Saturday, November 19, 2011

'Dancing's' Carrie Ann defends her judging

Adam Taylor / ABC

By Anna Chan

Two days after soccer star Hope Solo and pro partner Maksim Chmerkovskiy were eliminated from "Dancing With the Stars," fans of the show are still griping. No, not about the pair's expected exit, but the comments judge Carrie Ann Inaba delivered on performance night and after the elimination, and her perceived favortism in general.

In case you?need a refresher, the back and forth between her and the pro all started after a seemingly random remark directed at Maks while Carrie Ann was critiquing Hope's Argentine tango. "You can smile like that all you want. That's fine, Maks ...," she said.?

Since then, she's had something to say about her apparent feud with Maks every day, partly because fans of the show haven't stopped giving her a piece of their minds about her behavior on the panel. Show fan @tazdev_87301 tweeted on Thursday morning, "@carrieanninaba It's not your job to show personal bias either but you do, and if you would review your scores it shows it." (It's a sentiment quite a few Clicker readers agree with, and which Maks pointedly told the judges on?the Oct. 24 show.)

Carrie Ann went on the defensive with a series of tweets, including a reply to tazdev that read, "Something to think about: I can love you and not like your dance. And I can love the dance and not like you. #FAIR."

(Funny choice of hashtag there! Wonder if it was "fair" that fan and judges' favorite J.R. Martinez delivered a far subpar performance on the cha-cha relay on Monday -- thanks to a twisted ankle -- and still received a higher score from the judges in that round than Hope, who for the first and only time outdanced the war hero.)

After a few more tweets, she finally wrote, "If you like and support MAKS AND HOPE - that's the point of the show!!! TO vote for who YOU like! However, there's no need to bash other people's talent and bring down other people to lift up the ones you like. Some of you are using this opportunity to just bash away. It would be nice for you to think about what you are putting into the universe. I can appreciate being upset - but young kids read the internet, and they see what you say, and you are setting a poor example to them. "

It's an interesting comment, especially since the general consensus seems to be that while Maks is definitely one of the more popular pros, fans agree that Hope did not belong in the final three. What's more, despite some negative sentiments for the Kardashian family, viewers tend to agree that contestant Rob K.?has improved the most and deserves his spot in the finale.

The best part is that she seems to be accusing the vocal fans of bashing others to lift up their favorites, while she's the one who's been gushing over Rob (and not just his dancing abilities, but his ... ummm ... physical attributes) and being perhaps harsher on the ones she doesn't seem to like.


Think it's time for Carrie Ann to let it go and focus on the finale? After all, Maks hasn't made a peep about it on his twitter feed. Share your thoughts on our Facebook page!

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