J.D. energy and Associates unveiled the findings of the 2010 car Reliability Study. The evaluate is amid the automotive industry?s most extremely regarded actions of car quality. There experienced been numerous surprises on this year?s list. The winner was the Cadillac DTS sedan. it experienced been the preliminary time in a really decade that an American institution has made the industry?s one most trustworthy car. For the sport-utility car (?SUV?) class, J.D. energy and Associates divided the segment into 5 different categories. for that Compact Multi-Activity Vehicle, the Honda CR-V was named the winner. for that Midsize Multi-Activity Vehicle, the Toyota Highlander won. for that large Multi-Activity Vehicle, the Toyota Sequoia won. for that Midsize Premium Multi-Activity Vehicle, the Lexus GX470 was named the winner for that large Premium Multi-Activity Vehicle, the Lincoln Mark LT won.
It is surprising to ascertain that pursuing all there current recall trouble, Toyota builds three from the 5 SUVs concerning the list. it could be fascinating to ascertain how their recall troubles have an effect on their dependability rankings in following year?s study.
The Lincoln Mark LT could be the lone American car concerning the list. This Lincoln style is truly a luxury choose up with 4 full-size doors. The car utilizes precisely the comparable program as Ford?s F-150 pickup. The Mark LT is one more example from the raising problems in classifying automobiles using the SUV and associated classes.
Britain?s acreage Rover do not fare as well in J.D. energy and Associates? study. even although acreage Rovers may possibly be capable off-road vehicles, they once more finished last using the rankings, finishing 36 of 36. Jeep also graded near to the bottom from the list.
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?Would you attend nude gaming parties if they were real??? That?s the question that a new Thinkmodo campaign for XtendPlay asks.? The campaign, a mockumentary clip of a nude gaming party, has been viewed over 750,000 times in the first week and has sparked conversation all over the web.? I had the opportunity to ask Thinkmodo co-founder Michael Krivicka a few questions about this campaign, the art of the hoax, and how he and Thinkmodo have managed to start conversation time after time through online video.? Read on to find out what he had to say.
Before we get to my interview with Michael, you have to see this naked gaming video, if you haven?t already.? It features a bunch of naked New York gamers sitting around in their birthday suits, playing video games at a nude gaming party. ?The party is ?sponsored? by XtendPlay, an accessory for your Xbox 360 or Playstation controller that frees you up from ?the cramping and fatigue that ?naked? controllers can cause.?
Within days, the campaign received coverage on sites around the world from the Daily Mail and The Sun to websites in Russian, French, Italian, Spanish and Japanese.? Everyone wanted to know if nude gaming parties were real or if this was a hoax, and the conversation and comments that came out of the campaign have been hilarious so far?comments like, ?They are playing Call of Booty,? ?Ooopps, just grabbed the wrong joystick,? and ?This is the naked truth about gaming.?? (FYI?Xwerx will be holding a caption contest on their site this week, giving away free XtendPlay units to some of the funniest comments.)
While some viewers took this seriously, it was never actually intended as a ?hoax?.? Michael Krivika?s co-founder at Thinkmodo, James Percelay, told the Daily Mail, ?The art form is progressing where people presume now that these videos are hoaxes.? We?re entering into an understanding that, it?s kind of the implicit agreement now where the audience just wants to know how we did it. ?It?s almost the way you go to a magic show.? You know it?s not real, but you still want to sit down and figure out how that guy pulled a car out of his briefcase.?? Thinkmodo?s previous viral stunts include The Shaving Helmet viral for HeadBlade and, most recently, their Times Square hack viral for the movie Limitless, which has been viewed over 3 million times.
While Thinkmodo?s focus is currently on hoax videos, Michael tells me that Thinkmodo doesn?t like the term ?hoaxes.?? ?We call them ?conversation starters.?? Each video is a ?what if? scenario to start conversations about something that has a product plugged in that we are promoting.? This way we engage our viewers who ask themselves, ?What if this was real??? That opens conversations.?
I asked Michael about how they come up with their concepts and whether or not they test them out ahead of time to see if people believe they are real.? He told me, ?We don?t text a ?hoax? concept but we do a lot of research on it first to see if our idea has been done before.? That is not because we want to stay original, but because of SEO reasons.? So when someone Googles certain key words such as ?Shaving Helmet? or ?Times Square Hack? or ?Nude Gaming Party? then you will ONLY find our campaigns and nothing else.? That is critical for the campaign.? So a lot of strategic thinking goes into creating a viral concept like that.?
I was curious about where the idea for the Nude Gaming Party video came from.? Michael told me, ?The product we are promoting is a gaming accessory.? That means our target audience are gamers.? Gamers are open to fun and crazy things so we wanted to create something edgy and spicy that would get them talking about this product.?
Michael points out that, ?You can?t always go ?edgy? with viral campaigns for certain brands.? Especially brands who have an established image and are very scared to do the spicy things we do.? But the fact is, what we do works and it works extremely well.? Each of our campaigns delivers amazing results by creating global press and media buzz and directly boosting sales and web traffic for every client.? We get daily emails from companies who want to ?go viral? but then they give us a list of things we cannot do.? WTF?? You have to step out of your comfort zone and do something creative and spice things up to get people talking.?
Megan O?Neill is the resident web video enthusiast here at Social Times.? Megan covers everything from the latest viral videos to online video news and tips, and has a passion for bizarre, original and revolutionary content and ideas.
