Friday, April 6, 2012

Use Social Media to connect with your audience in Singapore ...

Singapore FlagSingapore is an international hub for businesses. Singapore is a prime location that has attracted many foreigners and expats ? making this city a melting pot of cultures, ideas, and much more. This melting pot made Singapore into?one of the most technologically advanced countries in Asia. Singapore is one of the most ?evolved? social media markets around the world because of the technology infrastructure in place; how people use Internet for daily activities; and a population that stays globally connected. These factors have driven Singapore to evolve so quickly into the most online active markets in South East Asia.

Singapore has the highest level of Internet penetration in Southeastern Asia, as ? consumers in Singapore are frequently accessing the Internet more than any other of the Southeast Asian countries and through various channels. The use of social media and online interaction is increasing, Singaporeans trust consumer opinions posted online very high. Online product reviews and discussion forums are one of the most trusted sources of recommendations in purchase decision making, second to recommendations from family and friends. As its very easy to publish and read customer opinions about your products, it is important that companies are present, active, and sensitive to what their buyers are saying about their products.

Singapore Skyline

Social media has become an important part of the new Singaporean lifestyle. Singaporeans discuss social issues, gather news,?share family memories,?organize social events, express creativity, ?create professional networks, do comparison shopping and find places to eat, and things to buy.

Here are some statistics from the Nielsen?s 2011 report about digital consumers in Singapore:

  • 45% have an active YouTube profile
  • 77% maintain an active Facebook profile
  • 85% an internet capable phone
  • 23% now have a tablet computer in their homes
  • 70% use a smart phone
  • 69% of Internet users connect with brands via social networks. Singaporeans are becoming increasingly ?connected? through pc and mobile devices.
  • 5.9% of all Internet traffic in Singapore is now coming from non-computer devices.

This active audience on social media is huge for brands and businesses that are looking to enter and connect with a Singaporean market. It is important for companies to create an online presence that their target audience can connect with. Creating an online identity through social media channels will increase your company?s brand awareness and engage consumers to become loyal brand ambassadors. With Social media, companies ?put a face and a personality to their brand, they humanize it and give consumers a real personal relationship. Social media is an influential and important channel of communication for consumers in Singapore and around the world.

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