Saturday, March 31, 2012

DearMYRTLE's Genealogy Blog: MyHeritage grows committment to ...

NOTE from DearMYRTLE: Hmm. We need a scorecard to keep track of who is working for whom in the world of genealogy. This is welcome news as these fellows know their stuff. Please address all inquiries to

MyHeritage appoints industry heavyweights to spearhead global content growth

Appointment of senior executives boosts MyHeritage?s US presence, drives growth of historical content and kick-starts preparations for worldwide crowdsourcing project

PROVO, Utah & LONDON & TEL AVIV, Israel ? March 30, 2012 ? MyHeritage, the most popular family network on the web, announced today the appointment of industry veterans Russ Wilding and Roger Bell to Chief Content Officer and VP Product, respectively. The former founders and lead executives of, acquired by in 2010 for $27 million, will boost MyHeritage?s US operations in Utah by establishing a new department for adding historical content and rolling-out an extensive global crowdsourcing project. ?

The new hires will strengthen MyHeritage?s leadership in the global family history market. Their mission will be to substantially grow historical record content to complement the unique combination of family social-networking and massive user contributed content that has catapulted MyHeritage to becoming the world?s largest network for discovering and sharing family memories. The move adds significant momentum to MyHeritage?s expansion into historical content, following its November 2011 acquisition of FamilyLink Inc. with a library of four billion records, and its recent announcement to make the 1940 U.S. Census available to users free of charge in April 2012.

?We?re delighted to bring Russ and Roger on board as we enter a new period of vigorous growth?, said MyHeritage Founder and CEO, Gilad Japhet. ?Their impressive track record as social thinkers within the family history world will be an ideal fit for MyHeritage, as we realize our vision of enabling families around the world to explore their family history, share important memories and stay connected.?

A highly regarded visionary with proven execution capabilities within the family history market, Russ Wilding will establish and lead a new department that will acquire, license, transcribe, crowdsource and produce historical records - such as census, birth and marriage records. Russ brings a wealth of expertise in historical content acquisition, licensing and digitization from his previous 11-year role as CEO of iArchives, Inc. and Founder and CEO of its customer-facing website, which was sold to in 2010.

As VP Product, alongside MyHeritage?s strong product team, Roger Bell will focus on building next-generation community infrastructure and tools for the crowdsourcing of historical record production. This massive community-based initiative will involve assistance and participation from the millions of users of MyHeritage in the deciphering of handwriting and the keying in of information from digitized historical records. During the four years he spent at as Senior VP Product and Development, Roger was instrumental in defining the strategic direction of and in the creation and management of the team.? Prior to joining, he was Director of Product Management at from 2002 until 2006, where he was in charge of the search engine, user experience and community tools.? He was also a member of the CEO?s advisory committee.

??After a year of evaluating potential new ventures in the industry, MyHeritage emerged as the clear front-runner?, said the newly appointed Chief Content Officer at MyHeritage and father of five, Russ Wilding. ?Enjoying phenomenal growth as the most social player in the family history industry, MyHeritage is poised to become the de-facto site for families, emulating what Facebook is to friends and LinkedIn is to professionals. With a talented and multi-national team, state-of-the art products and stellar investors, MyHeritage has all the ingredients to succeed. ?I am thrilled to join MyHeritage and look forward to a tremendous ride over the coming years.?

?I strongly resonate with the core vision of MyHeritage: helping families across the world stay connected, by creating the best experience to discover and share their heritage. MyHeritage is pushing industry boundaries by bringing family history to a worldwide audience in 38 languages. I look forward to playing a pivotal role in driving this forward with my desire to help keep meaningful family stories alive for generations to come, and my passion for delivering value to customers."

With more than 62 million registered users and 22 million family trees, MyHeritage has become the trusted home on the web for families wishing to explore their family history, share memories and stay connected.

About MyHeritage

MyHeritage is the most popular family network on the web. On MyHeritage, millions of families around the world enjoy having a private and free place to explore their history and share special family memories. Pioneers in making family history a collaborative experience for all the family, MyHeritage empowers its users with a unique mix of innovative social tools and a massive library of historical content. The site is available in 38 languages. So far more than 62 million people have signed up to MyHeritage. The company is backed by Accel Partners and Index Ventures, the investors of Facebook and Skype. For more information visit


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Friday, March 30, 2012

Health and Fitness Is A Choice Just As Sickness and Disease Is A ...

After 25 years of research studying the affects lifestyle and diet on the pH of the blood, I have learned that the human organism is alkaline by design and acidic in all of its functions. If one can maintain the delicate alkaline pH of all the body fluids bathing every cell from within and from without at 7.365 then life will continue without pain, suffering, sickness or disease.

Louis Pasteur?s germ theory has become a curse. Antoine BeChamp an adversary to Pasteur and his germ theory for scientific fraud said this about the germ theory, "there is nothing so false that does not contain some element of truth, and so it is with the germ theory." The germ theory is the controlling medical idea for the world. In Pasteur?s day, and ever since, othdr proposed theories about the cause of disease have fallen on death ear because they have tended to contradict that paradigm. NO matter how simple and logical an idea about the cause of disease, if it does not promote the concept of invasion of germs and their specific cures it does not fit into the medical paradigm.

More importantly, the germ theory has become a curse because it has encouraged individuals to give up responsibility for their own health over to the medical community. If germs cause disease it stands to reason that control belongs to the medical community whose tireless researchers spend trillions of our money to find the right pill or potion to annihilate disease-causing germs.

