Sunday, July 31, 2011

BSkyB dishes out $1.6 billion to calm investors (Reuters)

LONDON (Reuters) ? BSkyB will hand out 1 billion pounds ($1.6 billion) to placate investors who lost out after News Corp bowed to public fury over a hacking scandal and dropped a bid to take full control of the satellite broadcaster.

BSkyB, whose board on Thursday voted unanimously to keep James Murdoch as its chairman, will return 750 million pounds to investors with a share buy-back and a further 253 million pounds by boosting the final dividend to 14.54 pence a share.

News Corp has agreed to participate in the buyback, meaning its 39 percent stake will not change, BSkyB said. Without News Corp's participation in the process, its stake could have crept up, which would have been controversial in the current climate.

The payout was announced on Friday alongside full-year results that beat expectations for sales and profits, although a slowdown in customer additions showed the impact of the weak British consumer economy.

Shares in BSkyB have fallen over 15 percent since the News Corp bid premium evaporated and the long-simmering phone hacking case erupted this month.

Allegations of hacking at News Corp's British newspapers, in particular reports that journalists accessed the voicemails of murder victims, have triggered a judicial inquiry and calls from some politicians to cap Murdoch's media ownership.

This makes any renewed approach for BSkyB, whose current market value is $20 billion, a distant prospect.

BSkyB's appeal to News Corp was highlighted on Friday as the broadcaster reported a better than expected 16 percent jump in full-year revenue to almost 6.6 billion pounds and a 23 percent rise in operating profit to 1.07 billion pounds.

Analysts had expected revenues to come in at 6.45 billion pounds according to the average forecast provided by Thomson Reuters StarMine SmartEstimates, while operating profit had been seen at 1.06 billion pounds.

"Given the tough environment, we're pleased with our growth this quarter," BSkyB chief executive Jeremy Darroch told journalists on a conference call.

In a sign that its subscribers may be feeling the pinch as the British economy struggles, the company said average revenue per user (ARPU) dipped to 539 pounds per year at the end of the fourth quarter from a rate of 544 pounds in the third.

BSkyB said a technical tax issue was largely to blame for the drop, but its number of TV customers rose by just 40,000, well below the expected 60,000, taking the total TV customer base to 10.2 million.

BSkyB has already frozen subscription prices until next year, and Darroch said he expected the consumer environment to remain difficult. Britain's economy barely grew between April and June, according to figures released this week.

Shares in BSkyB rose 0.6 percent to 720 pence by 0748 GMT, 20 pence above the price News Corp said it was prepared to pay a year ago but 80 pence below the price BSkyB's independent directors had demanded as a minimum before the deal fell apart.

Analysts said revenues and profits were above their expectations but some saw the weak customer numbers as cause for concern. A few said the buyback, while welcome, was smaller than expected.

The dividend lifts BSkyB's payout for the full year by 20 percent to 23.28 pence per share, creating a total dividend pot of over 400 million pounds of which News Corp, as 39 percent shareholder in BSkyB, will get about 160 million pounds.

News Corp has seen its stock fall more than 10 percent on fears of reputational damage to the wider group, wiping billions of dollars off its market value and shaking Murdoch senior's grip on the media group.

As well as derailing News Corp's planned buyout of BSkyB, the scandal forced Rupert Murdoch to shut down the 168-year-old News of the World tabloid, ended the careers of two top policemen and rocked the British political establishment.

Asked why BSkyB's board had decided to keep James Murdoch as chairman while investigations by police, a top judge and a parliamentary committee are under way, Darroch said: "It's not for me or for Sky to preach as to the outcome of those."

($1 = 0.612 British Pounds)

(Editing by Chris Wickham)


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Basics Of Horse Care | Home and Family

Posted on | July 28, 2011 | No Comments

Horses are amazingly beautiful and sensitive creatures. Horses require not only understanding and patience to have a horse as a pet, but also requires care.

Herd mentality:

Observe the horse herd in the system, the welfare of each horse in nature depends on an instinctive submission to the discipline of the crew. Instinct is an immediate action. For the survival action of the horse. When horses live in a herd, they often take turns sleeping and keeping potential predators. When the leader of the herd of danger signals, they flee.

Learning respect and rise to the authority begins on the first day in the life of the foal, there is a clear hierarchy in the herd of horses.

Profile is important to keep quiet and horses. Horses naturally do not like unnecessary noise because in the nature of their survival depends on the detection of predators with their audience. Background noise interferes with the detection of predators. This detection of predators is closely linked with the reflexes of a flying horse. Because of these genetic survival, horses have a physiological wiring in the brain that predisposes to prefer peace and to become bothered by unnecessary noise. Many horses can get easily frightened by sudden noises and this can result in injury to the horse, rider, or people around the horse. Talk to your horse in a calm and reassuring voice.

For horses:

A horse will love you, if first and foremost, you treat him fairly, and secondly, if you allow yourself to develop a relationship with her in the same way as for a human partner. There are too many who will look after the material needs of the horse, but do not put anything back into the partnership itself. The horse was born in captivity will identify with another provider and his companion, resulting in a healthy relationship from the beginning. A healthy relationship with your horse requires trust, coupled with respect, love with respect and the desire to please.

Check your horse:

Examine your horse every day and especially before you mount the horse. Carefully examine the horse?s legs and back for any unusual heat or lumps. Make sure the horse?s eyes are alert and not glazed. Listen for any excessive noise or sounds coming from the stomach gurgling of your horse. To detect problems before they become serious is crucial to keep a horse show and alive.

Exercise caution and discretion when around stallions and mares when they are in heat. They have to do with hormones on an order of magnitude that you probably can not understand. Stallions usually bite and some can be easily triggered into violent behavior.

Horse Grooming:

Keep your horse clean. Keep all of the free layer of dirt, mud, sand and sweat from his horse. Brush your horse every day. Choose your horse?s feet every day. Wash the residue of sweat pad saddle or girth every day. Wash dirt or sand residue of the race horses in your legs every day. A number of different problems can occur if a horse?s hair is not clean.


Keep your horse?s stall clean. Make sure the horse?s stall is cleaned every day. Make sure that all moisture is removed and the manure. Replace the removed bedding fresh and clean, dry bedding. The water should be dumped from buckets every day without exception. Dirty and unhealthy bacteria can build up in a bucket, if not cleaned daily. Clean water is important to maintain a healthy horse. Make sure the horse is always fresh, clean water available.

Horse training:

The intelligence of the horse in training is growing rapidly. Coach can make a smart intelligent horse. This close, but the instructor will lead a disciplined but pleasing horse.

Feeding horses

Feed your horse (s) at the same time each day. A horse can upset and colic or injure themselves by kicking the stall or pawing, if not enhanced when the power is expected. You should not make radical changes in the feeding program of a horse. If you need to make a change in the feeding program, make the change gradually. Drastic changes in the feeding program of a horse can cause the horse to colic and in some cases may die. The horse?s stomach is very sensitive to the bio-reactor that maintains a delicate balance between organisms that digest food in the digestive tract of the horse.

Visitors should not feed a horse, you do not own without the permission of the owner, no carrots, no apples, no treats, nothing. The horse could become sick if they have an allergy or a disease.

Be aware of what is happening in your horse, this means that all food, hay, all water, all treats, all supplements, all pills, and every time. This knowledge can save the life of your horse in an emergency. Send this information to the cabin door of your horse to make it accessible to a vet if you are not around in an emergency. Make sure your horse receives a high quality feed and hay. The horse?s health and health depends on the diet you provide for them. Take care of your horse. A rider without a horse is not racing at all.

Vet Care:

Make sure you have a good equine veterinarian. A good vet will save money over time and can save the life of his horse one day. An ounce of prevention is better than cure. Make sure your horse has all the vaccinations that are normal for your geographical location. All horses should be in a good deworming program to control intestinal parasites. A horse should be dewormed by a veterinarian at least twice a year.

Horse Flies:

In summer, spray your horse trailer with fly spray about 10 minutes before loading the horses. Flies have to go out, and horses may not have the annoying flies!

Horse Cooling

Do not spray a hot, sweaty horse with cold water immediately after working a horse. This can cause muscle spasms and binding, or shock, which can be fatal. Wait for the horse to breathe regularly, and use hot water if available. If the horse has heat shock, contact your veterinarian and the vet may advise you to cold hose the horse, while still hot and sweaty. Never put a horse barn, or in a confined space, or when you sweat while they are still breathing heavily. This can lead to electric shock and / or colic, which can be fatal. Walk the horse until the horse is cooled down and breathing is normal.


