Friday, November 18, 2011

"South Park" goes hard on Penn State sex scandal (Reuters)

LOS ANGELES ( ? Nothing like a little alleged molestation to tickle the ol' funny bone.

The wiseacres at "South Park" were topical as usual on Wednesday night's episode, riffing on the sex scandal that's ravaged the Penn State football program. During the episode, Kenny and his siblings -- removed from their parents because their folks committed the sin of drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon -- encounter an overly flippant social worker who riffs on former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky's alleged carnal misdeeds.

"I've been looking over my file and see you kids have all been horribly physically and emotionally abused. Oh, whoops! That isn't your case file. It's the Penn State University Gazette," the social worker cracks. "Ha! I'm joking."

That's just for starters. After informing the tots that they have their choice of foster homes -- Neverland Ranch, a Catholic church, or Penn State University -- the social worker lightens the mood with another little rib-tickler.

"How about this one? Joe Paterno doesn't walk into a police station," he offers. "C'mon, that's a good one!"


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