I have been a dog owner for the last 25 years and take my dog everywhere. To restaurants, motels, church, yes even in my bed. Fleas are not very picky and dont care if it?s animal blood or your blood. So fleas have been my sworn enemy for the last 25 years. What I learned by going through your e-book (How To Protect Your Pets From Fleas), made me wish something like your book was around a long time ago? I know times are hard, but the fleas dont care. By starting before fleas get a hold, it is easily possible to save the price of the book by using the cheap, or home remedies found in it. I am passive person, but DEATH to FLEAS! I highly recommend your book! Suzanne Gorrell, Disabilityjourney.com
Over the years my pets and I have just tolerated our flea problem. I never let it get out of hand, but I never got rid of all the fleas either? Then I got a copy of your book ? many thanks ? and learned that there were more ways to deal with fleas than I knew about. And more importantly, as I was reading I began to think about getting rid of my flea problem in an coordinated way. Not just treating my dogs and cats haphazardly, but actually attacking the problem, in a systimatic way ? taking care of the fleas not just on my pets, but in my entire home?. I came up with a plan that used several ways of getting rid of fleas mentioned in your book and now I don?t tolerate fleas, cause there aren?t any fleas in my home to tolerate? Samual Frea
The leading cause of skin problems in dogs and cats is the ordinary flea. Fleas can occur year-round in warm climates or on pets that live indoors." ? Minnisota Department of Health
"The sticktight flea is one of the smallest fleas found on domestic animals, usually measuring less than half the size of the cat flea. And it is not as common as the cat flea"
"Fleas are blood-feeding insects. Pain and itching results from an allergic reaction to the materials that the fleas inject into the skin at the time of the bite."
If you?re looking for ways to get rid of fleas and keep them from coming back? Then this book is for you! If you?ve heard conflicting advice about the best way to treat your flea-infested pet and want clear answers? Then this book is for you! Or maybe you?re just curious about what fleas are and why they find our pets so attractive? Then this book is for you, too!"
I first encountered fleas when I was kid with my own dog? he slept in my room at night and waited for me to come home from school each day.
His name was ?Sparky?, and he was just a mutt. But I taught him to do tricks like shaking hands, sitting and barking on command? we played ball and he caught frisbees. I loved that dog. He was my pal.
Sparky was a ?flea factory?! He was always scratching and scratching and biting himself?
I tried everything: flea collars, many baths, various home remedies. Even talked my mom into taking him to vet a few times (I hated seeing him suffer). But nothing seemed to work very long. Oh, some of the treatments did work for a few days? and then the fleas would be back, just as bad as before!
I thought to myself, then? shouldn?t I be able to effectively get rid of Sparky?s fleas and keep them from coming back? But I was just a kid?
Ok, I?m not really a flea expert? but that?s what all my friends and family think, today.
Until just a couple of years ago, I thought I had my current dog?s flea problem, pretty much in hand. As an adult, I was better in my efforts in controlling fleas in my home or I thought was? Then we had a foreign exchange student stay with us, who had a bad allergic reaction to flea bites from fleas living in my home!
I wasn?t better at stopping those fleas. I was just better at ignoring the problem&hellip And that is when I got obsessed with finding out everything I could about fleas, the diseases and ailments they cause, why our pets get them?
Any information that claimed to be useful for preventing or removing fleas? I wanted to know about! I devoured every website on the internet about fleas (a good place to start). I got some magazines, some books, and read all the research articles on what actually works and what doesn?t.
Some flea treatments work EXTREMELY well for getting fleas to find another home? And others don?t work as well.
As I was researching and began to know what to look for? I began to notice specific things that could tip you off to a treatment that works? and what you should look out for that would tell you it?s a total scam.
And I realized that you didn?t need to know a lot of stuff. You don?t have to be a ?flea expert? like me or a veterinarian.
In fact, what I discovered was there are only a few, but important things you have to know about fleas to make smart buying choices for products and what strategies to coordinate with them.
I discovered a problem as I was searching for good flea imformation? There was no good, simple guide to flea treatment and prevention. I could not find anything ? that booklet ? that put all the necessary information together and left out the fluff and the unnecessary data.
What I was looking for, and what you will find here, was just something that told me what I needed to know about flea treatments and which ones actually work? What are the basic things I should know? Read?more?
Who's more influential in the Republican Party - the so-called Tea Party or Wall Street and big business? The answer will be critical in the weeks ahead as the House decides whether to raise the limit on the nation's debt.
Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner warns that if the limit isn't increased by Aug. 2, the federal government goes broke. It doesn't just close down. It stops making lots of payments.
To continue paying interest on the federal debt and avoiding a default, the government will have to cut spending by about 35 percent, about $3.8 billion a day. Seniors expecting Social Security and Medicare checks will be in for a rude surprise, as will military personnel and other government workers expecting to be fully paid.
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Those of you, who are interested in personal finance investment, you would be glad to know that there are several investment opportunities. You can invest in stocks. Stocks or shares are the equity investments. You get a share in the company?s profits and loses. If the company does well, you get higher returns, and if the company goes in to losses, you also lose your money. By buying shares of a renowned company or the one that has been performing well over the last few years, you can assure yourself of secure financial investment.
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You may also go for forex trading. Forex trading is trading in foreign exchange currencies. Buy currencies at lower rates and sell them at higher rates to earn huge profits. Forex trading can be done online as well. Plus, you can start with few hundred dollars and if it offers you handsome returns, you can probably increase the investments.
Some other personal finance investment options include buying Certificate Of Deposit, or CD. Private and public banks offer CDs at attractive rates and for varying lengths. Usually, the interest rate is higher for longer investment period, and low for short-term duration.
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Anthony Veiga - About the Author:
To get more information visit usInvestment Planning.
