Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Safety on the Road and In the Vehicle

Operating a motor vehicle is one of the biggest privileges and also one of the biggest dangers that a person can have. Weather conditions, unsafe driving terrain, other driver's negligence and a general lack of basic safety knowledge make the road a very scary place. However, there are steps that drivers can take to protect themselves before a car is ever put in drive.

Proper vehicle safety begins before the car ever even leaves the driveway. Upon entering a vehicle, a driver should always adjust all mirrors and clear any objects that may be blocking windows or other blind spots. The radio should be low enough so that the driver can hear any oncoming traffic, children or sirens approaching his or her vehicle. Following all of these basic steps, the most important one is yet to take place; wearing a seat belt.

There are two collisions that take place during an accident. The first collision takes place when some other vehicle or object makes contact with the driver's vehicle. The second collision occurs in the car's interior and it consists of the driver's body hitting some part of the inside of the vehicle. Whether it is a dashboard, an airbag, a steering wheel or even the windshield, this second collision is the reason that seatbelts are so important. Without a seatbelt, a person's body is free to be slammed around the inside of the car without any restraint. The use of a seatbelt keeps the driver's body in an upright and secure position that is optimal for safety and survival. The whole purpose of a seatbelt is to minimize or eliminate the second collision that is responsible for so many injuries and deaths every year.

The effects of not using a seat belt are devastating. When a head hits a stable object, such as a windshield, several medical issues can ensue. The brain is such a sensitive organ. When a major force is implemented on the body, the brain actually crashes into the inside of the skull numerous times before returning to its normal position. This impact on the brain can cause concussions, swelling, hemorrhaging of the brain and even permanent brain damage. The impact of the brain can even be viewed as a third collision in an accident.

Seatbelts are important safety tools that can and will save thousands of lives - if they are used. Many law enforcement agencies are coming down harder on people who are not wearing their safety belt for just that reason.

This article was brought to you by Lyn Giguere, a writer for Dallas Injury Lawyers at Eberstein & Witherite. If you are involved in a Dallas auto accident the Dallas auto accident lawyers at Eberstein & Witherite can help represent your case.

Source: http://ezinearticles.com/6322187

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