This quest to cure disease through medication is at the heart of modern allopathic medicine and the multi-trillion dollar pharmaceutical industry. It is a quest that persists despite evidence indicating that airborne germs do not cause the disease for which they are credited.

After more than a century of trying, the Pasteurian germ theory has utterly failed in the quest to a cure for any disease. All major degenerative diseases are on the increase, as are so called infectious diseases which are not infectious at all. Every year, old symptoms are given new names ? names like MS for polio, AIDS for poor sanitation, poor nutrition, poor lifestyle choices and drug use, Epstein-Barr virus for connective tissue disorders like fibramyalgia ? to make them appear to be the work of a new germ. Unless we turn this nonsense around, the human race could become extinct like the dinosaurs from the treatments of modern medicine to kill a non- threatening or phantom germ.

If we want to find the cure for disease we need only to look at our dietary and lifestyle choices. If you heed the ignored, even rejected discoveries of Pasteur?s peers and scientists of the 19th and 20th century, adding those to my own disboveries, you will learn the true cause of disease.

Until the medical community starts looking at causes rather than devoting its time looking for cures, and until we start taking responsibility for our own lifestyle and dietary choices, I believe the human race is in trouble of becoming extinct.

Dr. Benjamin Rush, Physician and signer of the Declaration of Independence, 1776 said this: "Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize itself into an undercover dictatorship, To restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others will constitute the bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic."

Where does life begin? In the womb or the grail, the holy grail, in the amniotic fluid, in a 98.6 F, one percent water and salt solution or 1 part salt to 100 parts water. This solution is called the sol. This natural salt solution, called "sol" is from the origin of the word, directly connected to the word "soul". What we call "sol" for our salt solution (a solution of two in one- no more polarity), was believed by the ancient Celtics to represent our soul, as the soul originated, in their belief, from the ocean where we are all born from the same fluids, arising from the same "sol" a solution of salt and water.

Our body in its wholeness is an ingenious creation of nature, It has been given all mechanisms to not only sustain its life but also to create new life. Every healthy person has innate regulatory mechanisms to maintain its alkaline design and self-healing powers, which ensure or reestablish the natural balance of the bodily functions, the homeostasis. It is not the doctor that heals us, nor the medication, but our own innate alkaline regulatory mechanisms. Our body is able to fully regenerate itself. Therefore, it is advised to use great discernment before labeling any disease as "incurable" or "untreatable." If doctors come to the conclusion that a disease in incurable, they would be more accurate in saying that with their knowledge and experience, they are not able to offer any further help. The word "incurable" conveys fear, or false evidence appearing real, which stifles and weakens our body?s innate alkaline mechanism.

Bio-chemically speaking Health is all about alkaline balance. Bio-energetically speaking Health is all about energy. Vibrating energy is the origin of matter and the origin of life. And matter is nothing more than organized energy.

In 1984, the Swiss physicist Dr. Carlos Rubbia, received the Nobel prize for discovering a mathematically calculable natural constant with which he could calculate the ratio of mass particles (matter) in relation to navigating energy particles, The ratio of matter to energy that forms matter is 1 to 9,746 to the power of 108 or about 1 to 1,000,000,000 which means it takes one billion energy units to create one single unit of matter in a materialized tangible form. Isn?t interesting that we for the most part, preoccupy ourselves with only 1 billionth part of reality: that which is in a material form and can be seen and touched. We fail to see the far greater amount of energy particles it took to materialize our reality. This revolutionary scientific discovery shows us clearly that every form of matter is subject to higher energetic interactions and subject to change of form and function.

When we analyze the energy content of any form of matter, we arrive at its smallest part, the atom and its protons, electrons and neutrons. There is ongoing movement without any contact- nothing tangible, just pure vibrating energy. This vibrating energy creates a frequency, which can be measured, a so-called wave length which can be seen using my photon interference photography. Every form of matter is characterized as a specific frequency spectrum. And each frequency spectrum can be measured using a decibel meter. All organized matter is nothing more than organized energy that gives off a specific frequency and a specific sound which can be measured and heard. When we turn on a light or an electrical device we can see the energy but we cannot perceive the electrical current itself, but we except its existence. This same materially non-perceivable electricity, this energy, flows through our body fluids especially our blood. Every one of us has enough measurable electrical current flowing through us to light up a 100 watt light bulb.

Life/light = energy and energy = information or intelligence. Everything that exists not only exists as energy but also as a carrier of information or intelligence, whether it is a human being, a form of food or drink, or a rock. Life is a constant exchange of energy and intelligence and the best place to view this life energy is in the live and dried blood.

Plasma which is 92% water is a good example for showing how matter as energy is transformed when additional energy is added or subtracted. Water has three different distinct bodies or states: solid, liquid and gaseous. Ice is frozen water or like the thickening of the blood. We can see it and feel its coolness. By adding energy in the form of heat to the ice it transforms back into a liquid. When we add more energy to the water it begins to boil and the molecules start moving faster and faster that they begin to transform into steam and become gaseous. This transformation of organized energy as matter from one form to another is know as biological or energetical transformation or also referred to as pleomorphism.

Energy and intelligence are identical.

Every form of energy has a specific wavelength

Every wavelength has its individual content of intelligence

There are no accidents in the order of Nature

Meanwhile, we know of about 40,000 different diseases and the list is growing that are treated by the 1,200 different allopathic specialty fields with 58,000 different kinds of allopathic preparations or medicines. However, the word diseases in the plural form, is not a accurate. Have you ever heard of "healths"? We are either healthy or ill. This illness signals a lack of energy and shows up in the form of a symptom. To represent a symptom as an illness is technically and scientifically inaccurate. The symptom is merely the intelligent cry of the energetically defective and suffering body, crying out for help. And normally, the body turns to a weakened organ to give us a hint, through a symptom, that things are not in order.

