Thursday, July 12, 2012

Northern Illinois Buyers Agents ? We Can Be A Better Choice When ...

Everyone has passions. Some are work related, others are not. As life passes us by they change.

One of my early passions was swimming. I learned to swim very young, one of the benefits of living in Singapore on the Air Force base was every Sunday at The Changi Club with big swimming pools. I remember more about swimming than anything else about Singapore, except maybe the monsoon rains!

When we returned to the UK I joined the school swim team. The only reason you would ever get me to travel by bus, was to a swim competition. I had travel sickness bad, but swimming ruled in my world . One of those little known facts about me is that I could have entered the Olympics. I was told by my trainer I was good enough but had to commit to the training. Ultimately I decided not to do that, I just liked swimming and so remained the fish that everyone called me. Now I rarely get the chance to go swimming, and I mean swimming not splashing.

Now I work in real estate my passion has become working with buyers. I am an advocate of buyer agency but it?s a concept that is so young it?s like I am training again, except this time my job is educating buyers how it works and why it might be better for them.

When you buy or sell real estate you hire a Realtor. If selling you need a listing agent. It?s usually an exclusive agreement that the listing agent is the only agent to help you sell your home. They work for you. Their job is to find a ready, willing and financially qualified buyer to pay as much money for your home as the market will bear and that is acceptable to you.

Should you hire a Barrington Buyers Agent? Many buyers consider the best way to look at homes for sale is to call the listing agent. But remember the listing agent has already agreed to work for the seller and get the best possible price. So I ask again, is that the best choice for you?

One of the biggest things missing when using the listing agent instead of your own buyers agent is negotiation. If the seller and buyer agree to use the same agent, which by the way must be done in writing, here are some things that agent is not allowed to do:

  • Reveal the price the seller will accept, unless it is the asking price, without permission of the seller.
  • Suggest a recommended price the buyer should offer, counter or accept..

The first one is understandable, why would any seller release that information. The second is a little different. If you are ready to make an offer a listing agent can only provide you with a list of recent sales. Then it?s up to you to decide on the numbers you want to negotiate with.

  • How will you know whether the list of sales is comparable, that they were truly the best sales to use?
  • How will you know where to start with an offer, do you have a strategy? ?What about countering offers and what?s a good place to stop?

This might seem of little significance to you and perhaps it is. That said I will tell you that the one thing buyers tell me they want help with the most is pricing, negotiating and getting the best deal they can.

Without anyone in your corner to assist you, is that at all possible? Yesterday I spent an hour with some buyers and when it came to considering making an offer on one of the properties, we sat and had a 30 minute tactical discussion. We had a plan that addressed the asking price, the offers and counter offers and an end number we wanted to work towards. You would not get any of that help with the listing agent.

Before you buy your next home, consider hiring a buyers agent to work for you. If you would like to learn more, just email me or give me a call.

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