Tuesday, June 7, 2011

LollyChops: Front Porch Kits - One Sunny Day Kit Giveaway!

Hello friends! ?I have a silly little story to share with you today! ?When I came home from the first day of the Great American Scrapbook Convention on Thursday evening low and behold... ?this is what I found in my craft room...

CraftRoomMakeover_01...a whole lotta nuthin...


RonChops decided to surprise me with a craft room floor makeover!

He said it took him almost 5 hours to clear out "all the junk"...
(just FYI, "junk" in le dictionary de la LollyChops is defined as "awesome craft supplies")?

...and wow...

It was like the craft room exploded in the WHOLE entire house!

?The fabric shelves from the closet were in the main hallway...
(I think I need more teal fabric don't you???)

?A whole myraid of I don't even know what found it's way into the poor living room...

...and there were even more shelves from the closet inching their way into the kitchen...

But this next grouping of items was by far my favorite...

I found this in the foyer...?

1) A paper cutout of a banjo
2) A rock with a lot of holes in it
3) ..and a roll of pink party streamers

Can you imagine what RonChops was thinking as he picked up the paper banjo to move it?

"hmmm... ?where oh where am I going to put this adorable paper banjo???"

Actually... ?what I really think was going through his mind was more along the lines of...

"I wonder if she'll notice if I throw her paper banjo out...???"


...as he's heading to the trashcan...

...and thinks about the frantic 6 hour search that will ensue when I can't find my paper banjo...?

...he smartly decides to place the paper banjo with the party streamers and holey rock...

...poor RonChops...

I noticed that he moved everything exactly has I had left it...

Even my transformer hot glue gun with hot glue drippings!!!
(he also placed the entire contents from my craft table in a giant trash bag)
(cause he said that he knew if he threw anything out it would be a "bad thing")
(and then I think he mumbled something about me never throwing anything away)
(but I could have daydreamed that part)

?I basically have new wood floors in my craft room as I type this!
(but I still have an entire house full of craft supplies)

So we'll have a little giveaway until I can get things cleaned up, o'kay???

What's on the Chopping Block?

Our June Kit called One Sunny Day... from Front Porch Kits!!!

You will want to check out the DT gallery HERE!

It's loaded to the gills with teal!
...and a whole lotta other awesome stuff...
(but the teal will knock your socks off!!!)

To enter...
Just leave me a comment with your favorite place to take a vacation!

This giveaway is open to anyone, anywhere and will close Sunday evening 10pm CST on June 12, 2011.

If you have already ordered this month's kit and you win... you'll get your money back!

Good luck to you guys and good luck to me (hahaha)!
I'm gonna need extra fortification as I put everything back into my craft room!


Source: http://www.lollychops.com/lollychops/2011/06/front-porch-kits-one-sunny-day-giveaway.html

homedepot matthew perry diverticulitis stevie wonder tom sizemore deal or no deal old navy coupons

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