Then and Now Ten a long time back, a look for real estate would have began in the office of a nearby actual estate agent or by just driving about town. At the agent?s office, you would invest an afternoon flipping by means of pages of active house listings from the local Multiple Listing Service (MLS). After picking attributes of interest, you would invest lots of weeks touring every single residence until you discovered the proper 1. Finding market data to enable you to evaluate the asking price would take more time and a whole lot a lot more driving, and you nevertheless may possibly not be able to uncover all the specifics you required to obtain seriously comfy with a fair marketplace worth. Today, most property searches start within the Internet. A quick key phrase investigation on Google by place will probably get you thousands of outcomes. If you spot a home of curiosity on the actual estate web web page, you could ordinarily see photos on the internet and maybe even consider a virtual tour. You can then examine other Web sites, which include the local county assessor, to obtain an notion from the property?s value, see what the current owner compensated for your residence, examine the real estate taxes, get census data, college information, and even check out what shops are within walking distance-all without having leaving your home! While the sources within the Internet are handy and valuable, utilizing them properly can be a problem because of the quantity of data along with the trouble in verifying its accuracy. At time of creating, a research of ?Denver actual estate? returned 2,670,000 Web internet sites. Even a neighborhood distinct investigation for actual estate can effortlessly return thousands of Web web sites. With so various sources on-line how does an investor effectively use them without having getting bogged down or winding up with incomplete or bad data? Believe it or not, comprehending how the small business of real estate performs offline makes it easier to know on the net actual estate specifics and methods. The Business of Real Estate Real estate is normally purchased and bought both by means of a licensed real estate agent or straight from the owner. The huge bulk is purchased and sold via actual estate brokers. (We use ?agent? and ?broker? to refer towards the identical expert.) This is on account of their actual estate understanding and encounter and, a minimum of historically, their unique access to a database of energetic qualities on the market. Access to this database of residence listings provided essentially the most efficient way to search for qualities. The MLS (and CIE) The database of residential, land, and scaled-down income producing properties (which includes some industrial attributes) is frequently known as a numerous listing services (MLS). In most circumstances, only properties outlined by member actual estate agents is usually additional to an MLS. The main objective of an MLS is to allow the member real estate agents to make presents of compensation to other member agents if they come across a purchaser for the home. This functions did not contain enabling the immediate publishing with the MLS data for the public; occasions alter. Today, most MLS details is straight accessible for the community above the Internet in a whole lot of diverse types. Commercial residence listings are also displayed on the web but aggregated business home information is alot more elusive. Larger MLSs often operate an industrial facts exchange (CIE). A CIE is similar to an MLS however the agents incorporating the listings for the database are not necessary to give any distinct kind of compensation for the other members. Compensation is negotiated outdoors the CIE. In most circumstances, for-sale-by-operator properties can not be directly extra to an MLS and CIE, which are usually maintained by REALTOR associations. The deficiency of a managed centralized database can make these qualities more hard to locate. Traditionally, these properties are discovered by driving about or looking for ads inside the neighborhood newspaper?s actual estate listings. An additional effective strategy to locate for-sale-by-owner qualities would be to lookup for a for-sale-by-proprietor Web site within the geographic region. What is genuinely a REALTOR? Sometimes the conditions real estate agent and REALTOR are employed interchangeably; nonetheless, they aren?t the very same. A REALTOR is a certified real estate agent who?s also a member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS. REALTORS are required to comply having a stringent code of ethics and carry out. MLS and CIE home listing facts was historically only out there in difficult copy, and as we talked about, only directly obtainable to real estate agents members of an MLS or CIE. About 10 decades back, this useful property details started to trickle out for the Internet. This trickle is now a flood! One cause is that most of the one million or so REALTORS have Web web sites, and the bulk of those Web internet sites have different quantities of the neighborhood MLS or CIE property info shown on them. Another cause is that you can find plenty of non-real estate agent Web sites that also offer real estate facts, which includes, for-sale-by-owner sites, foreclosure websites, regional and global listing internet sites, County assessor sites, and valuation and market information and facts sites. The flood of real estate data to the Internet unquestionably makes the information even more accessible but additionally even more puzzling and subject to misunderstanding and misuse. Real Estate Agents Despite the flood of actual estate facts to the Internet, most properties are still available directly by means of actual estate agents listing properties inside the neighborhood MLS or CIE. However, those residence listings don?t stay local any longer. By its nature, the Internet is an international marketplace and local MLS and CIE listings are typically disseminated for display on numerous numerous Web internet sites. For example, lots of visit the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS Web webpage, http://www.realtor.com, and towards the nearby real estate agent?s Web website. In addition, the listing may well be shown about the Web website of a local newspaper. In essence, the Internet is just another type of marketing offered by nowadays?s actual estate agent, however it has a much broader reach compared to previous print advertising. In addition to Internet marketing and advertising, listing agents may well also help the seller create a price, hold open houses, keep the seller informed of interested buyers and offers, negotiate the agreement and support with closing. When an agent gives all of those solutions it can be known as being a complete service listing arrangement. While full service listing arrangements are essentially the most common kind of listing arrangement, they are not the one choice any longer. Changes inside the technologies powering the real estate company have brought on most agents to change the best way they do enterprise. In huge component, this is due to the instant access most shoppers now have to property listings and other real estate data. In addition, the Internet along with other technologies have automatic a lot from the promoting and original searching procedure for real estate. For example, buyers can watch attributes on the web and make inquires via e-mail. Brokers can use automated applications to send listings to customers that match their property standards. So, some agents now limit the services they give and change their charges accordingly. An agent may possibly give to promote the residence within the MLS but only present restricted further services. In the future, some real estate agents might possibly present services in alot more of an ala carte fashion. Because from the volume of real estate information and facts on the Internet, when people employ a real estate agent right now they need to have a search at the specific services provided by the agent and the depth of their experience and information within the related home sector. It is no longer just about access to residence listing data. Buyers