Sunday, July 29, 2012

The ISESCO Dismisses Abusively a Moroccan Researcher for ...

By Loubna Flah

Morocco World News

Casablanca, July 27, 2012

Ms. FA C., a brilliant and young Moroccan researcher could not imagine that the mere fact of demanding her legitimate rights would cost her position as an administrative assistant in the department of culture and communication in the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization( ISESCO). She preferred to keep her anonymity for personal reasons.

The Moroccan researcher had addressed earlier a letter to the ISESCO director general Mr. Abdelaziz Touijri claiming the right to be affiliated to the National Fund for Social Security commonly known as the CNSS. Ms. FA.C advocated also the right to have the status and the salary of a program specialist in equivalence with her MA degree as stipulated in the ISESCO internal charter. She also expressed her right to have a permanent job after six month of work in addition to the right to social security coverage after retirement.

Faced with the director general lethargy, Ms. F.C delegated the matter to her lawyer who sent a letter to the ISESCO president Mr. Touijri urging him to grant Ms. FA.C her rights in compliance with the ISESCO internal charter.

In an interview with Morocco World News, Ms. FA.C said that ?the ISESCO received a letter with my demands via my lawyer on July 17th. The following day and with no further delay I was handed the dismissal letter and asked to leave my office in a very rude way. I was not even allowed to log out form my mailbox and to switch off my computer?

The head of administrative affairs who signed the dismissal decision states that Ms. FA.C was fired because she committed a serious mistake without stating explicitly the kind of mistake that owed her position inside the Islamic organization. He adds that she had breached the ISESCO organic law.

Ms. FA.C earned a BA in Islamic theology and a BA in political science from Mohammed V University in Rabat. She graduated from Sheffield Hallam University in UK where she obtained an MA degree in cultural policy and management. She also obtained a fellowship position in Women, Religion and Globalization project at Yale University in the USA. She is currently conducting her PHD research in religion and politics. Ms. FA.C signed a contract with the ISESCO on March 21, 2011.

Ms. FA.C pinpoints that there are similar antecedent cases of abusive dismissal where one of her former colleagues was fired who has resorted to justice to recover his rights. It is noteworthy that the ministry of foreign affairs and solidarity has already requested the ISESCO to register all its employees including the contractors like Ms. FA.C to social security.

The ISESCO is an Islamic organization that aims at promoting and the consolidating cooperation opportunities among the members of the OIC (the Organization of Islamic Conference) in the fields of education, science, culture and communication. The ISESCO seeks also to promote tolerance, world peace and security through its various programs.

The ISESCO current director general Mr. Touijri has been at the head of the Islamic for organization since 1991 though the ISESCO charter stipulates in the Article 13th that the president can be elected by the General Conference for a three-year term, renewable only twice, upon a proposal by the Executive Council. This incident raises serious questions regarding the ISESCO obligations towards its employees as well as the transparency in its management.


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