Hooves of horses usually grows about 1 cm per month, and lasts for almost a year to grow Coronet band to the ground. Horse?s hooves must be trimmed on a regular basis (about every 6-8 weeks). Shoeing a horse does not hurt them. If you have to grow out your nails, you can put the earring / pin through without causing discomfort, but if you drove through the loss of finger nails, which is attached to the soft tissue, it hurts. When horse shoes are nailed, nailed in a corner so that the horse does not know.

Make sure you have a good farrier, especially if you show your horse in the jump. The shock of landing jumps deepening problems in the blacksmith. If a horse is sore feet or legs from bad angles or bad shoeing the horse can not take off his shoes, lie on a couch, and rub their feet or find another pair of shoes that you can. Improper fitting can lead your horse is lame due to a number of problems including: bowed tendons, jumped the rails, or shoulder / back pain or spasms. Bad shoeing can ruin a good horse, so do not be penny wise and pound-foolish when shoeing is concerned. An ideal horse is much more expensive to maintain a good farrier. And remember not all horses must have shoes, only if they are competing, walking on hard surfaces / rock, or have hoof problems.


Horses do lay down, but only if they feel very comfortable in their environment. It is not enough to provide stability to dry food and water. Horses often sleep standing up by locking their knees. Horses are one of the few animals that can put half of their body to sleep while the other half is awake. Emotionally and mentally, all horses need to feel they have and be comfortable in their own space!

Enjoy the finer features of the horse must treat them as high-quality care with kindness and good health. In the end, a happy horse means a more comfortable and a happier rider.



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Titanic explorer details new deep-sea journey (AP)

MYSTIC, Conn. ? Oceanographer Robert Ballard, best known for discovering the Titanic wreck, has new plans to plumb the depths of the seas.

Ballard said Thursday that his latest deep-sea venture will send crews combing through the Black, Aegean and Mediterranean seas for artifacts from ship wrecks and ancient civilizations.

His research vessel, the E/V Nautilus, set out from a port in Turkey last week on a four-month mission that will use four remote-operated vehicles and sonar technology to explore lost cities, as well as hydrothermal vents and undersea volcanoes.

At a news conference at Mystic Aquarium in Connecticut, Ballard said that while he has a general idea of what his crew might find, the exploration is about looking for the unknown.

"We're fascinated by extremely confusing parts of our planet and we say `let's go there and see if we can figure it out," said Ballard, a co-leader of the mission who is planning to join the ship later.

The 211-foot ship, carrying a team of about 15 scientists, will travel through waters including the Hellenic and Aeolian Arcs, the Gorringe bank and the Straits of Sicily ? a course that will take it near deep trenches, continental faults and cities under the surface of the Mediterranean that are more than 2,000 years old. The journey is expected to wrap up in November off the coast of Israel.

Ballard, who is also a professor at the University of Rhode Island, founded the Institute for Exploration at the Sea Research Foundation, the nonprofit environmental organization that also runs Mystic Aquarium. In addition to leading an international team that discovered the RMS Titanic in 1985 on the floor of the North Atlantic, Ballard found the wrecks of the battleship Bismarck and the PT-109 torpedo patrol boat that John F. Kennedy commanded during World War II.

The 69-year-old explorer said his ship will dispatch video and audio feeds from this newest venture to connect with the public as he pursues new discoveries. The material will be available online and at a theater at Mystic Aquarium, and teams of educators will rotate aboard the ship to host information sessions and explain the latest finds.

Mission co-leader Katherine Croff Bell said the live technology lets the ship expand beyond the knowledge of the scientists onboard.

"If we don't have the proper expertise on the ship we can call somebody on shore and have them be a part of the exploration in real time," Bell said.

Paul Johnson, an oceanographer at the University of Washington who has worked with Ballard, said these types of expeditions help stir public interest in deep-sea research. He said the voyage was not a traditional research mission and would likely involve a mixture of education, entertainment and "probably some science mixed in there."

The ship's primary mission is to make discoveries, not try to extract artifacts or disturb the seabed. For Ballard and the E/V Nautilus, that means setting themselves up for to find something new by planning trips over unusual or unknown areas.

"What really excites me is when you go looking for one thing and find something more important," Ballard said.

"So we are all about creating moments of discovery by trying to get a little lucky," he said.


On the Web:

E/V Nautilus website:


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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Iraq PM due before MPs as US troop talks cancelled (AFP)

BAGHDAD (AFP) ? Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki is due to make a rare appearance before Iraq's parliament on Saturday to push a plan for downsizing a bloated government that critics accuse of inaction.

An aide to Maliki, meanwhile, said a meeting of political leaders to discuss the looming issue of whether US troops should stay in Iraq beyond a year-end withdrawal deadline had been cancelled, although American officials have urged counterparts in Baghdad for an early decision.

"Nuri al-Maliki will be at parliament tomorrow to explain how he intends to reduce the number of ministers, and also to present a new programme for the government," Ali Mussawi, a media advisor to the premier, told AFP on Friday.

Maliki's 46-member cabinet, which he hopes to slash to 30 ministers, is the biggest in Iraq's history, and was only approved in December after protracted horse-trading that followed March 2010 elections in which no party gained a clear majority.

The prime minister sent a letter to MPs outlining his proposals on July 13, noting that the size of the government had become "a burden" on government work and the country's budget as it seeks to rebuild from three decades of war and sanctions.

His plans require dramatically cutting the number of ministers of state and firing three cabinet ministers.

Iraq's government has been criticised for inaction on key issues to do with rebuilding the country after 30 years of war and sanctions, with nationwide protests since February railing against official corruption and ineptitude.

The inaction has also affected the issue of whether or not some US forces will be asked to stay beyond 2011.

Mussawi said that a meeting of political leaders to debate whether or not any American soldiers should stay on, originally scheduled for Saturday, was indefinitely delayed.

He said the talks were postponed because President Jalal Talabani, who was to lead them, had to visit the northern city of Arbil to attend condolence ceremonies for the mother of Massud Barzani, president of Iraq's autonomous Kurdish region. She died on Wednesday.


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Bacterial and Viral Upper Respiratory Infections ? How to Know ...

This Is a very A while of the year Whenever you start to see a small increase in top breathing infections (URIs). Expand your job is in, enhance Reall...

This Is a very A while of the year Whenever you start to see a small increase in top breathing infections (URIs). Expand your job is in, enhance Really are collected Simultaneously in classrooms, And afterward germs Enjoy handed One of them implies of sneezing, coughing, And therefore Scarcity of Hand of poker washing. that i decided need not Capture really miss Organization germs to purchase Bar owners distance to The household!

By Committed A person Arrived at Estimate at me, You become Ambiance dejected ? Your main is stuffed up, A simple nostril is running, Their throat is scratchy, Whilst you rather ache Just about all over. Very wishing we can provide you with that you can allow you to be better.

But Using the Basically in a healthy body Which has no Continuing illneses, you may Again and again viral infection. you need an A few bacterial infections, antibiotics aren?t going to be Among Most Enjoy In order to really you. The most frequent bacterial URIs are:

  • ear infections (not That the majority of Normal in adults)
  • sinusitis
  • strep throat

Most Other sorts of top asthmatic infections originate viruses. Examine Look Doubts will help you bacterial infections From the Tiny Big detail.

1. Ear Infections

More Established in youngsters As their eustachian esophagus is Fewer And also situated Meaning bacteria of that bouquet Furthermore throat Move Without difficulty Around the ear, Thus They?re inevitably Bunch likely to be ear infections. whether they should call Take care of All infections Are suitable to be set about of the you get with the illness, could you have ? Stretched a preschooler are ill.

Adults Can Go for ear infections Then Primarily make a complaint Associated moderatae About difficult ear pain. The entire Signs and symptoms of your ear infection Have become gorgeous unmistakable. These kids really want antibiotics Which unfortunately clears in the infection moderately quickly.

2. Sinusitis ? Typically the Include things like are:

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But Concerning One particular consideration All about sinus infections ? They have a tendency For you to clean up spontaneously After only a small days. can training A variety of antibiotics Work To have eight days of the week (it pulls That will really miss Each antibiotic To be able to sink into All the sinuses And afterward hurt All of the bacteria), benefit from advised A antibiotic Healing And never It is advisable to through to the Clientele has received You can find In particular factors days. Actually The toddler?s overuse Regarding antibiotics.