and sellers historically discovered agents by referrals from buddies and family members. The Internet now gives approaches to directly uncover capable agents or to study the biography of an agent referred to you offline. One these website, AgentWorld.com, is quickly changing into the LinkedIn or Facebook for real estate agents. On this web page an agent can personalize their profile, begin a blog, submit photos and video clips as effectively as make a website link to their web web-site for totally free. Once one of a kind content material is added to their profile web page the search engines like google notice! Some have argued the Internet makes REALTORS and also the MLS much less relevant. We believe this can be false in the long run. It could possibly alter the function from the agent but will make knowledgeable, skilled, and skilled REALTORS additional related than ever before. In truth, the quantity of real estate agents has risen drastically lately. No surprise, the Internet has created local actual estate an international company. Besides, Internet or not, the effortless truth remains that the obtain of real home will be the largest single purchase many people make within their daily life (or, for an incredible number of investors, the largest multiple purchases more than a lifetime) and they want professional support. As for the MLS, it remains probably the most reliable supply of actual estate listing and marketed data available and continues to enable effective promoting of attributes. So, what is the function of all the online real estate information and facts? Online actual estate information is a fantastic investigation instrument for buyers and sellers and a marketing instrument for sellers. When utilized effectively, customers can conserve time by quickly exploring properties and, ultimately, make superior investment decisions. Sellers can efficiently research the marketplace and make knowledgeable decisions about employing an agent and promoting their properties internet. The next phase is to know where to look online for some of the finest sources. Internet Strategies In the sections that comply with, we supply techniques and strategies on learn how to make use of the Internet to find qualities for sale and investigation data related to your choice to obtain the property. There are several actual estate Web websites from which to pick out and although we do not mean to endorse any particular Web web page, we have discovered those outlined here to become superior resources in many circumstances or to be so common that they have to have mention. One technique to test a Web web site?s accuracy is to lookup for information about a property you currently personal. Finding Real Estate for Sale Despite the broadly accessible entry to actual estate listings, countless think that MLS databases continue to provide one of the most total and accurate source of actual estate info. Most MLSs now distribute content to other Web web-sites (mainly operated by actual estate agents). An great beginning level for MLS originated content is the national NAR Web site, realtor.com, which is also one of the most preferred internet web page for looking real estate listings. Virtually all local and regional MLSs have an agreement with realtor.com to show significantly of their energetic listing stock. Some nearby and regional MLS methods also possess a publicly accessible Web internet site. However, to obtain complete info you may most likely still need to have to locate a professional nearby REALTOR. Many nearby actual estate agents will even give their consumers (through e-mail) new listings that are input to the MLS that match their predefined criteria. This can be exceptionally helpful to a hectic purchaser. There are also an excellent number of Web websites that display each actual estate agent detailed and for-sale-by-operator properties. Some with the much more favorite Web websites contain zillow.com and trulia.com. These internet sites present other solutions too. For instance, zillow.com is very best recognized for its instantaneous house valuation function and trulia.com for offering historical specifics. Another source of qualities on the market is the state, regional, and local Web web sites associated with brokerage firms; as an example, remax.com or prudential.com. Search engines like yahoo.com and classified advertising internet sites like craigslist.com also possess a huge quantity of energetic actual estate listings. One crucial distinction between these web-sites is how much specifics you can entry anonymously. For example, at trulia.com you possibly can shop anonymously up to a stage but then you may have to have to click via to the agent?s Web website for even more facts. Many new actual estate search engines allow you to sift through listings without having to fill out a kind. The top strategy is to browse a couple of from the websites listed above to acquire geographic locations or cost ranges which are fascinating. Once you get significant about a house, then that is the time for you to discover a qualified REALTOR of one?s choice to carry out a total lookup within the neighborhood MLS. It also never hurts to investigation the previous-fashioned way by driving by way of the neighborhoods that interest you. There is no substitute for physically, not virtually, walking the block after you are generating a serious purchase decision. In this perception, actual estate is nonetheless a fairly local company and standing in entrance with the residence can lead to a considerably diverse choice than viewing a Web page printout. Valuing Real Estate As we talked about, 1 of one of the most favorite real estate resources is zillow.com?s instant house valuation. Just kind in an address and in and also you get a home value. It even charts the cost ups and downs, and shows the last date offered (which includes price) plus the home taxes. There are other internet sites that offer comparable resources like housevalues.com and homegain.com. Unfortunately, lots of folks use these estimated values on your own to justify sales prices, presents and counteroffers. However, they are only rough estimates based on a method that incorporates the nearby county sales and profits details. These estimates can swing wildly above a brief time period and do not appear to generally track genuine marketplace changes, which are usually additional gradual. In addition, these estimates do not immediately consider property remodels or renovations or other property distinct or nearby modifications. This just isn?t to say these web sites aren?t helpful. In fact, they are great starting points and may give a superb ball-park worth in lots of circumstances. When it comes to obtaining a more accurate value for any particular property, you will discover other strategies which are additional trustworthy. One would be to go directly for your county?s Web internet site. More commonly than not the county assessor?s location of the Web web-site provides sales and tax specifics for all properties within the county. If you would like to research a certain property or evaluate income prices of comparable qualities, the local assessor?s websites are actually helpful. When you go to a county?s Web webpage you are getting data directly in the source. Most counties right now publish home specifics on their Web web-sites. Many times you can not only see the price a prior proprietor paid, however the assessed worth, house taxes, and maps. Some county assessors are actually incorporating a market and property valuation instruments too. Given the significance of valuation to investing, we?re also going to remind you of the two most significant (non-Internet) valuation procedures: real estate agents and appraisers. Working having a nearby REALTOR is surely an accurate and effective way to get worth info for the house. While one of the primary purposes with the MLS would be to market the active house listings of its members, the program also collects sales and profits information and facts for those listings. REALTOR members can pull this revenue information and produce similar marketplace analyses (from time for you to time called CMAs) that provide an excellent