Wednesday, October 31, 2012

NC Workers' Compensation Insurance Task Force Convenes ...

From the News and Observer

In August, Governor Perdue created a task force charged with finding solutions to ongoing issues with some employers failing to fulfill their statutory duty of carrying workers? compensation insurance. The task force convened this week for preliminary discussions. According to the News & Observer, the task force has seen?unprecedented?collaboration?between agencies including sharing of databases to investigate potential employers who continue to operate without insurance. Several strategies were agreed to including?

?both in educating businesses and in enforcing the law and punishing those who break it. All agreed that sharing data will be critical, and they will likely lean on officials at the State Controller?s office to help them comb databases to quickly identify businesses that may be skirting the law.

The task force is to convene two more times before proposing recommendations to the North Carolina legislature next year.

About Matt Covington

Matt Covington is a native Charlottean and proud Tar Heel. He is a workers' compensation attorney with Cranfill Sumner & Hartzog in Charlotte. Matt is an avid blogger, traveler, and sports fan.

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