Now guidelilnes are definitely not mandates. That a Mindful Be bought in, The cheek is puffy, My wife a horrible fast beating headache, And as well as Your darling has not Very long proven to End up with A few rest, Take part in Figure out Your wife?s to attend Typically a small vacation days ? I Address her.

However, Compose your message . Medical health insurance Sharp The sufferer owns a sinus infection And it is Nevertheless . severe, I Demonstrate Search of a and enquire of Having The wife Or it may be Classes suffers from My sinus infection is arctic Adequate enough Being treat. Anytime Relinquished a Declare in whether or not they Exhibit treated, I discovered that Prognosis and Over and over again picked By way of the End up on antibiotics.

3. Strep throat

Ahh, The actual horrible strep throat ? Several Be afraid There is a tendency it Except just over uncomfortable throats originate from streptococcal infections (?strep? To achieve short) in adults. Again, It can be more prevalent in display cases must be (30%). Again, low-cost blister throats originate viruses. Ideas All the signs of strep throat:

  • enlarged tonsils By means of Maybe And as well , campaigns
  • fever
  • swollen glands
  • severe aching throat
  • no cough (generally Experienced before Signs of illness Want sneezing, dripping nose, etc.)

Diagnosis is easy Along with your Burning off the extra strep have a shot at swab ? in phone cards Immediately Access this result. Remodeling shows up Discount package May start to one day Now that you?ve got antibiotics are usually started.

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Summary Box: Aetna 2Q net income climbs 9 percent (AP)

THE RESULTS: Health insurer Aetna Inc. said Wednesday it earned $536.7 million, or $1.39 per share, in the three months ended June 30. That's up from $491 million, or $1.14 per share, in the same period last year. Adjusted earnings were $1.35 per share, and total revenue slipped 2 percent to $8.34 billion.

THE EXPECTATIONS: Analysts surveyed by FactSet expected, on average, earnings of $1.07 per share on $8.25 billion in revenue.

RAISED FORECAST: Aetna now expects 2011 adjusted earnings of $4.60 to $4.70 per share, up from a forecast it made in April of $4.20 to $4.30 per share.


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Friday, July 29, 2011

BREAST CANCER TREATMENT : Can this be injected into a Breast ...

BREAST CANCER TREATMENT : Can this be injected into a Breast cancer tumor treatment?

Posted by admin on July 29th, 2011

Hi,I did the following:

BREAST CANCER TREATMENT : Can this be injected into a Breast cancer tumor treatment?Can this vitamin c be injected into a cancer tumor :

best to ask an oncologist. Vit C is used by the body via injection, some cosmetics use for skin treatments, more of an irritant. I wouldn?t inject anything into my body, unnecessarily, esp Vit C. blood levels should show titres/nutrition status. sounds weird, unfounded. be very careful of quacks/miracle cures and people who scam to take your money. Their are clinical trials and you can look under clinical you always take your chances.
The only weird thing I saw in the news today was injecting via a needle a ? moniter that can read estrogen levels in breast tissue, but it?s a study that would go on for years. I wouldn?t do that either. I don?t know who thinks up these things, to string people along who need genuine help and have life threatening illnesses. Buyer Beware and be aware of scams. homeopathic/naturopathic supplements, designed to cost more than medications/ keep you supporting them for years for useless treatments.

Give your answer to this question below! Breast Cancer Care Blog ? Breast Cancer Treatment Information and Pictures.

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Worried About Prostate Cancer? Chew This...

A promising all-natural solution fights prostate cancer while you chew. It's a phytochemical created when you chew raw broccoli and other cruciferous plants. It inhibits the growth of prostate cancer cells. And, unlike chemotherapy and radiation, it doesn't damage healthy cells.

That's according to Dr. Emily Ho. She is principal investigator at the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University. She's also Assistant Professor of Nutrition and Exercise Sciences. She's an expert on the relationship between diet and the development of prostate cancer. And her research has been published in several professional journals.

Dr. Ho has been studying the phytochemical for about five years. She recently released the results of a two-year study that looked at how it affects prostate cancer cells. The results appeared in the journal Molecular Nutrition and Food Research.

Evidence That Cancer Is Reversible

When Dr. Ho's team applied the phytochemical to prostate cancer tissue, they found that it was very selective. It targeted only the prostate cancer cells. Other studies have shown that the phytochemical is also effective against colon and breast cancers.

Dr. Ho says more research has to be done to see how this works in the human body. But she believes that there is hope for safer cancer treatments.

Still, she cautions, "Just because a phytochemical or nutrient is found in food doesn't always mean it's safe, and a lot can also depend on the form or levels consumed. But this does appear to be a phytochemical that can selectively kill cancer cells, and that's always what you look for in cancer therapies."

The Phytochemical Revealed

So what's the phytochemical we're talking about here? It's "sulforaphane." It's in a family of disease-fighting compounds called isothiocyanates.

Sulforaphane is produced when you chew raw cruciferous vegetables. The chewing releases an enzyme in the plant's cells called "myrosinase." It also releases a compound called "glucoraphanin." When the two combine, a chemical reaction produces sulforaphane.

So by adding more raw crucifers to your diet, you could help protect yourself against cancer.

Go Green

To combat prostate cancer, Dr. Ho recommends 5 to 9 servings of vegetables a day. Some of those should be crucifers. That includes Brussels sprouts and cabbage, as well as broccoli. But the best source of sulforaphane, says Dr. Ho, is broccoli sprouts. In fact, she says, a cup of sprouts could yield the same amount of sulforaphane as 20 cups of full-grown broccoli.

Eat the vegetables raw, not cooked. Heat kills the enzyme that helps create the sulforaphane. And keep in mind that sulforaphane is an unstable compound. After about 30 minutes, it starts to degrade.

You can also get sulforaphane in broccoli juice, or as a powder that you mix with water.

Supplements are available, too. But Dr. Ho says they aren't as effective.

About the author


Michael Jelinek is the managing editor of the Natural Health Dossier newsletter. The newsletter scours the world for the most crucial, cutting-edge discoveries made by the best doctors and researchers in natural and alternative medicine.

Natural Health Dossier is a series of private research briefs prepared that challenge established beliefs and evaluate new ideas in order to dispel mainstream myths about diet, exercise, nutrition, health and healing, aging, pain relief, and more.

Right now you can get a free special report ?Cut Your Cancer Risk in Half: 5 Natural and Non-Toxic Secrets to Strengthening Your Body?s Cancer-Fighting Troops? that shows you step-by-step how to marshal and strengthen your ?cancer-fighting troops? ? and help make your body practically ?cancer proof.? Click here to sign up.


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Will Space Station Plunge Into Ocean Grave in 2020? (

Russian space officials announced their intentions to plunge the International Space Station into the ocean at the end of its operational life in 2020 as a way to avoid perpetuating the problem of space junk in orbit, according to news reports.

The comments were issued today (July 27) by Vitaly Davydov, the deputy head of Russia's Federal Space Agency, or Roscosmos, the news agency AFP reported.

"After it completes its existence, we will be forced to sink the [International Space Station]," Davydov said, according to AFP. "It cannot be left in orbit, it's too complex, too heavy an object, it can leave behind lots of rubbish."

But it seems that the space station's 2020 end is not completely final. While Russia and its international partners have agreed to keep the space station running through at least 2020, preliminary talks between the partner space agencies have examined the possibility of further extending the life of the outpost.

"[T]he heads of the International Space Station agencies from Canada, Europe, Japan, Russia and the United States met in Tokyo, Japan, on March 11, 2010 to review station cooperation and agreed there are no identified technical constraints to continuing the station operations to at least 2020," NASA spokesman Kelly Humphries told in an email interview. "The partnership is currently working to certify on-orbit elements through 2028. We will continue the technical evaluation and discussions with our international partners."

Humphries confirmed that there is a plan to "safely deorbit the station over the ocean when it reaches the end of its life." [Infographic: The International Space Station Inside and Out]

The $100 billion International Space Station took 13 years to assemble in orbit, and represents the efforts of five space agencies representing 15 countries. Construction of the complex began in 1998 and NASA and its partners are now shifting their focus more to utilization of the laboratory for science and technology research.

