Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Gingrich or Romney for Christian Republicans? (ContributorNetwork)

COMMENTARY | Herman Cain is gone. One down, a string of morally compromised or otherwise untenable candidates remaining. Which of the lesser of several poor choices do they choose?

While it is true no one is free of baggage, the quantity of Gingrich's baggage can't be overlooked. A slip-up here or there can be expected of human beings, but that many? Over and over? Do Christians vote for the platform or the man? Will integrity be required? Newt Gingrich is not known for consistency except for being inconsistent. The "insider" reputation runs deep. He has been called many things, including brilliant, articulate and bold. Honorable hasn't made the list.

It looks like Gingrich or Mitt Romney now. Some Christians dismiss Romney because they see Mormonism as a cult.

Do Christians dismiss Romney because he belongs to a cult or do they support him because he espouses strong family values, doesn't drink or smoke, and is a pillar of his religious community?

If Rick Santorum is still being considered, he's got trouble as well, having supported pro-choice Democratic Sen. Arlen Specter in the past. He had to defend this decision recently at a rally at a small Christian college in Iowa, according to an ABC News report.

Who does that leave if Republican Christians want to support a candidate who has acceptable values, a sound platform and any kind of consistent record? Is integrity even on the wish list?

Early this morning on ABC's radio show, Michele Bachmann stated Gingrich and Romney are "flawed" candidates. I don't see this statement of the obvious helping her floundering campaign.

Oh, right, there's Rick Perry. I forgot about him.

What I don't understand is why Jon Huntsman is not getting more press. Does his lack of scandal set him back? He's accused of "siding with the enemy" by cooperating with Barack Obama's government. What has happened to collaboration? Is that no longer a value we hold as American voters? If collaboration is the worst thing Huntsman has been accused of, I'm all for him as a viable alternative to President Obama. According to the Huffington Post, he's really the only electable candidate. I for one am simply too terrified of the rest of them.

Whatever Obama has done, he has tried. He has taken risks and endured the blame for a big mess that has been decades in the making. The GOP race has been nothing less than a circus so far. Whatever his failings, I do not hate a president who has been willing to try even if his solutions are not popular. At least he is offering some.

For Obama to be re-elected, let the carnival continue.

If I actually have to choose between two good candidates, then Huntsman is my man, simply by process of elimination, although the more I learn about him the better I feel about it. No other Republican on the current agenda would get my vote, and I know I'm not alone.


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