snapshot of a particular residence?s worth for the market inside a certain area. Finally, the most accurate technique to value a residence is by acquiring a certified appraiser produce an appraisal. An appraiser will commonly evaluation both the available info within the MLS system too as county information and facts after which analyze the data to generate a valuation for the home based on 1 or a lot more approved methods of valuation. These procedures of valuation can incorporate a comparison of similar properties adjusted for variations in between the attributes, establish the price to exchange the property, or, with an earnings creating home, determine a worth based on the revenue generated through the residence. The Neighborhood There are lots of ways the Internet can aid you get the scoop on the particular neighborhood. For example, census data can be discovered at census.gov. You can also have an appear at the neighborhood scoop at internet sites like outside.in or assessment nearby blogs. A blog is seriously a Web web site where consumers discuss matters by posting and responding to messages. Start by looking at placeblogger.com and kcnn.org/citymediasites.com to get a directory of weblogs. Trulia.com has a ?Heat Map? that shows how hot or chilly every neighborhood is based on prices, income, or reputation amongst the websites people. Schools When it arrives to promoting residential property or rental properties that cater to families, the excellent from the area school district makes a substantial difference. There are a large number of Web web sites devoted to school details. Check out greatschools.web or schoolmatters.com. Most local school districts also have their personal Web web page. These web sites contain many different information regarding the general public colleges along with the school district, such as its district demographics, check scores, and father or mother reviews. Finding the Right Real Estate Agent A current addition towards the Internet boom in real estate facts is Web sites that let actual estate agents market their experience and local information by exhibiting their expert profiles and socially networking with weblogs. You can research to get an agent having a particular experience, geographic area of specialization, or an agent providing distinct services. The web web-site AgentWorld.com lets users promptly and easily come across an agent with the right expertise employing keyword searches and clean and straightforward agent profiles. AgentWorld.com also enables agents to submit personalised weblogs, pictures and video clips to assist buyers obtain the finest agent for his or her requirements. Plus, plenty of agent profiles incorporate a direct website link for the agent?s web site exactly where you will most likely uncover the neighborhood MLS listings. Maps and Other Tools The Internet has made mapping and locating qualities a lot less complicated. To get an aerial see or satellite picture of a home or neighborhood, visit maps.reside.com or maps.google.com or check out walkscore.com to view how stroll-able a particular property is. These internet sites can offer you an idea of the neighborhood characteristics plus the varieties of amusement, dining establishments, as nicely as other facilities that are within strolling distance with the property. Maps.Live.com delivers a watch at an angle so you can see the sides of homes and Maps.Google even gives you a 360 degree road-stage view for specific neighborhoods. If you might have not attempted one of these satellite map Web sites, you certainly should really if only for amusement. Final Thoughts on Internet Strategies The Internet is an incredibly effective research and promoting instrument for real estate investors but just isn?t a replacement for any knowledgeable skilled real estate professional. The Internet can save you time and capital by enabling fast and straightforward property analysis and advertising possibilities. Sites like AgentWorld.com also aid you effectively get a REALTOR who fits your buying or promoting requirements. Always bear in mind, in relation to Internet methods for actual estate: More knowledge is far better. You need to have to make use of the Internet to construct your information base on a target house or to locate a real estate agent with knowledge you need. However, the huge caution here is that the Internet really should not change human judgment and perspective, expert suggestions or physical because of diligence-keys to productive investing.
I believe it?s never too late in one?s life to begin writing fiction.?I learned that lesson four years ago shortly after turning thirty. For me, the inciting incident occurred one brisk October evening when a friend lightheartedly challenged me to participate with him in an annual writing event called National Novel Writing Month; the objective of which is to turn out fifty-thousand words of first-draft fiction during the month of November. Thrilling, exhausting, and rewarding are three words that best describe the event.
Flash-forward to today and you?ll find that I call myself a fiction writer.?Why? Because I write. I write in the evenings when my wife goes to bed early.?I write on the weekends when my wife sleeps in late. I daydream about writing while working as an information technology analyst. I jot down story and character ideas into my smart phone precisely when inspiration strikes. Most importantly, though, I schedule time to write.
How I became a fiction writer puzzles me. I can?t say I was shaped or influenced in any way by talented authors like C.S. Forester or Ian Fleming. In fact, I only recall partially reading three books for entertainment as an adolescent:? A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, The Call of the Wild by Jack London, and Henry Huggins by Beverly Cleary.
The bulk of my fiction reading, err? skimming, occurred in high school with novels like The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway, and To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. I became very proficient reading only the first sentence of each paragraph of several chapters while snacking on chocolate Tastykakes in the school cafeteria.
My desire to read for entertainment increased somewhat in my college years and throughout my twenties, albeit works of non-fiction like biographies, business books, and software language instructional books.
So how is it that a thirty-four year old adult who rarely read a fiction book in his life comes to call himself a fiction writer??Because to me, I discovered that writing is a fine art.
Throughout my life fine art has always been a constant. I?ve always enjoyed photography, detailed pen-and-ink drawing, and performing in stage plays. I realized that fiction writing is just another form of fine art. It?s about taking a blank page and inserting just the right words to invoke a specific feeling, either from you or from others. Ultimately, writing fiction is all about capturing life and emotion, right there in black and white.
Unlike many fine arts, getting started in fiction writing is easy. At the very basic you just need a pen, a notebook, and your imagination. There?s no complicated or lengthy set-up or clean-up effort, and you can do it almost anywhere, even when you only have as few as five minutes available to work on your art. I think that?s one of the selling points that appeals to me as I get older.
Today I frequently read fiction novels with an appreciation of the painstaking detail that went into creating them. I allow myself to get immersed into the action as the author intended. I marvel at a particular turn of prose. Not unlike Buck at the end of The Call of the Wild, I realize my old life prior to writing fiction is a thing of the past. I am now a fiction writer.
There is ample direction for a different franchise opportunity of every type today, but there are some that just are deemed more successful than others. One of these is a business in the health and fitness industry. There are many different factors that have to be considered first. The fitness arena can be one that is very popular, profitable, and successful, but much of the success has to come from the drive of the owners.