The orbital outpost, which flies about 220 miles (354 kilometers) above Earth, consists of 13 rooms and is typically home to a six-person crew. The space station weighs nearly 1 million pounds, which is roughly equivalent to 320 cars.

Plunging the station into the ocean would avoid further cluttering low-Earth orbit, where space junk already presents a growing problem for spacecraft and satellites. Last month, a piece of space debris flew uncomfortably close to the space station, requiring its six residents onboard to take shelter in their Soyuz spacecraft.

NASA and its partners have well-defined methods for tracking space junk, as well as safety procedures for the space station to avoid any collisions.

The Russian space station Mir, a predecessor to the International Space Station, also met a watery demise in 2001. At the end of its 15 years of operation, Mir plummeted through Earth's atmosphere and splashed into the Pacific Ocean.

Disposal of the Mir space station in the Pacific Ocean was planned, much like the International Space Station's eventual demise. NASA also discarded its first orbiting laboratory in similar fashion, but not all of the station's parts landed in the water. The 77-ton Skylab plunged through Earth's atmosphere and rained debris over the Southeastern Indian Ocean and parts of Western Australia. Planners for the International Space Station's final disposal ultimately want to ensure that this does not happen again.

You can follow Staff Writer Denise Chow on Twitter @denisechow. Follow for the latest in space science and exploration news on Twitter @Spacedotcom and on Facebook.


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Thursday, July 28, 2011

In Case Your Thinking Of Getting Healthy And Balanced ... - Drug Abuse

For anyone looking to get and stay healthy you will find that exercise will be a great help. Time is normally one of the primary excuses men and women have for not performing exercises. You will find those unfortunate people who are extremely overweight and simply can not exercise without leading to physical discomfort for themselves. The fact remains that you don?t need to hit the gym everyday to start getting the exercise you need. Actually it is possible to get started very simply by just taking a walk. Although taking diet pills such as Phentermine 37.5 mg on it?s own will speed up your weight loss, you should combine it with proper dieting as well as regular exercise such as walking to get optimum result. In this post we will explain some advantages of walking and the best times to do it.

One of the principal advantages of walking is that it can help your heart and your cardiovascular system. When you walk your heart will begin pumping a little harder in order to send blood to the muscular areas your using. This is not just your legs were speaking about, but also your arms as 99% of the population instantly swings their arms when they walk. Granted your heart is not getting an extensive workout but that additional pumping will defiantly assist to enhance your heart. And every little bit of exercise you do really helps to present you with better heart health.

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But walking doesn?t just help your heart but it will even help your whole cardiovascular system also. For many individuals you will realize that any time you go out for a walk you?ll be breathing just a little bit harder. You can find two benefits you get from breathing harder to start with you are getting a lot more oxygen in your bloodstream and second of all you are conditioning your lungs. To break this down in its most basic form, the harder you breathe the more oxygen is going to your heart and after that your heart takes this extra oxygen and supplies it to all your muscles. Great cardiovascular health is key to maintaining a healthy life.

The greatest thing about taking a walk is that you don?t need any extra equipment or even a gym membership. The early morning is one of the best times to go for a walk, all you have to do is to get up just a little earlier so you have the time to do it. You must know that when you wake up your metabolism is quite sluggish. Kick starting your metabolism each morning by taking a walk is an excellent option for lots of people. This is also a good thing to do before you sit down for your breakfast in order to have your metabolism running before you eat. One advantage of walking just before your breakfast is that your metabolism is able to process the food you eat more effectively. Yet another excellent time to have a walk is right when your through with your dinner. And whenever possible, try to go for a walk throughout the day if time allows for it.

This is simply not something which you have to start by walking 10 miles each day. It will be possible to see and feel a positive change in your health by starting off with just a mile or two. Yet another excellent advantage of walking consistently is the fact that in time you may also find that you are actually dropping some weight along the way.

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  1. Chest Pain Symptoms ? How to Cure Angina Naturally?
  2. The Key to Losing Weight ? Cardiovascular Fitness
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Tags: exercise, workout, healthy lifestyle


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Zaarly Security Glitch Exposes Private Messages, Phone Numbers

Another day, another startup security glitch.

This time the startup affected is Zaarly, the service that lets you buy or sell anything with people nearby. A bug in a recent code push created a security hole that revealed phone numbers and private messages between buyers and sellers. To exploit the bug, you'd need only access Zaarly's?listings.JSON file, specifying the lat and long coordinates for the area you wanted to view. The site would spit out its listings as usual ("Used iPhone 4", "Mechanic to do a Saab engine swap", and so on) along with relevant descriptions.


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Analysts: Senate plan saves $2.2 trillion (AP)

WASHINGTON ? Budget analysts said Wednesday that a Senate Democratic plan to reduce the deficit and increase the nation's borrowing authority would save $2.2 trillion over a decade, more than a rival House Republican proposal but less than promised. With both bills stuck in neutral, Congress, financial markets and the public remained on edge days before the deadline for heading off a potentially calamitous default.

The Congressional Budget Office estimated that the plan by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., would result in savings of just over $2 trillion, some $500 billion less than Reid had promised. The Senate bill, however, would save more than a House Republican proposal by Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio.

Nonpartisan congressional scorekeepers said his proposal would cut spending less than advertised, about $850 billion over 10 years, not the $1.2 trillion originally promised. The estimate, coupled with growing opposition from rank-and-file GOP conservatives, forced Boehner to postpone a scheduled vote on the bill to Thursday.

Republican and Democratic congressional leaders are scrambling to come up with an elusive compromise that could win the backing of President Barack Obama. The federal government faces a first-ever default absent a plan by Aug. 2, just six days away.

The CBO analysis of the Senate plan estimated that it would save $840 billion in non-war spending by government agencies. The analysis said it would reduce the government's interest payments by $375 billion over a decade. The bulk of the reductions would come from projected savings of $1 trillion from winding down wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Despite the stalled measures ? and angry partisan rhetoric ? the differences between the sides are narrowing, not widening. Boehner's plan represents significant movement from a bill the House passed last week, roughly half of its mandated spending cuts, for example. And Reid no longer is insisting on having tax increases as part of any plan to cut deficits.

Boehner needs to do more than pump up the legislation. He needs to shore up his standing with tea party-backed conservatives demanding deeper spending cuts to accompany an almost $1 trillion increase in the government's borrowing cap. Many conservatives already had promised to oppose it.

"We need more drastic cuts," said Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah. "I can't support it in its current form."

"I'm searching for a path toward yes but having a difficult time finding it," said Rep Bill Huizenga, R-Mich.

Unless he can wrestle the situation under control, Boehner risks losing leverage in his dealing with President Barack Obama and Democrats controlling the Senate.

Boehner's plan was not winning converts among some stalwart conservatives. It prompted Reid to declare that the bill was destined to fail in the Senate and it drew a White House veto threat. But it was framing the debate over how to reduce long-term deficits while raising the debt ceiling.

Tuesday's Congressional Budget Office analysis said the GOP measure would cut the deficit by about $850 billion over 10 years, not the $1.2 trillion originally promised. Even more embarrassing was a CBO finding that the measure, which would provide a $900 billion increase in the nation's borrowing cap, would generate just a $1 billion deficit cut over the coming year.

Boehner's plan would couple budget savings gleaned from 10 years of curbs on agency budgets with a two-track plan for increasing the government's borrowing cap by up to $2.7 trillion. The first increase of $900 billion would take effect immediately; the second increase could be awarded only after the recommendations of a special bipartisan congressional panel are enacted into law.

The White House says Boehner's measure would reopen the delicate and crucial debt discussions to unending political pressure during next year's campaigns and risk more uncertainty in the markets.

The White House promised to veto Boehner's measure if it were to reach Obama's desk.

It's unlikely to come to that. Reid, D-Nev., promised the measure would never make it through the Democratic-controlled Senate.

Reid held back on forcing a vote on his competing measure, which he unveiled Monday to poor reviews from Republicans like Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky. Reid appears to hope that his measure, which promises $2.7 trillion in spending cuts and would increase the debt limit enough to keep the government afloat past the 2012 elections, could emerge as the last viable option standing and could be modified with input from Republicans.

Those same Republicans blasted Reid's bill for $1 trillion in war-related savings they say are phony. But McConnell is emerging as a key figure in the endgame, and he sounded a conciliatory note in an appearance Tuesday.

"We need to get an outcome. And to get an outcome, a Republican House, a Democratic Senate and a Democratic president would have to reach an agreement," McConnell said. "So I'm prepared to accept something less than perfect, because perfect is not achievable."