Our bodies either hum or honk Upset stomachs or high blood pressure or high blood sugars is the body honking. The honks of our bodies are telling us there is a state of pH or energetic imbalance.

Why does pH balance or pH Homeostasis define good health?

pH balance or pH homeostasis in humans commonly refers to the internal balance of the body?s electro-magnetic and chemical systems in response to the changing conditions of the external world and the changing conditions of the internal world. The word homeostasis comes from the Greek words: "homeo" means similar or "alki" or "alkaline" and "stasis" means a tendency toward maintaining stability. There are many homoeostatic mechanisms in our bodies that help maintain this balance and our state of health is directly related to the health of these mechanisms. pH homeostasis is maintained by dynamic processes of feedback and regulation. pH homeostasis has only one objective: to preserve the beneficial conditions of life in the internal alkali environment. Every day we are bombarded with external influences that threaten that balanced internal alkaline pH environment. Some of these threats include becoming too hot or too cold, eating too much or eating acidic foods or drinks, breathing polluted air and being exposed to chemicals over a period of time.

Our cells, especially the red blood cells can only survive when our bodies are strong enough to maintain pH homeostasis or to regain it quickly after we have been exposed to toxic environmental threats. Some of the pH homoeostatic mechanisms in the body include temperature regulation, dilation of the eye, blood composition, heart rate, blood pressure, water content, blood sugar level, mineral relationships, and of course the acid/alkaline balance of our body fluids. An essential feature of these mechanisms is that they enable the red blood cells, the tissue which is a product of the red blood cells and the whole of the organism, also a product of blood, to adapt to changes in both internal and external environmental conditions. If the pH homoeostatic mechanisms are impaired the body loses its ability to regulate these mechanisms. By looking at living blood using a compound microscope we can view the quality of the red blood cell, its environment and how well the body is managing these pH homoeostatic mechanisms. The interdependence and close coordination of the many bodily functions, which work so well when we are in alkaline balance or health, may be upset by a chain reaction when any part of the system breaks down from metabolic acids which have not been properly eliminated through, respiration, perspiration or urination. If this chain reaction is too drastic, the red blood cells and body cells will become acidic and begin to biologically transform into other cellular forms ? like bacteria or yeast.

The normal state of health is not a static condition, but a coordination response of many systems and mechanisms. Fluctuations occur within a very narrow pH range. An imbalance of a point or two on the acid/alkaline pH scale is extremely disruptive to health. A few percentiles of variation of oxygen concentration in the blood can impair function. In the bloodstream, the slightest changes can be observed in the structures of the red and white blood cells, the level of cellular debris, the creation of cholesterol or calcium crystals, etc. If the blood sugar content is continually elevated due to body cell transformation or breakdown, the body chemistry becomes upset. An infinitesimal deficiency of sodium, calcium, potassium or magnesium, the alkaline buffers of the body can cause a problem in the function of many body parts.

We must keep our pH homoeostatic mechanism strong so that we can deal effectively with our world. If we are humming and the process of pH homeostasis is orderly, life continues; if we are honking and m pH homeostasis is continually being disrupted, our health is in jeopardy.

pH Homeostasis is a bit like balancing the books in accounting. It si maintained by balancing inputs with outputs.

How well we adapt in health and sickness is largely a function of the pH homoeostatic mechanism. The body?s chemistry response to such subtle changes that a negative thought, an acidic food or drink, or eating too much food can be a problem for maintaining balance.

In 1988 an article of the New England Journal of Medicine stated that, "most major chronic disease probably results from the accumulation of environmental factors over time in genetically susceptible people."

In 1965, Rene Dubos, a medical historian and philosopher, pointed out that the body is imperfect in its attempts to adapt and maintain pH homeostasis. She said, "the mechanisms involved in regulating homeostasis don not always return the body?s functions to their original state. They can be misdirected. The body only has the ability to adapt to insults for so long. When it can no longer adapt , degeneration sets in. Health is the state that the body attains when an individual responds adaptively and restores the body to its original integrity."

The term "homeostasis" was coined in the mid-1920's by the American physiologist, Walter B. Cannon. But he was building on a concept of balance that dated back to ancient Western, Eastern, and Middle Eastern civilizations.

The balance equals good health equation was first suggested by Hippocrates (460-375 BC) and the ancient Greeks. Hippocrates considered health to be a state of harmonious balance and disease a state of disharmony. He and his contemporaries believed that harmony and balance existed between organs, between bodily fluids, and between body and soul. When the body is out of harmony and balance, illness occurs.

Hippocrates studied the entire patient in his or her environment, noting the effects of climate, food, and occupation on health. "Our natures are the physicians of our diseases, " he said, describing the healing forces we all have within us as the healing power of Nature. It was the physician?s objective to restore harmony with food, exercise, rest, and with medicinal remedies designed to remove the harmful acidic excesses. This conservative approach was designed to let nature do the healing and above all, as Hippocrates said, "to first do no harm."