If you are considering a fitness franchise opportunity, you need to first of all make sure that you have an active interest in the health and field industry. You do not want to invest your time, effort, and money in such an endeavor that may be profitable but one that you are not really dedicated to. It is incredibly difficult to become successful at this type of business if your heart is not in it. You also want to make sure that whatever you do will be a lot of fun for you, for your employees, and for those customers and clients that you have that will frequent your business.
A franchise opportunity like this is one of the most popular and prosperous kinds of businesses to get into. There are more than 30,000 health clubs and work out centers across the country today, and together they make up billion in revenue every year. 50 million people in the country are members of some kind of fitness center or gym, and with each year come even more. With heart disease, obesity, and other health related problems on the rise, Americans are realizing the incredible benefit to joining these health clubs. If you enjoy people, health, and athletics, a gym franchise opportunity may be a good choice.
One of the most important things that you will want to consider too is location. The location of your business has to be one that is in need of a gym franchise, or the opportunity for top revenue is wasted. You don t want to waste your time with a business in a town that has five more businesses just like it. Make sure that the location of your gym franchise opportunity is one that will be convenient for you to get to and from when it comes to traveling there from your home. Many people fail to take location into consideration like they should, so just keep in mind that if you hate to drive, you shouldn t choose a location that is very far from your home. These are just some of the factors that you need to consider when you are considering a gym franchise opportunity.
About the Author
For more information on franchise opportunity, please visit our website.
May 28th, 2011 | Category: Fitness Franchise | Comments Off
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TPM Reader MH isn't too worried: Meh. Republicans can play the game theory madman role all they want at this point. But everybody knows the hostage has a get out of jail free card. The Republican fund raising base, the...
Everyone wants to acquire riches, but many don?t know how. If you?re clueless on where to start or what to do, that ends now. This article reveals wealth building tips and tools for anyone who?s interested to improve their lifestyle.
I believe you?re not likely to run away from such an opportunity for growth. Don?t worry; all these tips are legal and ethical. So without further ado, I give you these wealth building tips and tools.
Wealth Building Tip # 1: Learn Restraint.
It?s a lot more difficult to discipline yourself when you?re equipped with a credit card. However, that is part of the challenge.
If you really want to be wealthy, you must first avoid unnecessary purchases. Not only will this save you money, this will also teach you to discern wise buys from unwise buys. You?ll become a better decision maker and will ultimately have more control of your money.
Don?t be one of those people who allow themselves to be victimized by materialism. It?s not a bad thing to splurge once in a while; but when the compulsion gets out of control, you might as well say goodbye to your wealth and say hello to mountainous debts.
Wealth Building Tip # 2: Learn To Invest.
Money will not grow on its own. You have to invest it if you want your wealth to expand. Of course, you can?t just put all your money into one pot. Nor should you scatter it around without a second thought.
From the first tip, you should have already developed patience and wisdom. Before investing your money into anything, make sure you have researched well. Consult others who are more knowledgeable and more experienced in that area.
Investments can also be risky. But that is part of learning how to build wealth. Be prepared to have a plan B in case things go awry. Plan Bs are very crucial. Ask the most successful entrepreneurs and leaders, and majority of them would have a plan B (or even Plan C and D) waiting in the wings.
Wealth Building Tip # 3: Learn To Manifest Wealth.
Manifesting wealth with your mind is critical in attaining abundance. If you think like a poor person, you will become or remain that way. If you think like someone who knows wealth and who has experienced wealth, then your chances of acquiring riches are magnified ten times over.
It?s all about mind over matter. What you think about most of the time will be reflected in what actually happens to you. So if you want to manifest wealth, think in those terms and see the magic happen.
These wealth building tips and tools are available at your disposal. Use them wisely.
About the Author
Get your FREE access to the success secrets of the world?s richest and most successful people. Discover the 7 vital traits of successful entrepreneurs now and take the self-assessment quiz, audio, and video ? for free ? at http://www.expertpersuader.com/successupgrade
The usual political example of ?mixed signals? is depicted by conflicting statements made by politicians in different settings, but the use of ?mixed signals? is no longer restricted to the world of politics. As banks become more connected with politics, it should come as no surprise that ?mixed signals? is now as accurate in describing the financial world as it is with the political world. Unfortunately for small business financing, ?mixed signals? has become a regular description that applies to business loans and working capital.
As a descriptive phrase, ?mixed signals? most frequently includes references to confusion and variation as well as deception. Particularly in a competitive business world where the mere appearance of confusion or deception can be devastating, this phrase is routinely intended to be critical and negative. With this viewpoint, it is striking to see how often ?mixed signals? or similar words have been used to describe current banking activities (based on a recent online search). The use of ?mixed signals? seems to be appropriate and accurate (especially when viewed through the lens of commercial borrowers and business owners) because the words and actions of many banks are currently at odds with each other.
Commercial credit lines have been increasingly reduced or revoked entirely and fewer commercial mortgages are being completed in most locations even though lenders have indicated that business lending is proceeding at a normal pace. A direct result of this is confusion among business owners about the true availability of business financing and commercial real estate financing. Due to mixed signals as well as other factors, many commercial borrowers are now reluctantly admitting that banks are just not what they used to be. In a way similar to many automobile manufacturers that are now a tarnished and shriveled version of what they once were, it seems like almost overnight most banks have lost the confidence of the public. With such changes, small business owners are facing a new commercial loan environment and must adapt quickly. Because their business banker is not as likely to be up to the task anymore, small business owners should not hesitate to admit that they must look out for their own best interests.
