chance that he cherished in 1975, the serious role of Moriarty with the Royal Shakespeare Company in "Sherlock Holmes" on Broadway.

He stayed with the show until it closed the following year, then went out to perform it with the touring company.

In later years he would make many more theater appearances, do voiceover work for television, and appear in guest spots on TV series like "Punky Brewster" and "Sabrina the Teenage Witch."

Sues is survived by a sister-in-law, two nieces and a nephew.

There were no immediate plans for a memorial.

Associated Press


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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Concern grows for US man kidnapped in Pakistan

Concern was growing Friday for the safety of American development expert Warren Weinstein, who was kidnapped from home in Pakistan in August.

Al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahri said in an audio recording issued on Islamist websites late Thursday that his organization had captured "this man who has had an active part in American aid to Pakistan since the seventies."

However, sources told NBC News on Friday that there were strong indications that Weinstein, 70, had been passed to a dreaded faction of the Pakistani Taliban.

They said he was presently in the custody of militants led by Commander Tariq Afridi, operating in the gun-manufacturing, semi-autonomous tribal region of Darra Adamkhel.

It is the same militant group that kidnapped a Polish engineer, Piotr Stancza, from Attock area of Punjab province on Sept. 28, 2009. Stancza was later executed after their demands for money and a release of prisoners were not met by the government.

Some sources said that Weinstein was kidnapped by another group and later sold to Afridi, NBC News reported.

He is considered the most ruthless among his militant colleagues and is known for his harsh policies.

In the al-Qaida Internet statement, Zawahri said the group's demands for Weinstein's release included the release of all those held by the United States at the Guantanamo detention center and all others imprisoned for ties to al-Qaida or the Taliban. The statement was translated by the SITE group, which says it monitors the "jihadist threat."

He also demanded an end to air strikes by the United States and its allies against militants in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen and Somalia and Gaza.

Zawahri specifically demanded the release of high-profile militants including Ramzi Yousef, imprisoned in the United States for the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, and Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, serving a life sentence for plotting to attack the U.N. headquarters and other New York City landmarks.

"Your problem is not with us but with (President Barack) Obama. We have raised fair demands. ... So continue to pressure Obama, if you want your relative to be handed back," Zawahri said, addressing Weinstein's family, according to SITE.

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The audio recording, which was issued on Islamist websites, also said that a senior al-Qaida leader based in Pakistan known as Attiyatullah had been killed in a U.S. air strike in August.

"Just as the Americans detain all whom they suspect of links to al-Qaida and the Taliban, even remotely, we detained this man who has had an active part in American aid to Pakistan since the seventies," Zawahiri added.

Video: Al-Qaida: We?ve kidnapped an American (on this page)

He said that Attiyatullah, a Libyan militant whose real name was Jamal Ibrahim Ashtiwi al-Misrati, escaped a first air strike but was killed along with his son Issam in a second bombing on August 23.

"He was martyred, may God have mercy on him ... by bombing by a crusader spy plane," Zawahri said.

'We remain concerned'
The U.S. State Department is aware of the statement and continues to work with Pakistani authorities leading the investigation, a spokeswoman said.

Weinstein had been working on a project in Pakistan's northwestern tribal areas where Pakistani troops have been battling Islamist insurgents for years.

"We remain concerned for Mr. Weinstein's safety and well-being," said Joanne Moore, spokeswoman for the State Department.

Story: 'Enough is enough': Grieving Pakistan questions its role in US war on terror

The government had been in contact with Weinstein's family in the United States, she said.

"U.S. officials, including the FBI, are assisting in the Pakistani-led investigation," she said, declining to give additional information on the case due to privacy considerations.

"The United States condemns kidnappings of any kind and we call for the immediate release of the individual and the prosecution of those responsible," Moore said.

Zawahri succeeded Osama bin Laden after he was killed in an operation by U.S. forces in Pakistan in May after a decade-long worldwide hunt.

NBC News and Reuters contributed to this report.


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Friday, December 2, 2011

FOR KIDS: Dirty clouds change rainfall

Scientists find a link between air pollution and extremes in rainfall

Web edition : 12:38 pm

What goes up into the air can have a big impact on what comes down. ?

In a new study showing how large weather systems are closely linked, scientists report that tiny airborne particles affect how much rain falls over a region. Some of these particles, which are called aerosols, occur naturally and include dirt and dust. Other aerosols come from human activities and represent air pollution. Once these particles get swept up into a cloud, they start to make changes.

Visit the new?Science News for Kids?website?and read the full story:?Dirty clouds change rainfall

Found in: Science News For Kids


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Eurozone ministers try to beef up rescue fund (AP)

BRUSSELS ? Eurozone nations are calling for more IMF resources to help out their embattled currency.

The 17 eurozone finance ministers on Tuesday agreed to seek new ways to increase the resources of the International Monetary Fund through bilateral loans that could be used to protect EU nations facing financial trouble.

The ministers meeting in Brussels also agreed on options to give the rescue fund more leverage power and build up its resources so it can help bigger troubled EU members such as Italy and Spain.

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.

BRUSSELS (AP) ? Eurozone ministers have agreed on measures to give their rescue fund more firepower on global markets in an attempt to ease the pressure on their embattled euro currency.

The 17 ministers meeting in Brussels agreed on options to give the rescue fund more leverage power and build up resources to help bigger troubled EU members such as Italy and Spain.

Earlier Tuesday, the ministers threw a lifeline to Greece, approving an euro8 billion ($10.7 billion) rescue loan so it would not run out of money in the next few weeks.


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