The Greeks ideas on equilibrium and health evolved further under the philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC). He felt that a healthy body worked through what he described as a hemostat, a device that returns the body to a state of equilibrium even when it is subjected to stimuli that disturbs this balance. Everything is tied to this state of equilibrium, including the psyche and emotions, and nothing could be regarded as a separate component. To lead a healthy life, the condition of balance had to be maintained, This could only be achieved if the body had an adequate feedback system, a means by which signals were transmitted to different parts of the body to help move it back into balance when it moved too far off alkaline center.

This psychological viewpoint was shared by another philosopher, Epicurus (341-270 BC). In his writing he referred to psychological stress and suggested that an individual?s quality of life could be improved by coping with what we would now describe as emotional stressors.

As early as about 120 AD in India, Eastern philosophers had reached similar ideas about the importance of balance in health. A general medical textbook from that time, the Caraks, described health as a balance of bodily elements know as dhatus, and a happy mental state called prasana.

The Middle Eastern approach incorporated the Hindu teachings with the Greco-Roman medical doctrine. Being base upon both religious and philosophical ideas, Islamic healing involved both body and soul.

Over 1000 years later, during the Middle Ages in Europe, good health was still linked to this notion of balanced physical, emotional, and spiritual state. To help people achieve this state, European hospitals were set up by religious orders and attached to abbeys, monasteries, and convents. Doctors prescribed diet, rest, sleep, exercise, and salt baths.

In 1600 Thomas Sydenham had begun classifying diseases, even though he believed disease was a result of imbalance, consistent with Hippocrates and Galen.

In 1628 Harvey traced the circulation of the blood, arguably perhaps the single greatest achievement in medicine.

In 1753 James Lind showed that Scurvy could be reversed with the limes that contain limonene - an antitoxic or antacid.

Doctors began to lose their way in 1796. In 1796 Benjamin Rush observed that all fevers were associated with flushed skin, he concluded that this was caused by distended capillaries and reasoned that the proximate cause of fever must be abnormal "convulsive action" in these vessels. He took this a step further and conclude that all fevers resulted from disturbances of capillaries and since the capillaries were part of the circulatory system, he concluded that a hypertension of the entire circulatory system was involved. Rush proposed to reduce this convulsive action by "depletion" or bleeding. A reminder that the medical establishment?s acceptance of bleeding exists today in the name of the

British Journal "The Lancet" one of the leading medical journals in the world. Today bleeding is called phlebotomy.

Also, In 1796 Edward Jenner took the pus from the runny sores of sick cows and injected it into the blood of his "patients. He thought that since pus is seen routinely in all kinds of wounds, pus was seen as a necessary part of healing.

In 1788 vaccinia was the bacteria that medical science suggested caused cowpox.

In 1830 the development of the first modern day achromatic microscope.

In 1835, Harvard?s Jacob Bigelow argued in a major address that in "the unbiased opinion of most medical men of sound judgement and long experience . . . the amount of death and disaster in the world would be less, if all disease were left to itself."

In 1840 Jacob Henle in his essay, "On Miasmata and Contagia" first formulated the modern germ theory. He suggested that disease seem to germinate, grow and spread ? like a first point or origin, a seed, a bacterium. The germ theory said that minute living organism invade the body, multiply and cause disease and that a specific germ causes a specific disease.

In 1850 Samule Thomson said, " May the time soon come when men and women will become their own priest, physicians and lawyers ? when self-government, equal rights and moral philosophy will take the place of all popular crafts of every description . . False theory and hypothesis constitute nearly the whole art of medicine."

In 1860 Louis Pasteur suggested that living organisms, not a chemical chain reaction caused fermentation, winning converts to the germ theory.

In 1881 an American scientist George Sternberg was the first to isolate the fungus, pneumococcus and the first to observe the white blood cells engulfing bacteria, a key to understanding the immune system.

In 1882 a German, Robert Koch isolated the tubercle bacillus and declared it as the bacterium that caused tuberculosis that further confirmed the germ theory of Pasteur.

In 1884, German scientist Friedrich Loeffler isolated the diphtheria bacillus from throats of patients, grew it on a special medium (labs today call this Loeffler?s serum slope to grow the bacteria from suspected cases), and began carful experiments in animals that took several years. His work suggested that the bacteria themselves did not kill; the danger came from a toxin, diptherium, an acidic poison that the bacteria excreted as a waste product from sugar metabolism.

In 1885 Max von Pettenkofer insisted that Koch?s bacteria were only one of many factors in the causation of disease. His dispute with Koch became increasingly bitter and passionate. Petterkofer determined to prove himself right, prepared test tubes thick with lethal cholera bacteria. Then he and several of his students drank them down. All survived. Petterkofer claimed victory that germs do not cause disease.

In 1889 Pasteur?s proteges, Emile Roux and Alexandre Yersin grew broth thick with diphtheria bacteria and used compressed air to force broth through a filter of unglazed porcelain. The filter was designed by Charles Chamber land, a physicist working with Pasteur; though only a tool, the filter itself would prove to be immensely important. NO bacteria or solids could pass through the porcelain. Only liquid could. They then sterilized this liquid. It still killed. That proved that bacteria, an insoluble could not kill, but a soluble, an acidic toxin did the KILLING.

The cure from diphtheria was not in killing the bacteria but neutralizing the acids or excretions from the bacteria.

In 1900 Frederick Gates and intellect and Baptist Minister and an assistant to John D. Rockefeller, saw an opportunity to exploit the medical field because of its admitted uncertainty and ignorance of the time. He had organized many business ventures for the Rockfellers? and convinced John D Rockefeller to open the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. The Rockefeller Institute saw medicine itself as its field from its earliest existence scientists studying disease based upon the germ theory of Pasteur.