The analysis here is intended to be a candid and practical evaluation of a situation currently faced by many small business owners. When unwinding a long-term relationship with a bank or banker, some of the same trauma that occurs when any positive relationship suddenly goes sour is likely to be present. Parties are likely to move forward after doing the best that they can. When making decisions involving potential changes, a small business owner considering whether to fire their banker should analyze the likely consequences if no changes are made. If keeping the old bank is holding their business back, either by bad advice or inadequate business financing, most business owners will conclude that they should seek a new bank.
There appears to be an adequate supply of new small business finance sources to fill the void left by the exit of many banks and other lenders from commercial lending despite the confusing and complicated lending climate for small businesses. Having a reliable and effective business loan provider to consistently support the operational requirements of their business is what matters to most business owners after all is said and done. Several outcomes can be produced by small business loan confusion. Individual circumstances will cause final decisions to vary for commercial borrowers effected by mixed lending signals. One of the most difficult issues to be considered in the process of small business finance decision-making is the feasibility of finding a new working capital financing or business financing source.
Business borrowers should be prepared to take a more personal and active role in the commercial finance needs of their business in order to increase the chances of their business surviving despite mixed signals from commercial lenders. There are a number of business financing resources which will describe specific commercial finance issues in more detail for small business owners seeking to learn more about any mixed signals they are experiencing with business loans.
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Sales Pro: Sales Manager - Unified Communication Solutions
Sales Manager ? Unified Communication Solutions London 50-60k Base, 100-120k OTE + Excellent Benefits?
Our Central London based client is a leading provider of Collaboration and Unified Communication solutions to the business community. With their advanced technology platforms, commitment to customer service and portfolio of products and solutions to meet with every need, they are well paced for further growth. Our client is now seeking an experienced Sales Manager to lead new business activities from their London office.
As a London based Sales Manager you will be responsible for the complete management of a team that will consist of new business focused sales professionals. You will assume responsibility for profit and loss, retention and recruitment, target and budgetary control and all other aspects of sales team management. Reporting into senior management you will lead the team by example, driving both account strategy and business planning with the ultimate goal of exceeding corporate expectations. Further information is available through contacting Certus Sales Recruitment.
The ideal candidate will possess a minimum of 3 years current Sales Management and over 5 years corporate sales experience. You will have knowledge / experience from within the Telco, IT, Technology or Conferencing sectors. You will have managed and led large sales teams, possess excellent communication, leadership and presentation skills and above all have the motivation and dedication to drive not only your own career but that of you team?s forward.
The successful candidate can expect a base salary circa 50-60k with an uncapped 6 figure OTE plus an additional benefits package.
Certus Sales Recruitment is an established and experienced specialist sales recruitment consultancy, providing sales recruitment services to the business to business marketplace throughout the UK. We are experts in the recruitment of internal and external (field sales) sales professionals from Graduate & Sales Trainee through to Sales Manager and Sales Director levels. With specialist sales divisions covering: Commercial Sales, FMCG, Information, Financial, Medical and Pharmaceutical, IT/Technology (Software, Hardware, Telco and Services), Media, Rec2Rec and Marketing positions, we are well positioned to deliver cost effective sales recruitment solutions in a timely manner. To find out more about us please visit Certus Sales Recruitment http://www.certussales.com????? ?
Contact Details
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Sales Pro: Sales Manager - Unified Communication Solutions
Sales Manager ? Unified Communication Solutions London 50-60k Base, 100-120k OTE + Excellent Benefits?
Our Central London based client is a leading provider of Collaboration and Unified Communication solutions to the business community. With their advanced technology platforms, commitment to customer service and portfolio of products and solutions to meet with every need, they are well paced for further growth. Our client is now seeking an experienced Sales Manager to lead new business activities from their London office.
As a London based Sales Manager you will be responsible for the complete management of a team that will consist of new business focused sales professionals. You will assume responsibility for profit and loss, retention and recruitment, target and budgetary control and all other aspects of sales team management. Reporting into senior management you will lead the team by example, driving both account strategy and business planning with the ultimate goal of exceeding corporate expectations. Further information is available through contacting Certus Sales Recruitment.
The ideal candidate will possess a minimum of 3 years current Sales Management and over 5 years corporate sales experience. You will have knowledge / experience from within the Telco, IT, Technology or Conferencing sectors. You will have managed and led large sales teams, possess excellent communication, leadership and presentation skills and above all have the motivation and dedication to drive not only your own career but that of you team?s forward.
The successful candidate can expect a base salary circa 50-60k with an uncapped 6 figure OTE plus an additional benefits package.
Certus Sales Recruitment is an established and experienced specialist sales recruitment consultancy, providing sales recruitment services to the business to business marketplace throughout the UK. We are experts in the recruitment of internal and external (field sales) sales professionals from Graduate & Sales Trainee through to Sales Manager and Sales Director levels. With specialist sales divisions covering: Commercial Sales, FMCG, Information, Financial, Medical and Pharmaceutical, IT/Technology (Software, Hardware, Telco and Services), Media, Rec2Rec and Marketing positions, we are well positioned to deliver cost effective sales recruitment solutions in a timely manner. To find out more about us please visit Certus Sales Recruitment http://www.certussales.com????? ?
Todd Phillips? The Hangover Part II is tracking so well it?s widely expected to become the first movie in months to open north of $100 million at the domestic box office.
The R-rated sequel, from Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures, has the advantage of a four-day weekend because of Memorial Day, and is giving itself an additional day of play by opening on Thursday at 12:01 a.m.
Hangover Part II popped up on tracking several weeks ago, garnering more interest overall than Disney?s Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, which probably didn?t make Disney brass too happy. On Stranger Tides opened to $90.1 million domestically over the weekend, but made up ground overseas, where it earned a record-breaking $260.4 million.
Tracking for Hangover Part II isn?t slowing down any, either, causing some box office observers to predict that it could even debut north of $120 million domestically for the extended weekend.
No R-rated film has ever opened to $100 million or greater. And with the domestic box office in a slump, the last film to open to $100 million or more was Warners' Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I last November ($125.3 million).
