Our favorite shills are still here ready to feast on your brains.
The misleadingly named Educators 4 Excellence is running a spot tonight on television that will encourage Governor Cuomo to impose an evaluation scheme on the city.
It?s strange that a small (very small) group of NYC teachers has the money to get air time on television. Either they have superior accounting practices or they are being funded by outside interests that wish to destroy public education. Which do you think it is?
As a NYC teacher, I don?t know what gives Evan Stone and his ilk the right to speak for me. They haven?t done anything to earn a position of leadership within my union. They haven?t done anything to even earn the name ?Educators 4 Excellence.?
Of course they haven?t earned a thing. They are a front group for the reformy forces in NYC. What they lack with a popular mandate among teachers they more than make up for with dollars.
Here is a question: if they care so much about educating NYC children, why don?t they take the millions they have garnered from reformy groups and put it into the schools? Evan Stone and Sydney Morris hardly need another million dollars being the trust fund brats they are.
And speaking of the union, I?m sure Mulgrew and company find it very comforting that they support the same exact position on these teacher evaluations as groups like E4E. Mulgrew has already signaled his willingness to accept a state-imposed scheme. The Unity folks are out in force telling all of us that a state-imposed scheme will be nothing more than binding arbitration.
It doesn?t matter what they call it. Our union should be very uncomfortable with being on the same side of any issue as E4E.
E4E represents everything wrong with education in NYC. Their fresh, young and white faces represent exactly the type of teaching force the reformers want. You think E4E would get any reformy money if they had older black faces?
Thank you E4E for reminding us the lengths to which the 1% will go to destroy public education. They are like the plants sent by J. Edgar Hoover to infiltrate and divide the organizations of Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and the Black Panthers. They are like the provocateurs who infiltrated the Occupy Wall Street protests. The only difference is, everyone knows who E4E is and everyone sees through them.
Does the fact that they?ve been around for years without gaining any traction among the rank-and-file teachers count for anything? I suppose it doesn?t when you have millions of dollars propping you up.
E4E: a zombie organization with zombie ideas. Tune in tonight to see them in action. Just don?t let them eat your brains.
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Source: http://theassailedteacher.com/2013/02/19/the-shill-game-e4e/
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