In 1901, William Henry Welch was hired by John D. Rockefeller to set up the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. William Henry Welch was steeped in the germ theory and established its strong hold on the medical model. You might call Dr. Welch the Father of American Medicine and the perpetrator of the Pasteurian Germ Theory.

After the civil war medicine had discovered drugs ? such as quinine, digitalis and opium of which Oliver Wendell Homes the physician Father of the Supreme Court justice said, "I firmly believe that if the whole materia medica, as now used, could be sunk to the bottom fo the sea, it would be all the better for mankind ? and all the worse for the fishes."

In 1911, the head of the school training French army doctors in public health said that germs alone were "powerless to create an epidemic." But it was too late, this particular view was now considered simply a minority opinion. The germ theory now had its hold on the governments of the world!

In 1911, the medical establishments made up a story that Peyton Rous discovered a bacteria that caused cancer and received a Noble Prize for his discovery posthumous in 1966. This gave rise to the term virus named after Peyton Rous?s bacteria. Peyton Rous never suggested this in any of his research that his bacteria caused disease let alone cancer. This story gave rise to a new group of bacteria called filterable bacteria that the medical community now refers to as virus - beginning 1996. There is NO scientific evidence that shows that virus?s have ever caused ANY disease.

These ideas of balance were some distance from those of earlier societies that ascribed illness to the supernatural powers they believed governed their lives. The Babylonians, the Egyptians, the ancient Americans saw disease as an entity unto itself, a potent demon that struggled to dominate, attacked, penetrated, and possibly even killed its unfortunate host.

Offend the Gods, an ancestor, or an evil witch and be struck down as punishment. Lead a sinful life and you were tempting fate.

Of course, we perceive that these ideas about disease are no longer widely believed, which makes it all more the ironic that Pasteur?s germ theory has had and still has a stranglehold on 19th, 20th and now 21st century medicine. As medical writer Alberto Seguin described in an article entitled, "The Concept of Disease," the demonic idea of disdase reached its full height with the germ theory. It became possible to bring together rational and scientific thought with irrational tendency to personalize disease. The germ in what ever name it is called, West Nile Virus, Ebola, Hunta, HIV, Anthrax, SARS and now AVIAN, are the scientific demon, the curse, the lie and the fraud that is said to attack and kill!

If we will consider disease as a symptom of disease not the cause, then the germ is nothing more than an expression of imbalance and a biological transformation of what use to be organized to that which is changing into a new form. This was my discovery in 1994. I witnessed biological transformation as seen on pg. 126 of my book "Sick and Tired" the transformation of a rod bacteria back into a red blood cell and then back into a bacterial rod. I knew for the first time that bacteria was not a demon, not an entity but a transformation, a new formation of a preceding form. Not the cause of disease but the expression of a change in the internal environment which had given rise to change. For several years I felt alone in this discovery until I learned of the works of the giants that proceeded me that had their finger on the magic of life.

Claude Bernard (1813-1878) "The terrain is everything the germ is nothing." And upon the death bed of Louis Pasteur admitting to Claude Bernard that he was right in 1895.

Antoine BeChamp (1816-1908) "Disease is born in us and from us."

Florence Nightingale - ` famous nurse (1820 -1910)

Mathias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann (1839)

Gunther Enderlein ((1872- 1968)

Walter B. Cannon (1871-1945) "Only by understanding the wisdom of the body shall we attain the mastery of disease and pain that will enable us to relieve the burden of the people."

Royal Raymond Rife (1888-1971)

Wilhelm Reich (1897 - 1957)

Gaston Naessans (1924-2005)

Philosophically speaking, Pasteur had an ally in Napoleon III, who came to power in 1852. The Emperor believed in a police state and in using complete control to rule. Pasteur?s mechanistic idea of disease, finding the right cure for each germ, fit into this philosophy of control.

Giving the responsibility to the any government to cure disease is giving up control. It takes responsibility ? and power ? away from the individual. In the words of Antoine BeChamp, "there is nothing so false that does not contain some element of truth and so it is with the germ theory."

One of six of us will become diabetic

One of three of us will develop cancer

One of two of us will develop cardiovascular disease

One of six couples will suffer from unexplained infertility.

One of seven women in the US will develop breast cancer.

We need to get out to the disease business. If we want to understand health, energy and vitality then we need to study the people who are healthy. Over the last 25 years I have been studying health and how it relates to the blood. Viewing live and dried blood is the pinnacle of understanding health and how to achieve health with alkaline foods, drinks, exercise, breathing, getting adequate rest, etc.

Now, I pray and hope that you will realize that we are all responsible for our own health ? you alone. A medical practitioner can only help to relieve symptoms. Ultimately, you are the one who has to take charge. Health is a choice just as disease is a choice. You are responsible for what goes into your mouth and what comes out of your mouth, as well as for what you think, feel and do. Health is all about choices and consequences.

The health and energy of the human organism is the knowledge that are bodies are alkaline by design and acidic by function and the best way to maintain that alkaline design is through an alkaline lifestyle and diet.


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13 Reasons Why Using Social Media For Business is Non Negotiable!

Is there ever a time when having a social media presence is an option? I believe the answer is no, in this day and age as a business you can?t afford NOT to leverage social media. Here are my 13 Reasons why using social media for business is not negotiable.

1. Social proof

Consumers are more and more savvy about who and where they purchase products from and people will take the time to research online before making a purchase. By having a social media presence that is both engaging and engaged it helps reassure clients that your business is reputable and can be trusted.

