Monday, October 29, 2012

Storyline & Events

Supernatural Lovers

Four humans. Four creatures. Four years. One type of love. Can they withstand a war that could tear them apart, possibly forever? [More info inside.]


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Alright, so, I've decided that the war starts out with... there is a council that represents the four main species of Vampire, Demon, Witch, and Werewolf. The four are murdered; I'm guessing either they murdered one another or... some other creature ended up killing them, which we can think of. I'll probably type up something for that or we will do a time skip for it, like a day or so.

Now, there are different tensions between each creature. Witches and Demons are more tense with eachother, as Werewolves and Vampires are more tense with one another. Vampires and Demons tend to me more solitary whereas witches and werewolves are more condenses and social, so that will impact how they treat eachother. If you have any event ideas, don't be afraid to let me know.

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