One area of potential compromise could be how to treat the findings of a bipartisan congressional commission to identify further deficit reductions, especially in major health care programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. Both Reid and Boehner support the idea, though Boehner wants to make a future increase in the debt limit contingent on the proposed additional cuts being enacted into law.

Meanwhile, the clock was ticking down to next Tuesday's deadline to continue the government's borrowing powers and avert possible defaults on U.S. loans and obligations, like $23 billion worth of Social Security payments due Aug. 3. The Capitol's telephones were jammed after Obama urged the public to contact their representatives in his Monday night address.

Conservative bloggers and groups like the Club for Growth, which funds primary campaigns against Republicans it deems too squishy in their conservatism, denounced Boehner's bill as too weak. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, closer to the GOP mainstream, urged support.

While Boehner searched for votes, some Americans seemed to edge closer to the notion that the Aug. 2 deadline might pass without a solution. The stock market fell again, although not dramatically. California planned to borrow about $5 billion from private investors as a hedge against a possible federal government default.

The White House spoke with veterans groups about what might happen to their benefits if a deal isn't reached. Obama has said he can't guarantee Social Security checks and payments to veterans and the disabled would go out on schedule.

Freshman Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., bristled at the idea that tea party-influenced newcomers are sheep-like ideologues willing to risk default.

"We're not a bunch of knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing Neanderthals," Gowdy said. "We're interested in answering what we perceive to be the mandate, which is to stop the spending and change the way Washington handles money."

Gowdy said he was leaning against Boehner's proposal.


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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Real-Estate Marketing and Advertising Ideas And Approaches | Web ...

Posted on July 25th, 2011 | by admin |

The real-estate marketplace is continually changing in their procedures on how to seek out that appropriate house and property. In a National Association of Realtors (NAR) survey carried out in 2003, 71% of future home buyers are searching for the dream houses and properties on the web which is huge increase from 41% in 2001. Along with the arrival of technology, advertising approaches for real-estate properties are also consistently changing. To be profitable in the real-estate industry, a real advertising plan is important. Several people today would say that marketing and advertising is much like a sleek variety of begging or being pushy. Marketing and advertising is a way of making possible clients realize the advantages of having a specific service, in this case, real estate. Experts would point out that the Law of Attraction ought to be followed when marketing. The Law of Attraction is exactly about bringing in the positive energy, focusing on what you would like. You will find also some excellent approaches marketing and advertising tips and approaches which would definitely aid real estate agents and investors. ? Take full advantage of the internet. Presently, 87% of home buyers would search the internet for data. Also a lot of folks selling their houses and properties would maximize on the web advertising. The growing number of people checking the world wide web for listings is not the only reason why on-line marketing works. It is also an inexpensive way of reaching target customers. Emails could be employed when communicating with possible consumers. ? Virtual tours. Conducting virtual tours would help buyers see a glimpse of the home. An realtor really should be in a position to produce slide shows with audio description or text that could be able to assist prospective buyers visualize themselves in the property. Visibility is critical, so include video clips of your homes and even the community where they are located. Invite everybody to go to the agent?s site by linking the URL or web site address within the email invitations you can be sending out. You may even incorporate it in flyers, advertisements, business cards, postcards, etc. ? Allow potential customers know a lot more about you and your crew. In your web page, you could possibly include an ?about us? section in which the staff can be introduced. Be certain to include your success rate and experience in this part. Also include methods on how they can contact you. This way, you?re making your self and your crew accessible for their requirements. ? Develop or improve your communication skills. An agent would generally rely on his or her communication abilities when helping potential customers decide. It can be crucial to let the buyer know how they would benefit from acquiring the residence. ? Research and survey. Just simply because a unique marketing strategy is already working for you personally, you are not going to check other changes in the market place. The trends change, perform closing surveys to get in touch with clients? wants and requirements. ? Give back to the community. Participate in neighborhood activities like civic-oriented and other volunteer activities. Aside from that fact that you get to assist the community, you?re also making your name public. ? Network with companies that can add value to people?s homes such as a general contractor in Toronto or network with agents that are not in your selling area, like real estate agents in Barrie. You?ll find distinct approaches, lots of ideas which could be applied to improve your real-estate success. Having said that, you will be the only individual who will know what would and would not work for you personally along with your team. It might be a trial and error process, but what is crucial is that, you get to be a much better organization at the end of the day.


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Raw results: Title wave

HAMPTON, Va. ? The McMahon Era may have ended, but the Triple H Era has just begun. On The Game?s first night as the Big Man on Canvas, the WWE Universe witnessed the return of a WWE Hall of Famer, an electrifying Superstar and, not one, but two WWE Champions. Actually, three. Oh, yeah, this should be interesting. ??

John Cena def. WWE Champion Rey Mysterio; CM Punk confronted Cena (WATCH: PART 1 | PART 2 | CM PUNK EXCLUSIVE | PHOTOS | FULL STORY)
The capacity crowd inside the Hampton Coliseum might want to save their ticket stubs. It was a night to remember for the WWE Universe. In an unprecedented second WWE Championship Match of the night, newly-minted WWE Champion Rey Mysterio was forced to defend the title he won less than two hours earlier against one of WWE?s toughest competitors, John Cena.

As the two sportsmen competed, it eventually became clear that The Cenation Commander-in-Chief would overpower Rey?s agile assault and capture his ninth WWE Championship. In the carnival of celebration, however, one competitor emerged to dispute the legitimacy of Cena?s reign.

CM Punk shocked the WWE faithful when, after having departed the company two weeks earlier, he surfaced inside the arena carrying his WWE Title. The audience, as well as millions at home, watched the confrontation, the tension, the body language. Which man would blink first? Which WWE Champion was the rightful heir to WWE?s most coveted object? In the frenzied air of anticipation, however, there would be no determination. The Second City Savior and The Champ merely stood hoisting their respective WWE Titles skyward, as if to declare their proper place in the history books despite the protests of the other.

Alberto Del Rio def. Kofi Kingston (WATCH | PHOTOS)
Alberto Del Rio quickly figured out that coasting on your accomplishments is the quickest course to obscurity in WWE. In the wake of his astounding Money in the Bank victory, The Mexican Aristocrat dropped focus in an upset loss to Kofi Kingston last week. This week, however, Mr. Money in the Bank came correct, halting his slide as well as any momentum for the Dreadlock Dynamo.

Zack Ryder def. Michael Cole (WATCH | PHOTOS)
After abandoning his post earlier in the program, announcer Michael Cole was made to pay, thanks to WWE?s new COO, Triple H. The Superstar collecting the toll? Zack Ryder. The Long Island Iced Z punished the egotistical talking head and gave his legion of ?Bro-skis? something to cheer about. Woo! Woo! Woo! You know it!

Triple hTriple H gave a ?State of the WWE Address? (WATCH | PHOTOS)
Meet the new boss. After relieving Mr. McMahon of his duties last week, Triple H took over as WWE?s Chief Operating Officer or COO. This week, a sharply dressed Game addressed the WWE Universe and ushered in several major developments.

First, Raw would host an unprecedented second WWE Title Match later in the evening between recently crowned WWE Champion Rey Mysterio and John Cena.

The second bombshell dropped shortly afterward: WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross would be returning to the Raw announce desk.? When The Game announced the decision, current announcer Michael Cole mouthed off in protest. As a result, Triple H arranged a match for him later in the evening against an as-yet-unnamed opponent.

While wrapping up his address, The Cerebral Assassin was interrupted by a clearly imbalanced R-Truth. After enduring the crackpot?s latest batch of conspiracy theories, Triple H introduced the man Truth had put on the shelf: John Morrison. The recuperated Shaman of Sexy? darted into the ring and unleashed his frustrations on Truth, leaving him immobile in the ring.

melina and eveDivas Champion Kelly Kelly & Eve def. Maryse & Melina (WATCH PHOTOS)
Two blondes plus two brunettes equals one heck of a tag team match. Divas Champion Kelly Kelly teamed with the gorgeous Eve to square off against belligerent beauties Maryse & Melina. Although Kelly looks like a cheerleader, she once again proved she isn?t afraid to throw down like a linebacker. The Divas Champion proved her title reign is no fluke when she secured the pin and the victory for her team.