2.Humanizes your brand

Copying and pasting marketing lingo into social media just doesn?t work. You have less space to do it and the environment is completely different. Social media gives your business the opportunity to reach out and actually connect with your audience. No Stuffy corporate policies. Real one to one relationships.

3. Builds Your Sphere of influence

Your sphere of influence is the people in and around your brand that you interact with. There will always be key people of influence in your niche so spend some time getting to know them, watch and learn how they engage their audience and then start engaging with them. When you manage to develop a relationship with these key people of influence it impacts on your sphere of influence, people will see it and this too will help build your credibility online.

4. Your competition is using it.

using social media for businessYour industry or niche is represented on Facebook and Twitter. It is. If you don?t believe me go to Google and do a search for: ?Your niche? + ?Facebook? and see what comes up.

  • In 2011 Emarketer estimated that Facebook?s revenue from advertising was $3.8 billion and that could be $5.2 billion in 2012.
  • Emarketer also said that almost 40% of small businesses that sell on Facebook say it is their soles sales channel.

Companies are paying a lot of money to advertise and grow their brands in social media. That suggests that using social media for business is working.?If you aren?t already, then you should be.

5. Your target audience is using it.

Think of Facebook as a shopping mall, where people are living a virtual social life, being present in this mall is one of the smartest moves you can make for your small business.

The old saying goes that, ?numbers don?t lie? so here are the official statistics from Facebook about usuage.


  • We had 845 million monthly active users at the end of December 2011.
  • Approximately 80% of our monthly active users are outside the U.S. and Canada.
  • We had 483 million daily active users on average in December 2011.
  • We had more than 425 million monthly active users who used Facebook mobile products in December 2011.
  • Facebook is available in more than 70 languages


Of course these numbers are for Facebook only and don?t include any of the other social media sites which have hundreds of millions more of users. What would it mean to your business if you had 8 new customers? That is less than one millionth of the percentage of users on Facebook. Yes, there are certain pitfalls you need to ignore when using small business social media marketingbut surely it is worth trying.

6. Google?counts social sharing when ranking.

The whole concept of the internet is a web. If you think of a web there are many layers or paths to a single point. The more paths, called links, to this single point the more authoritive, or stronger?the point becomes.

When many different people on social media refer to your content, your website, your articles ,or your video it means that those individual people find your content useful, entertaining, informative or all of the above. When this happens the search engines pay attention and in return use this as a factor to provide better search engine?placement for your content.

Click on the following link to learn more about the social media effect on seo.

7. Provides great brand exposure

If your brand can really embrace the nature of social media, through providing great content and engaging and interacting with your audience in a manner that leads to building a great community that people want to be involved with, then your brand will get a great boost.

8. It?s the next generation of Word of mouth marketing

using social media for business

What better way to interact with new potential clients than via people who have already experienced what your brand has to offer? When your social media presence starts to generate conversation and reactions such as; likes, shares, tweets, pins or whatever else it maybe then you get their approval. This social recommendation is visible to that persons individual following and acts as a great gateway for their friends or family to get to know more about your brand.

9. Social Media Networking sites have high Page Rank

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn have high Page Rank. This means that in terms of the search engines like Google and Bing that they carry authority and therefore get good rank in search results. Having a well optimized social media profile on Facebook or LinkedIn can help you command search result places for your brand name or search terms related to your business, providing more ways for clients to get in contact with you.

10. Provides Transparency

Social media is an open book. If someone likes you then great, everyone can see it. If someone doesn?t like you and mentions something negative about your brand or experience then this too is available to the community.

Many successful businesses that leverage social media use this as an advantage to show how switched on they are by replying and finding a resolution and closing that loop. This shows to the watching community that your business has integrity and values interaction, criticism and debate and more importantly knows how to deal with it.

11. Opens Up Conversation

The users of your brand or experience are the best people to learn from when it comes to making things better. By invoking questions about the usability of your experience you will get an understanding as to what clients are looking for. You will also be able to gauge how to improve things in the future.??Social?media for small business?success is truly about listening as opposed to marketing!

Conversations act like a magnet; when one starts people prick up their ears and take notice. This can have a knock on effect where more and more people jump into the conversation. This could help to get your content and brand spread wide and far.

12. Aids Customer Service

using social media for businessMany businesses face the same questions time and time again when it comes to customer service. Use your social media outlets to answer those questions. By doing it this way you can highlight to your community that you are available but also get other people within the community to provide answers and support to new members who have perhaps experienced the same issues themselves.

13. Brand Exposure

Everybody wants to expose their brand to a larger audience. The more targeted people who are aware of your brand, the greater the chance you have of turning those into leads, paying clients and brand advocates.

In conclusion, using social media for business today is as important as learning how to use email for business 15 years ago.? We need to embrace social media; the possibilities it brings and the challenges it presents in order to remain profitable and, most importantly, relevant in an ever increasing social world.



James Debono is a small business owner and Internet entrepreneur. James dedicates his time to helping other small business owners leverage the power of the Internet to drive business growth and positive change. Click here James Debono+ to connect with James.

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  1. Why Social Media Strategies are All Important
  2. Social Media for Small Business ? Less of the Marketing and More of the Social.
  3. Social Media Marketing for Small Business ? 7 Time Saving Tips
  4. Small Business Social Media Marketing ? 6 Pitfalls to Avoid
  5. Small Business Social Media ? Avoid at Your Peril


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Outside group targets Obama record on energy

President Barack Obama speaks in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, Thursday, March 29, 2012, to urge Congress to eliminate tax breaks for oil and gas companies. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

President Barack Obama speaks in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, Thursday, March 29, 2012, to urge Congress to eliminate tax breaks for oil and gas companies. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

(AP) ? An outside group with ties to conservative causes on Thursday launched a $3.6 million ad buy lashing out at President Barack Obama's energy record, blaming him for rising gas prices and his decision to delay the Keystone XL pipeline project.

