Friday, October 28, 2011

Profiles of Joint Select Committee Republicans (ContributorNetwork)

The Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction has until Nov. 23 to come up with $1.5 trillion in budget cuts over the next 10 years. Twelve members were chosen by leaders of both parties in Congress to come up with the mandated spending cuts. The Joint Select Committee held one of its rare public hearings Oct. 26. It was the group's first meeting since Sept. 22.

Here is a look at the six Republicans on the Joint Select Committee.

Rep. Jeb Hensarling, Texas

Rep. Jeb Hensarling from Texas represents the 5th District southeast of Dallas. He is the co-chair of the Joint Select Committee. Hensarling serves regularly on the House Committee on Financial Services. He graduated with a law degree from the University of Texas in 1982. Hensarling is a strong advocate for fiscal responsibility and right-to-life issues. He was strongly against bailout funds for Wall Street firms.

Sen. Jon Kyl, Arizona

Sen. Jon Kyl of Arizona is in the middle of his third term in the Senate. He was elected to four straight terms in the House of Representatives before coming to the Senate. He serves on the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Finance Committee. Kyl believes reducing the national debt will go a long way to solve the economic problems of the United States.

Rep. Dave Camp, Michigan

Rep. Dave Camp of Michigan is the chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee. His job is to help oversee tax policy, unemployment and welfare programs. Camp represents the middle part of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan. In regards to jobs and the economy, Camp wants to lower taxes on all Americans in addition to repealing part or all of the Affordable Care Act.

Sen. Rob Portman, Ohio

Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio was first elected in 2010. His father owned a small business where Portman worked until he became a lawyer. Portman was elected to the 2nd District of Ohio in the House of Representatives for 12 years. He is a former U.S. Trade Representative and believes small businesses can grow with fewer regulations and lower taxes.

Rep. Fred Upton, Michigan

Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan serves as the chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. He has been a member of the House since 1987 from the western portion of Michigan's Lower Peninsula including Kalamazoo. Like other Republicans on the Joint Select Committee, Upton believes in fewer regulations to spur business expansion and job growth. Being from a state surrounded on three sides by water, Upton also believes keeping America's ports open is a major way to keep economic activity growing.

Sen. Pat Toomey, Pennsylvania

Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania previously served three terms in the House of Representatives until 2004. He was elected to the Senate in 2010 and this is his first term. Toomey was a small business owner in Pennsylvania before entering politics. He believes in making regulations on businesses simpler and wants to reduce tax burdens on Americans to help the economy grow. Toomey introduced a 10-year budget plan for consideration in the Senate.

William Browning is a research librarian specializing in U.S. politics. Born in St. Louis, Browning is active in local politics and served as a campaign volunteer for President Barack Obama and Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill.


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