Saturday, August 27, 2011

Overview of Cell Phone Jammer ? SEO Article Directory, Find Online ...

Along with the rapid development of mobile communication, the cell phone has become the necessary communication tool. It is known that the?cellular phone jammer?brings not only the speedy and convenience to people, but also the high frequency conversion and radio frequency radiation. However, people don?t know much about the harm of the radiation to people?s health. For the abrupt radiation signal, the slight one can influence the normal work of precise instruments and equipments nearby, for example, in the hospital, such precise instruments as heart pacemaker, electrocardiogram recorder and so on can be influenced so that doctor?s diagnosis fault will be caused. The serious one will generate electrostatic spark which may detonate the inflammable gas and cause a serious threat to the safety of such regions as petrol station, gas station, chemical warehouse, refinery, dangerous articles storage place and so on. The?cell phone jammer can generate shielding magnetic field (i.e. the mobile phone can not receive the signal) in the specific range so that the mobile phone (including China Telecom, China Unicom and various PAS) can not call and be called in the specific range. Then, the abrupt radiation can not be formed so that using of the?mobile phone jammer can be obligatorily forbidden to guarantee the safety of the above places.

? 2011 SEO Article Directory, Find Online Articles, Backlinks, Search engine optimization


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