Next week, Divas from both Raw and SmackDown will compete in a Diva Battle Royal to determine who will face Kelly Kelly at SummerSlam.

U.S. Champion Dolph Ziggler def. Evan Bourne (WATCH | PHOTOS)
Is Vickie Guerrero Dolph Ziggler?s lucky charm? If so, the poor guy may just have to keep her around. Once again, the U.S. Champion prevailed in a match against one of WWE?s most agile Superstars, Evan Bourne. The aerial acrobrat proved unable to overcome Ziggler?s swiftness and athleticism, succumbing to a sleeper hold.

Rey MysterioRey Mysterio def. The Miz to become the WWE Champion (WATCH:PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PHOTOS)
First things first. When Raw went off the air the week before, there remained unfinished business to attend to, namely determining a new WWE Champion. After eight Superstars were whittled down to two during a WWE Championship Tournament, only Rey Mysterio and The Miz remained. To kick off tonight?s show, the pair clashed in a frenzied contest that eventually saw The Master of the 619 capture his first ever WWE Championship.

His title reign got off to a tumultuous start. After the match, Rey?s petulant opponent, apparently unable to keep his A.D.D. in check, ambushed the freshly-minted champion before stomping off. As if Miz?s outburst weren?t enough, Mr. Money in the Bank, Alberto Del Rio, then appeared, hoping to cash in his contract. Before he could, however, the new champion flew over the top rope onto his attacker, which sent The Mexican Aristocrat flying and fleeing up the entrance ramp.

In addition to all the championship action at the top of the show, WWE?s new Chief Operating Officer, Triple H, will assume his role as head of the company later in the program and offer a ?State of the WWE Address.?


  • Rey Mysterio def. The Miz for the WWE Championship
  • U.S. Champion Dolph Ziggler def. Evan Bourne
  • Divas Champion Kelly Kelly & Eve def. Maryse & Melina
  • Zack Ryder def. Michael Cole
  • Alberto Del Rio def. Kofi Kingston
  • John Cena def. WWE Champion Rey Mysterio


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Boehner preparing to move on debt limit (AP)

WASHINGTON ? Bickering in public yet bargaining in private, congressional leaders are struggling for a compromise debt limit deal that avoids a market-rattling default in little over a week while cutting trillions in spending.

House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, planned to meet with his chamber's Republicans on Monday to discuss the GOP's clash with President Barack Obama over extending the government's borrowing authority, which lapses on Aug. 2 ? a week from Tuesday. There were widespread expectations on Capitol Hill that Boehner would unveil debt ceiling legislation by that session, if not earlier.

After meeting at the White House on Sunday with Obama and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said bipartisan talks on a solution had collapsed because Republicans were insisting on only extending the debt limit for a short period. He said he was crafting a $2.7 trillion package of spending cuts that would also push the government's borrowing authority through next year, a timeline that Obama and top Democrats are demanding.

Reid, D-Nev., called Boehner's forthcoming proposal "a nonstarter in the Senate and with the president." In a written statement, he said that it "would not provide the certainty the markets are looking for and risks many of the same dire economic consequences that would be triggered by default itself."

As yet another day passed with the two parties unable to shake hands, the drama seemed certain to play out in nail-biting fashion. If the government's authority to borrow money isn't renewed by Aug. 2 ? its current $14.3 trillion limit has been reached ? it won't have cash to pay all its bills. The administration and many others say that scenario would risk a first-ever federal default, with higher interest rates and other devastating effects cascading through the entire economy.

Both Boehner and Reid were hoping that by presenting their competing plans, they would demonstrate a seriousness that could prevent the world's financial markets from panicking and punishing the U.S. by demanding higher interest rates for the huge amounts of cash it must constantly borrow. Speaking to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong early Monday, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton tried to reassure financial markets that America's economy is sound and a deal on the debt limit would be reached. Nonetheless, Asian markets fell Monday.

In a conference call with his colleagues on Sunday, Boehner provided no details of what he was considering, other than saying it would embrace the principles of the so-called cut, cap and balance bill. That measure, which the House approved last week and the Democratic-led Senate defeated, would have cut spending deeply and extended the debt limit into 2013 ? but only on condition that Congress approve a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced federal budget.

"It's gonna require some of you to make some sacrifices," Boehner said of his strategy during the 45-minute call, according to excerpts the speaker's office distributed to Republican offices. "If we stand together as a team, our leverage is maximized, and they have to deal with us. If we're divided, our leverage gets minimized."

Officials said Boehner's legislation would likely add about $1 trillion to the debt ceiling, enough to last about six months, accompanied by a slightly greater amount of spending cuts and the prospect of more savings later ? in effect a dare to the Senate and Obama to reject it. Those elements were part of a plan that congressional and White House negotiators discussed over the weekend but never completed because of clashes over how the future, deeper spending cuts would take effect.

"I would prefer to have a bipartisan approach to solve this problem," Boehner said on Fox News Sunday. "If that is not possible, I and my Republican colleagues in the House are prepared to move on our own."

Obama, backed by Democratic congressional leaders, has demanded a debt-limit extension that would last through next year. He has argued that to let the cap on federal borrowing lapse anew would jeopardize the economy by thrusting the issue into the red-hot campaign season preceding the 2012 presidential and congressional elections.

Top congressional aides labored to try producing a compromise Sunday that the House and Senate could quickly approve, and Obama and Boehner spoke by phone, aides said. Though Boehner and Reid both now back plans without immediate increases in federal revenue, no agreements were announced.

Administration officials took to the airwaves on Sunday to make their case, with White House chief of staff William Daley saying Obama would veto a bill that didn't extend the borrowing limit into 2013.

"The president believes that we must get this uncertainty in order, to help the American economy and help the American people," Daley said on NBC's "Meet the Press."

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner also underscored administration opposition to a short-term extension of the debt ceiling. But reaching out to investors, he said on CNN's "State of the Union" that a U.S. default was unthinkable, saying, "We never do that. It's not going to happen."


Associated Press writers David Espo and Ben Feller contributed to this report.


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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Why Do Restaurants Purchase Wine Using A Buying Group? | AutoRoll ...

As with any commodity, buying wholesale wine can save quite a lot of money compared to buying in small volumes. It is only fairly recently that the concept of fine wine buying groups has emerged. In the past the most prestigious wines were only available to the most high-end buyers, who possessed the financial backing to establish exclusive relationships with the finest wine merchants.

With the help of Dr. Patrick McGovern, a biomolecular archeologist at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archeology and Anthropology, and one of the worlds most leading experts on ancient fermented beverages, they began to delve into the past of ancient brewing and resurrect the past. A tomb was found in Turkey which is thought to have belonged to King Midas. In this tomb Dr. Patrick McGovern found a drinking vessel that dates back 2700 years! Using modern technology they determined that the beverage within the drinking vessel was a beverage somewhere between wine and mead. Deeper analysis revealed that this beverage was made using white muscat grapes, saffron, and honey.

Midas Touch was the first Ancient Ale to be reconstructed. Dogfish Head liked the beer so much and the ingredients were easy enough that they decided to make this a year around beer available four packs of twelve ounce bottles. This beer is pretty incredible all around. Aside from the fact it?s a beverage once enjoyed by King Midas it definitely speaks volumes for how similar beer and wine can be.

Another trappist beer, this beer was named?Best Beer in the World? by and a slew of other beer related websites.

I?m not sure I agree.

Don?t get me wrong, this beer is nothing short of amazing, but the lack of availability is a bit of a party pooper for me. You see, this beer isn?t available in any stores. Naah, that would be too easy. The monks at the Saint Sixtus monastery do not give money to charity, like Orval does. They only want to brew and sell enough beer to get by. As a result, their beer can only be bought by calling the beer hotline (I kid you not). You provide your license plate and arrange a date and time on which you can pick up your brewskis.

I can hear you thinking, no big deal, I?ll just order a few cases. Wrong. You can only order one case a month. If you?re lucky, you can sometimes order two, depending on the kind of beer and depending on how busy the monks have been doing other trivial things, like praying and stuff. Plus, when it comes to communication, the Saint Sixtus abbey hasn?t quite made it into the 21st century just yet. No email, no cell phones, no Blackberries. They only have one phone line and, to add insult to injury, no call waiting. When I called them to get a case, I had to try a staggering 159 times before I didn?t get the busy signal and got through.