The ads aired in eight states by the American Energy Alliance seek to undercut Obama's message that he has increased oil drilling and pushed to develop renewable energy sources, and came as the president unsuccessfully pressured Congress to cut billions of dollars in subsidies for oil companies.

The ad, called "Nine dollar gas," says gas prices have nearly doubled on Obama's watch and criticizes his opposition to oil drilling in Alaska, his effort to block the Keystone XL pipeline and the administration's decision to provide more than $500 million in federal loans to solar company Solyndra, which later went bankrupt.

It also places a spotlight on Energy Secretary Steven Chu, quoting him from a 2008 interview as saying that the nation needs to "boost the price of gasoline to levels in Europe." ''That's $9 a gallon," the ad says. Chu is then shown saying he doesn't own a car.

"Tell Obama: We can't afford his failing energy policies," the ad concludes.

The ads are running in New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, Iowa, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, and Michigan, all states crucial to the 2012 presidential campaign.

Democrats called the American Energy Alliance a "front group for big oil," and released an ad on the Web that highlighted common Obama themes on energy: increased oil production, decisions to require carmakers to raise gas mileage standards and more renewable energy.

Obama has argued his case on energy in recent weeks, traveling to a solar plant in Nevada, oil fields in New Mexico and the site of a future pipeline in Oklahoma. On Thursday, he urged Congress to end the oil subsidies, saying the "oil industry is just fine" and no longer needs "taxpayer giveaways." The Senate rejected the plan.

Chu has since renounced his statement, saying at a recent House hearing that he has tried to reduce gas prices as energy secretary.

The American Energy Alliance's president is Thomas Pyle, a former lobbyist for Koch Industries. The industrial firm's top executives are Charles and David Koch, who have been prominent supporters of conservative causes.

Associated Press


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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Intuit hosts small business meet-up today | The Intuit Network

Post Date: March 29, 2012

Intuit is hosting two major events today ? starting with a meeting of five New York-area small business owners who will talk about how they use social media to gain customers and how they are using mobile applications to run their business more efficiently.

That?s followed by our fifth Intuit Gallery Walk, where we?ll spotlight several newly announced products that reflect our commitment to make the business of life easier, and more efficient, while creating better financial outcomes for consumers and small businesses.

We?re doing a few new things this year. The customer meeting starts at 9 a.m. Pacific time and can be seen live at It?ll be hosted by Chris Hylen,vice president and general manger of the Payment Solutions Division at Intuit. Guests include Sally Pelland of MomLife TV, Sarah Endline of Sweetriot Chocolate, Tedd Drattell of The A Team Group, Chrisie Canny of FortuneKeeper and Fran Biderman-Gross of Advantages.

Broadcast starts momentarily. Watch for updates on Twitter.

John Parkin works on Intuit's employee communications team, sharing cool stories about Intuit, its products and its people with its people. He's been known to read a comic book on occasion.


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[ [ [['A JetBlue flight from New York to Las Vegas', 3]], '', '[Related: View photos of the JetBlue plane in Amarillo]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Afghan security forces and police killed three', 3]], '', '[Related: Bales\' wife on his alleged shooting: \'He would not do that\']', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['looking for fireworks between the opposing camps', 16]], '', '[RELATED:\?It?s going to be a circus\?: Activists begin protests outside Supreme Court]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 8]], '', '[RELATED: Obama\?s health care law passed 2 years ago, but where are we now\?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Witnesses said the gunman pulled up on a black scooter', 7]], '', '[Related: New York police tighten security at Jewish sites]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['test Zimmerman for alcohol or drugs', 11]], '', '[Related: White House says Trayvon Martin is local issue]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Trayvon Martin decked the Neighborhood', 7]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '512', ' ', 'AP/David Goldman', ], [ [['Can you create commerce in order to regulate it', 9]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP/Charles Dharapak', ], [ [['associated with such a small earthquake', 4]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP Photo/Carrie Antlfinger', ], [ [['Fox News host Geraldo Rivera sparked outrage', 3]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP Photo/John Minchillo', ], [ [['The charges signed against Bales include', 1]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '512', ' ', 'AP Photo/DVIDS\, Spc\. Ryan Hallock\, File', ], [ [['George Zimmerman, if I had a son', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/John Minchillo', ], [ [['Mohamed Merah', 10], ['prosecutor Francois Molins', 5]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'REUTERS/Jean-Paul Pelissier', ], [ [['Shortly after he wrapped up his victory remarks', 2]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/Steven Senne', ], [ [['best understands the problems of average Americans', 2]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/Steven Senne', ], [ [['Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery', 7]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AFP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

[ [ [['presume laws are constitutional', 7]], '28747556', '0' ], [ [['has destroyed 15 to 25 houses', 7]], '28744868', '0' ], [ [['short answer is yes', 7]], '28746030', '0' ], [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', '' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]


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The Legal Status of Parking Space Under Condominium Law ...

Condominium is a multilevel building which is built in an area that is divided into sections which are structured functionally, whether horizontally or vertically that constitutes as units in which each can be owned and used separately, mainly for housing complemented with common equipment (bagian bersama), common facility (benda bersama) and common land (tanah bersama). Condominium is regulated in the Law Number 20 of 2011 on Condominium (?Law No. 20/2011?).

