Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How do I open a new business (Travel Agency) in Geneva Switzerland ...

Question by mshafaqoj: How do I open a new business (Travel Agency) in Geneva Switzerland?

Best answer:

Answer by Mr Who
First and most important: You must either have Swiss citizenship or permanent residency for Switzerland (Permit C). The latter is only granted after having lived here several years with another permit (L or B, I believe it?s called). Afterwards, rent an office/store and do as you like. No other permits needed for businesses like a travel agency. However, I wouldn?t really recommend to open up one, the market is dried out, there is little to no chance to make any money with such a business. I speak from own experience, I have been part of the board of a leading Swiss tour operator.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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