Thursday, February 16, 2012

[Multiverse] Phoenix (In Progress)

|| Cardinal Data ||

Name? Edward Phoenix
Age? 21
Height? 5'11"
Weight? 170lbs
Hair Color? Jet-black
Eye Color? Emerald-green
Skin Color? Peach
Physical Description? Slim, athletic build.
Attire? Varies but is partial to green and black apparel. Always seen wearing the same sterling chain and pendant around his neck.

Blood Type? n/a
Gender? Male
Species? Unknown, occasionally referred to as a transcendental
Birthday? November 28th
Status? Immortal / Enlightened
Place of Residence*? The Phoenix Estate
Occupation*? Founder, Chairman and CEO of E.D.S.
National Affiliations*? Unknown
Alignment? Good, neutral

|| Supplemental Data ||

Chronology? Varies by verse.

Demeanor? Edward presents himself as a humble and easygoing individual while in the company of others. This docile nature is a front however, serving to mask a great deal of ambiguity that accompanies his daily thoughts. His tame demeanor shines through even in the most dire of straits and permits him to assess his situation with almost machine-like effectiveness. Only a select few are capable of breaking this calm composure and what follows is little more than slight annoyance.

As he has ample time to himself, both at home and in the work place, Edward constantly speculates over the many concerns surrounding his future. His extensive emphasis on reflection has lead to him constantly second guessing himself while also trying to downplay his own significance. When he isn't brooding Edward kills time in a variety of ways; including random expeditions or tending to the oranges he grows at home. Edward displays great respect towards nearly everyone he encounters, including opposition. For a select few, these qualities are replaced with aversion and disgust.

*Varies by char. incarnation and genre.


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