Land on where the building of Condominium stands is a common land. According to the law, common land is a piece of land used under an undivided common right, which is a Condominium building over it, determined in accordance with the building license.

According to Article 1 point 5 and 6 of Law no. 20/2011 common equipment is part of Condominium that is undividedly owned for common use, in a unified function of a Condominium. The examples of these are foundation, column, wall, floor, block, roof, stair, pipes, electricity system, gas, telecommunication and public area of a Condominium. Then, common facility is defined as a thing that does not form part of a Condominium, but jointly owned undividedly, for common use. The examples of these are park, landscaping, social building, religious building, playground, and parking space which is separated or integrated with the structure of Condominium building. Accordingly, based on the definitions set out above, of parking space is regarded as a common facility .

Technorati Tags: Apartment, Legal Status, Property, Real Estate

This entry was posted on March 29, 2012, 3:34 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.


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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Colon Cancer: Don't Miss The Symptoms | Hantsbridge

If you have discovered the cancer early on enough, the simple removal of the polyp may be adequate and you will not want chemotherapy. Your medical professional and cosmetic surgeon will want one to follow-up with numerous exams to ascertain the success of one's surgical procedure. It is important during this period which you verify all of the cancer continues to be removed and possesses not metastasized with parts of your system. What can I eat following my function - It isn't advisable to turn out to be eating straight after your current procedure. schoenenkast

Although colon cancer occurs mainly in fully developed individuals, this may also occur in more youthful men and women also. Some of the risks include a personal history of colonic as well as rectal polyps, a personal or genealogy and family history of digestive tract or arschfick cancer, along with certain conditions, such as persistent ulcerative colitis (CUC) and Crohn's condition. Warning Signs of Colon Cancer There are signs and symptoms or warning symptoms that should raise the mistrust that one features cancer. These include Obstruction Since the colon most cancers grows, specially if it is perfectly located at the transverse digestive tract or in the actual descending and also sigmoid colons, it may cause blockage, leading to a build-up of stress. ziekte van crohn

If you'd like to encounter more information with regards to stage Some colon melanoma,colon cancer malignancy your success amount. Innovative Colon Cancer malignancy can be Treated together with Innovation Drugs as Bevacizumab Available on the web with Massive Mountain Medications. com - Colon or even colorectal, cancer is one of the primary cause of fatalities associated with cancer malignancy in USA. This cancers originates in the massive intestine or the colon and in the anus which is the finish of the digestive tract. sushi maken

Limescale and vitamins Deb furthermore manage to assist look after in opposition to digestive tract cancer. Taking organic antioxidants, just like vitamin C as well as carotenoids, could lessen melanoma chance but some other numerous research has never backup these success. Veggies filled with folic acid b vitamin, such as leafy green veggies, be capable of offer you specific defense in opposition to colon cancer malignancy, specially in case you are having alcoholic beverages. Cruciferous fruit and vegetables, like green spinach and cauliflower, additionally consist of phytochemicals which will prevent damage to colon cellular material.

Radiation treatment method can be employed to address sufferers with period Intravenous colon melanoma. Surgical procedures is still main heal while chemo andor radiotherapy may perhaps be proposed using the personal individuals workplace arranged ups. Substantial-fiber ingredients guide waste through your gastrointestinal tract more rapidly, thus unsafe substances don't have a whole lot exposure to the liner of your gut. Excessive-roughage meals are often full of nutrients, which be capable of combat various sorts of cancers.

Two of the most common handed down colon cancers are hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer (HNPCC) and family adenomatous polyposis (FAP). Recently the actual genes that induce each of these situations were identified and now a blood examination has been developed that informs you if you have learned the disease. Due to these blood vessels tests, a person who has learned the disease will start getting analyzed for digestive tract cancer in an earlier age than a lot of people. This early on testing allows physicians to trap the disease noisy . stages, when it is most curable.


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[ [ [['Afghan security forces and police killed three', 3]], '', '[Related: Bales\' wife on his alleged shooting: \'He would not do that\']', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['looking for fireworks between the opposing camps', 16]], '', '[RELATED:\?It?s going to be a circus\?: Activists begin protests outside Supreme Court]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 8]], '', '[RELATED: Obama\?s health care law passed 2 years ago, but where are we now\?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Witnesses said the gunman pulled up on a black scooter', 7]], '', '[Related: New York police tighten security at Jewish sites]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['test Zimmerman for alcohol or drugs', 11]], '', '[Related: White House says Trayvon Martin is local issue]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 12]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '450', ' ', 'Reuters/Jonathan Ernst', ], [ [['associated with such a small earthquake', 4]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP Photo/Carrie Antlfinger', ], [ [['Fox News host Geraldo Rivera sparked outrage', 3]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP Photo/John Minchillo', ], [ [['The charges signed against Bales include', 1]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '512', ' ', 'AP Photo/DVIDS\, Spc\. Ryan Hallock\, File', ], [ [['George Zimmerman, if I had a son', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/John Minchillo', ], [ [['Mohamed Merah', 10], ['prosecutor Francois Molins', 5]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'REUTERS/Jean-Paul Pelissier', ], [ [['Shortly after he wrapped up his victory remarks', 2]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/Steven Senne', ], [ [['best understands the problems of average Americans', 2]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/Steven Senne', ], [ [['Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery', 7]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AFP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

[ [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', '' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]


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