Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Video: Supporters of Muslim Brotherhood celebrate

>>> overseas tonight decidedly mixed emotions in egypt after this weekend's news that mohamed morsi of the muslim brotherhood was officially declared the winner of that country's first democratic presidential election. this means big changes in egypt and beyond especially in that region. our chief foreign correspondent richard engel joins us again tonight from tar hrir square. people are just coming to grips with how momentous this really is.

>> reporter: certainly big changes could be ahead. supporters of the muslim brotherhood mohamed morsi are still here in the square celebrating, playing music, hoping this will be the start of a new, islamic state in the middle east . what an incredible change of events. when this revolution began a year and a half ago, in this square, mohamed morsi was behind bars. today morsi was touring president mubarak 's old office, even sitting down in his old chair testing it out for size. critics say that the rise of the muslim brotherhood to power will be absolutely disastrous for this country, turning egypt certainly anti-israeli and perhaps anti-american as well. brian? all right. all of that will deserve watching over the coming days. richard engel , thanks.

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