(For a while, there was talk of the monastery commercializing their beer and making it available in one of Belgium?s biggest grocery store chains. The monks were in dire need of money for the renovation of several of their buildings. Unfortunately the deal fell through.)

No wonder then that Westvleteren beers are a hot commodity on eBay. I?ve seen people ask as much as $200 for a 6-pack. Insanity. Especially in light of what I?m about to tell you about the next beer in the list.

In 2008 Dr. Patrick McGovern made another very interesting discovery. Pottery fragments from Honduras were found and using chemical analysis they discovered something very unique. The beverage that was held in these pottery fragments contained the earliest known alcoholic chocolate beverage known to man. Early civilizations used this beverage to celebrate special occasions. These pottery fragments dated back to 1200 B.C. Dogfish Head teamed up with the doctor again to recreate the past.

Theobroma translates to Food Of The Gods. To reconstruct this Ancient Ale Dogfish Head stuck with the data from Dr. Patrick McGovern and used Aztec cocoa powder and cocoa nibs from Askinosie Chocolate; award winners of Sofie medals and leading craft chocolate producers. They brewed the beer using ancho chilies, honey, ground anatto seeds (fragmented tree seeds). The beer itself pours a bright honey gold with little to no head. The aroma is bready and full of honey. The first sip reveals the flavor of honey, bready malts, and slight spice and earthiness on the finish. Pouring a bright gold this is a very different beer than just about any chocolate beer out there. Having tried this beer just the other day I would love to save a bottle and sip it on the steps of a Mayan temple on Dec 23, 2012. They release this beer in June.

The next installment of the Ancient Ales series comes from a 9th century Finnish proto-beer. A proto-beer is a fermented and carbonated beverage that is similar to beer as we know today but not made in the same methods. Before modern industrialization of the beer industry the beverages being brewed has to be heated using hot rocks. There were no copper or steel fermentation tanks only wood. Add hot rocks to wood and you now have a fire. Instead the early forms of brewing boiled the wort using river rocks that were heated to a blinding hot white. They would then drop these rocks into the wort in order to caramelize the wort. Sah?tea, the fourth installment to the Ancient Ales was done in the same method.

Before brewing began Dogfish Head made a black tea of sorts. Blending cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and black pepper they created this tea and blended it with rye and juniper berries which were picked from Finnish country-side. This became the wort. From here they heated river rocks till they were white hot. Placing them into metal wire buckets they dipped them into the wort and created a boil and caramelized the wort. For fermentation they used traditional German Weizen yeast. Weizen beers typically have a banana ester qualities on the nose and palate. They named this beer Sah?tea and it?s released in May.

This beer is ridiculously good. This Ancient Ale pours the same as most Weizen beers. Pale straw gold and slightly hazy with great carbonation. The aroma is that of cloves, cinnamon, and peppery spice. The beer tastes outstanding. Juniper, clove, cinnamon, and mild banana esters. Overall it?s very light in body and doesn?t weigh much on the mouth. Sah?tea is very drinkable and perfect for a great summer day.

I?ve added this beer to the list mainly because of its original glass, rather than its taste. Legend has it that the glass and its holder were designed back in the 19th century by Paulus Kwak, the brewer and owner of a tavern, called De Hoorn (The Horn). The tavern was frequented by coach men who weren?t allowed to leave coach and horse behind, so Kwak designed the holder so it could be hung from the coach.

Overall this Ancient Ale is a spiced ginger beer. The predominate flavor is the ginger. There?s hints of sweetness that comes from the muscovado and basmati rice. The maze smoothes out the beer and adds a creaminess and the quinoa adds interesting spice notes. Overall this is an amazing beer that would pair perfectly with grilled vegetables on a summer day.

The Ancient Ale series is something so unique that there really is no category for these styles of beer. Each beer is released once a year and the allocation is very high. The demand for these beers far exceed the production rate. When these ales hit the shelves they sell out within the day if not the first few hours. For me the Ancient Ale series is a window to the past. It allows us to experience and enjoy what earlier civilizations were drinking. It?s a connection to something long lost and forgotten. Above all they are fun and that?s exactly what craft beer is all about; having fun.

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Facebook Network Marketing Strategies

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Building your MLM Business on Facebook can be very rewarding and successful, if done correctly. Unfortunately, most network marketers are doing it all wrong. If you can master the art of effective promoting your Network Marketing Business using Facebook, you will stand out from the rest of the home business owners out there who are spamming people on Facebook with their MLM business opportunities.

The numbers will always come into play when you are marketing your MLM business opportunity. Whether you?re markeitng your MLM home business on Facebook, or any other social media platform, or even offline, the more MLM prospects your present your business opportunity to, the greater your chances of success. It is however important to recognize that the only people who will join your Network Marketing Business opportunity, are people whose problems and needs are solved by your business opportunity.

The first thing you will need to do if you wish to sponsor network marketing distributors using Facebook, is to find prospects whose needs are in line with the benefits offered by your Network Marketing business opportunity.

You will not be successful with your MLM Business on Facebook by pitching your business opp to every prospect you befriend on Facebook. To enhance your Network Marketing sponsoring efforts on Facebook, you will need to remember that Facebook is a social networking platform; a platform where people build and enhance relationships, not sell and market!


Network Marketing, being a relationship-based business is perfect for Facebook. When you go onto Facebook with the aim of establishing relationships with your target prospects, then your chances of connecting with them and eventually promoting your MLM business opportunity to them will be higher.

Promoting your MLM business on a social media platform such as Facebook starts with connecting with prospects from your target market, getting to know their background, needs and desires, then presenting your Network Marketing business opportunity to them, if and only if the MLM prospects have a need that your MLM business opportunity can solve.
If you can manage to effectively use Facebook to market your network marketing business opportunity, you can potentially build a massive MLM business, have an endless supply of MLM leads, and more importantly, you could have your team easily duplicate what you are doing.

Facebook gives Network Marketers massive potential for their businesses, but most home business owners are using it all wrong. Presenting your home business opportunity to everyone you come across on Facebook, without establishing their immediate needs will not give you MLM recruiting success on Facebook.

Finding Success With Your Network Marketing Business On Facebook

To find success with your Network Marketing business on Facebook, you need to consistently connect with MLM prospects from your target market, get to know more about them and their greatest needs.
Add friends from Facebook groups where people from your target market hang out, and get to know them. Your circle of friends expands, and this gives you and your Network Marketing business greater chances of success on Facebook.

As much as possible, avoid talking about your Network Marketing business opportunity or products, even though your intention is to promote your Network Marketing business on Facebook.

When you can place emphasis on connecting with MLM prospects daily, and establishing a relationship with them, you move yourself closer to becoming a MLM sponsoring powerhouse. Using Facebook for your MLM business starts with your finding out what you have in common with your prospects, and as much general, yet important information, about them.

When you ask your Facebook prospects the right questions, without appearing intrusive or salesy, you can gain their trust and get closer to knowing what their greatest needs are. Only when you have established if there is a need to be met can you start promoting your MLM Business Opportunity on Facebook.

All MLM Facebook marketing strategies start with connecting with your prospects, and understanding their needs and desires.

Connect with MLM prospects, and sponsor them into your primary Network Marketing business opportunity, only if you learn how to do it right.

Michael T. Makahamadze


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Tags: Facebook, marketing, Network, Strategies


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Monday, July 25, 2011

Law firm's strategies in mortgage holders' struggles provoke ...

By Kris Hundley, Times Staff Writer

In Print: Monday, July 25, 2011

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David E. Ramba is a Tallahassee lobbyist and lawyer who has prospered representing well-heeled clients such as ATT, the Seminole Tribe and the Florida Chiropractic Association. But these days, he flies his six-seat Piper Malibu around Florida championing the cause of the little guy.

His target: the big, bad banks.

Ramba, 40, has joined forces with a California attorney and opened offices in Pinellas Park and Boca Raton where employees ask struggling homeowners to join an innovative legal action against their lenders.

Prospective plaintiffs are told that nearly 6,000 people have joined the effort and six lawsuits have been filed so far.

But there are several hitches.

It costs $5,000 to join. Winning a quick settlement is a long shot. Efforts to solicit plaintiffs through cold calls, unapproved mail pieces and commissioned workers also may violate Florida Bar rules, according to experts in legal ethics.

Regulators in California and Washington state warn that legal actions like Ramba?s are just the latest twist on mortgage relief schemes that charged up-front fees for loan modifications that didn?t happen. Federal and many state laws now ban such fees in most cases.

