Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Black Peanut's nutritional value | Health and Fitness Tips ...

The Black Peanut is the peanut family a wonderful, high nutritional value and health benefits.The Black Peanut nutritious, rich in high quality protein, unsaturated fatty acids, also contain large quantities of selenium, potassium and other mineral elements, more importantly, is the peanut skin also contain flavonoids, BPSP resveratrolalcohol and other biological components with unique features, the following the black peanut nutritional value.

Black peanuts are rich in anthocyanins, anthocyanins inhibit free radicals, anti-oxidation, anti-radiation, anti-tumor, anti-aging and cardiovascular activity, anti-inflammatory, non-bacterial inflammation, such as arthritis, prevention, enhancedthe elasticity of the skin, protect the skin and promote skin health and other biological effects.

Good role in promoting the development of brain cells and enhance memory.

Allows the brain thinking, the precursor of the neurotransmitter dopamine, an important role in the high levels of nerve conduction, stimulation, and the change of brain activity.

Help to improve the physical ability, the spirit of excitement, and help control depression and anxiety disorders.

Can improve the function of the immune system, prevent kidney stones, help to alleviate hypoglycemia.

Promote growth and development, tissue repair and the production of antibodies, hormones and enzymes. Amount to eat every day can also promote the growth and development of children and adolescents, can be as healthy snacks for children and adolescents.
Can make people highly focused attention to improve fertility.

Has significant antioxidant function, cancer prevention class, reduce platelet aggregation, prevent atherosclerosis.

Can improve memory and thinking agility, reduce hunger, clear depression.

The black peanut body has a good health care, regulate physiological role. Melanin can effectively promote the blood circulation of the body, to prevent the visible light and ultraviolet radiation.

Reduce total cholesterol and bad cholesterol in the blood, and the prevention of cardiovascular disease, artery scavenger reputation.

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Tags: Black Peanut nutritional value, the nutritional value of Black Peanut, what about black peanut
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