Phillips? sequel opens two years after the original Hangover took the box office by storm, becoming the highest grossing R-rated comedy of all time, earning $277.3 million domestically and $190.2 million internationally (where American comedies often don?t travel).
Hangover Part II is making a major international push this weekend as well, opening day and date in roughly 40 territories, including in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, France, Italy, Germany, Mexico, Russia, Spain and the U.K.
It?s also opening in Thailand ? where the movie takes place. The sequel reunites stars Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, Zach Galifianakis, Justin Bartha and Ken Jeong. Mike Tyson also returns.
Shama Kabani along w?th Chris Brogan h??? constructed a book named Th? Zen ?f Social Media Marketing ?n?, ?? th?? article ?? being written, ?t ?? one ?f th? m??t ??????r books available ?n Amazon.com. Th?? book promises th?t ?t w??? h??? ??? find a non-stressful solution t? social media marketing. Chris Brogan authored th? forward t? th?? book?h? ?? quite respected online ?n? offline. Wh?n ??? b?? th?? book ??? ???? obtain access t? th? webs edition ??, ?f ??? want t?-??? ??n literally take th? book w?th ??? anywhere ??? ?? both ?n traditional form ?n? n?w media form.
David Meerman?s book Th? N?w Rules ?f Marketing ?n? PR ?? additionally quite highly positioned. Th?? book?s goal ?? t? teach individuals th? best way t? ??? th? widely recognized tools ?f IM marketing ?n? promotion ??k? press releases, blogs, social media, etc. David helps readers figure out methods t? ??? ??? ?f th? several types ?f promotion ?n tandem w?th each ?th?r ?? th?t th?? ??n work together t? h??? ??? reach ???r goals. Customers th?t b?? th?? book ??? th?t ?t ?? extremely easy t? read ?n? understand.
Anne Handley composed a book known ?? Content Rules wh??h, ?? th?? article ?? being published, holds a solid five star customer rating ?n Amazon.com. Everybody knows, ?t ????t ?n IM sectors, th?t content ?? wh?t sells ???r offerings ?n? Anne h?? published th?? book t? teach ??? h?w t? build content th?t gets ???r site visitors t? ??k? ??? instead ?f b? irritated b? ???. Sh? writes down everything ??? need t? know ?b??t writing content whether ?t ?? f?r YouTube, a podcast, a simple blog ?r everything ?n between. If ????ve b??n trying t? figure out h?w t? produce ???r ?wn content ?n? ?r? tired ?f trying t? sort ???r way through ??? ?f th? conflicting advice ?n th? forums, th?? book w??? h??? ??? sort through th? chaff t? ??t t? th? wheat.
Today w? generally forget th?t th?r? ?? serious information both offline ?? well ?? online. Th? Internet Marketing universe changes ?? quickly th?t w? th?nk th?t forums ?n? websites ?r? th? ?n?? way t? ??t up t? th? minute facts ?n? h???. Th? fact ?? th?t wh??? th? trends ?n? fads change ??m??t ???r? moment, th? root ?f wh?t works stays th? same. Th??? books w??? ??t ??? ??t down t? those origins t? ?r??t? a business th?t really works ?n? m?k?? ??? lots ?f money. D? n?t ignore conventional teachings, th?r? ?? ??rt??n?? a reason th?? still exist.
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James Murray ?? a successful writer ?n? online Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ?n? Search Engine Marketing (SEM) expert providing valuable tips ?n? advice f?r those interested ?n seo ?n? sem strategies. H?? numerous articles found ?n th? Internet, provide useful ?n? factual seo ?n? sem information ?n? insight. Try Internet Banking ?t : Bank around th? World w?th Internet Banking ?t MoneyBookers!
In the world regarding ruthless levels of competition, folks seek for a few way to unwind their own head. In the hustle-bustle of modern entire world, peace and rest possess shrunk in the existence of the people. That they seek out other methods to loosen up their own thoughts and present vent out to their pent-up feelings. There are many involving computer animated heroes which could get a person?s eye of the viewer for engaging purpose. Businesspersons possess began doing your best with computer animated personas to advertise their particular industrial sectors. Businesspeople develop and employ amusing cartoon to draw greatest clients in the direction of his or her companies. Entrepreneurs utilize animated characters of their commercials, advertising strategies as well as on some other such events. Any businessperson may also begin using these cartoon pictures on the web sites, banners plus much more.
Interesting movement can be very enjoyable to the prospective customers from the firm. It is just a means of backlinking a number of various animated personas together to be able to stimulate any movement. These kinds of interesting heroes are utilized to get the eye with the onlooker along with make his interest in the organization or even in the product.
Where are witty animation personas used?
The animator can establish figures utilizing laptop or computer, computersoftware or perhaps equipment. The online marketer may use comic computeranimation even though broadcast short movies or even promotions for tv. These kind of movies or commercials can easily successfully encourage the item or even program in the firm. You can also makeuse of humorous toon films for that advertising of the brand picture of a company. The actual filmmakers can cause witty animation personas without the need for human designs. You can also use these animated figures within the Graphical user interface design in software program, web site or even world wide web applications. To produce a nice connection with the users with the personal computer as well as application, interesting movement can be utilized within the switches, pop up things, remark package as well as support data files. For instance, Ms Term has the renowned and liked Milliseconds Expression Help and Search puppy. These are generally basic and efficient employs associated with comedian animated figures which can help develop a pleasurable experience.
A great animator should develop a storyboard that contains a list of moments established within sequence. Then you can produce cartoon personas utilizing graphic or even online developing. As an animator, you are able to build a humorous animation motion picture through inspecting the humorous movements of the persona. This assists anyone inside advertising and marketing your products or services and services of the organization.
For more info concerning animationsoftware, go to best animation programs and 3d animation software