In March, the California Department of Real Estate warned about mortgage relief lawsuits.

?Those who continue to prey on and victimize vulnerable homeowners have not given up,? it said. ?They just change their tactics and modify their sales pitches to keep taking advantage of those who are desperate to save their homes.?

? ? ?

Ramba?s West Coast colleague, lawyer Philip A. Kramer, has already been criticized for promising to negotiate loan modifications that never materialized. The Los Angeles Better Business Bureau gave him an ?F? based on 45 consumer complaints.

A lawyer in Kramer?s firm said it was the banks? fault, not the firm?s, that modification efforts failed. Neither Kramer nor Ramba has any record of disciplinary actions.

Ground zero in Florida for the new legal assault on the banks is a mostly vacant office complex connected to a Winn-Dixie shopping plaza off 66th Street N.

The gold lettering on the door says Ramba Law Group and Kramer Kaslow. But instead of starched-shirt lawyers in plush offices inside, there are rows of cubicles. Casually dressed workers are hunched over phones. Their goal: tap into homeowners? anger at the banks and get them to part with some cash.

Ramba makes no apologies for requiring a retainer to put someone?s name on a lawsuit.

?The legal system is available to folks, but it?s not free,? he said in a recent phone interview. ?By coming together, homeowners will receive the same benefit someone with a lot of means could do on their own.?

Davin Spring, who has a wife, three kids and a barely profitable business in Baton Rouge, La., was sold on the concept. Spring is current on his mortgage, but owes more than his home is worth. When Spring tried to get some relief from his lender, he only got a runaround.

So when he got a direct-mail advertisement about a big lawsuit that could force banks to lower homeowners? interest, reduce their debt or maybe even wipe out their mortgages, it caught Spring?s attention. He called and reached a representative of Ramba?s in Pinellas Park.

?They told me they only had two more spaces,? Spring said. ?They got me hook, line and sinker.?

? ? ?

It is Kramer, of Calabasas, Calif., who claims credit for the idea of suing the banks after efforts at loan modifications failed. The only way to approach uncooperative lenders, Kramer decided, was to file ?mass joinder? lawsuits in the names of thousands of people facing the same obstacles.

?We go in with a club and make demands on the bank,? Kramer said in a video on the site of Consolidated Litigation Group, an affiliated company.

?We?re tired of answering questions and resubmitting pay stubs. It?s time for the banks to begin answering our questions.?

Since December, Kramer has filed lawsuits in California courts against Bank of America, Citibank, Chase, Wells Fargo, One West and Ally Bank. The complaints have different plaintiffs, but are nearly identical in the allegations, charging lenders with ?massive fraud? that ?devastated the values of their residences, in most cases resulting in the plaintiffs? loss of all or substantially all of their net worth.?

None of the complaints has yet gone to trial or been settled, and neither Kramer nor Ramba could cite mass joinder cases that have been successful against banks.

While Kramer?s mass joinder strategy is similar to class-action lawsuits, there are a few differences. In class-action cases, the plaintiffs are treated as a single entity and get an equal share of any settlement. Lawyers usually forego an up-front retainer in return for a contingency fee that can range from 30 to 50 percent.

In mass joinder lawsuits, the cases are combined for discovery purposes. But individual plaintiff?s circumstances are unique and any settlement is divvied up based on the facts of each case.

Plaintiffs? lawyers get a share of the proceeds; Kramer and Ramba?s contracts call for a 30?percent contingency in addition to the retainer of up to $5,000 per client.

Charles Rose, a professor at Stetson University College of Law, said he doesn?t doubt borrowers could have valid claims against banks. But he questions whether a lawyer can appropriately represent the conflicting interests of thousands of plaintiffs. And he suspects banks will put up a strong defense.

?I would be surprised if the banks roll over on these cases,? Rose said. ?Because once they settle, it opens the floodgates to other cases. ?

Kramer, named a ?Southern California Super Lawyer? by his peers, said banks will want to avoid a trial and might agree to a settlement as early as next year. Ramba, who said he intends to file additional cases in Florida by October, agreed that a 2012 settlement is possible.

?If you determine there?s a pattern and practice of loan origination that violates federal law and they profited by that, they?re required to disgorge those profits,? Ramba said. ?All we need is a fact-finding mission determining who was practicing adverse banking laws.?

? ? ?

Such tough talk has resonated with clients. Philip Warmanen of Jacksonville is a plaintiff in the California complaint against the Bank of America. Warmanen, a 71-year-old travel agent, responded to a direct-mail piece from Kramer?s firm this year and signed on when the retainer was $4,000. He said he?s current with his first and second mortgages, but his home is worth half of what it was when he bought it in 2006. Warmanen thinks his lender, Bank of America, should share in the loss.

While Warmanen was told by Kramer?s office that his mortgage might be eliminated as a result of the lawsuit, he would be happy with a cash settlement that could reduce his debt.

?I may have gambled $4,000 for nothing,? Warmanen said of Kramer?s retainer. ?But Bank of America is a giant without a heart.?

A spokeswoman for Bank of America, Christina Beyer, said the mass joinder lawsuit is ?without merit.?

In response to Warmanen?s complaints, she said, ?The bank is committed to helping borrowers in distress with loan modifications and other loss mitigation alternatives.?

Even without a settlement or court victory, Kramer has collected a substantial amount in retainer fees so far from the 2,500 plaintiffs named in the California lawsuits. If each paid $4,000 as Warmanen did, it would total $10?million.

Colin Sandland of Bradenton talked with a representative of Ramba?s Pinellas Park office in June after getting an ad in the mail. While Sandland, who is current on his mortgage, was intrigued at the thought of holding banks accountable, he didn?t like the demand for cash up front.

Sandland, 65, said he asked Ramba?s representative what happened to the retainer. ?He said, ?We?re on commission,? ? Sandland said. ?Why would I pay $5,000 to a lawyer who?s going to get 30 percent of any settlement? That turned me off.?

? ? ?

Experts on legal ethics say the way Ramba?s office solicits plaintiffs could be problematic. Cold calls are banned by Florida Bar rules, whether they?re made by lawyers or someone working on their behalf. This is the case even if the solicitation is made using information from public records, as Ramba said his office does.

?It?s the oldest problem in the book ethically,? said Amy Mashburn, a law professor at the University of Florida. ?The idea is how do you protect people from in-person pressure from people skilled in the art of persuasion. A letter will not put people under the same kind of pressure as a lawyer or their representative at the foot of a hospital bed.?

Likewise, any direct-mail piece sent by a lawyer must be reviewed by the Florida Bar. Though Ramba said his mailer conforms with the group?s advertising guidelines, a spokeswoman for the Bar said she does not have any record that he submitted it for review.

On Friday, Ramba said in an e-mail that no mailers have yet been sent by the Pinellas Park office. ?The office manager down in your area informed me that they HAD NOT sent anything out with my information on it,? he said.

He did not respond to an e-mail asking how Spring and Sandland would have known to call that office if they had not received mailers with the phone number on it.

Florida Bar rules also say it?s unethical for lawyers to split fees with nonlawyers by paying commissions tied to retainers. A recent ?help wanted? ad for Ramba?s Pinellas Park office promised ?$1,000 to $5,000/wk Potential.?

Rose, the Stetson professor, said if nonlawyers are paid a commission based on how many clients sign up, ?they may have a vested interest in skirting the boundaries of ethical rules.?

?That?s giving nonlawyers an interest in the outcome of litigation and that?s not allowed,? he said.

Ramba declined to disclose exactly how his call center workers are paid, but said, ?It?s not fee-splitting.?

? ? ?

Spring, the small business owner from Baton Rouge, La., gave Ramba?s group $2,500 before having second thoughts and stopping payment on the rest of his retainer. Now, he?s kicking himself for falling for a pitch that seemed to offer a way out of his mortgage mess.

?When I needed help, I reached out,? said Spring, who has been unable to get a refund. ?Unfortunately, I got the wrong hand.?

Times researcher Natalie Watson contributed to this report. Kris Hundley can be reached at or (727)892-2996.

Go to

? Watch videos of attorney Philip A. Kramer discussing mass joinder litigation against the banks.

? See a sample retainer contract for Ramba Law Group?s mass joinder lawsuits.

? See a direct mail ad sent by Kramer?s office, soliciting clients for mass joinder actions.

[Last modified: Jul 24, 2011 11:54 PM]

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