Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Prostrate Massage ? Free Article Submission

Prostate massage is a term that is used to describe the stimulation or massage in the male prostate gland for either sexual or medical reasons. The term massage is usually used when the reason for it to relieve the symptoms of chronic, and to milk it in order to reduce the sex drive or sexual activity by removing the prostatic fluid.

The prostate is one of the primary contributors to organisms in males and is part of the sexual response in males. It can be manually stimulated and is located next to the rectum. The seminal fluids are collected in the prostate and are released when the male has an orgasm.

Therefore, prostate massage means any action that will stimulate the prostate gland. Usually, the term prostate milking refers to the specific practice of relieving the buildup of the seminal fluid that is in the prostate gland, and discharging them by massage without ejaculation or orgasm. This is accomplished internally either by a medical instrument, a prostate massager, or be finger(s). This massaging of the prostate gland can result in orgasm without stimulating the genitals. Although it might not be effective in the removal of the seminal fluid, it may also be massage indirectly externally through the perineum.

If done incorrectly, massaging the prostate gland isn?t without are some health risks. When the prostate gland is massaged vigorously to an acute prostatitis case, it can sometimes be dangerous, possibly resulting in blood poisoning (septicaemia), and then result in hemorrhoidal problems in some people or transfer prostate cancer to other areas of the body.

It is important to remember that there are a few risks involved with massaging the prostate gland that has an ailment by using too much force, although massaging the prostate can be beneficial for some men. The purpose of the first stage is to encourage the production of semen.

If massaged gently, it can benefit the muscles around the prostate gland and help to drain the secretions in seminal vesicles or prostate gland that are inflamed.

To effectively massage the prostate gland, first vigorously rub the palms of your hands together. This will create some heat in your hands by providing the energy in your body into your palms and hands.

Next, remove your clothing and cup your testicles with one of your hands such that the palm of your hand completely covers them. Apply a light pressure without squeezing.

Then, place the palm of other left hand one inch below your navel, in the area of your pubis. Using light pressure, move your hand in counterclockwise or clockwise circles 81 times.

After vigorously rubbing your hands together again, reverse the position of your hands and repeat the circular rubbing in the opposite direction an additional 81 times. Don?t use any force because it can be dangerous.

For the second stage, tighten the muscles around your anus and draw them in and up. If you do this correctly, it will feel as though the entire area of you anus is being drawn upward and in or that air is being drawn up to your rectum. Tighten the muscles around your anus as hard as you can and hold it as long possible without feeling any discomfort. Then, relax for a moment.

Next, repeat the contractions in your anus. Do this as many times as possible without feeling any discomfort. When you do this, you will feel a tingling sensation. The sensation will only last for a second. Don?t try to increase the sensation with mental images.

Click here for more information about prostate massage and prostate stimulation.


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