Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Today on New Scientist: 16 October 2012

Space tourism: the ultimate boarding pass

Tourist trips into space are poised for take-off. New Scientist prepares you for boarding

Butterfly-wing wafers to clad iridescent buildings

This might look like a pretty lily pad but it is actually a wafer created with lasers to mimic the iridescent colours of a butterfly's wings

Patent could shackle 3D printers with DRM

The ability to make anything you like in a 3D printer could be constrained by a method for checking whether you're using protected intellectual property

Eye-contact detector found in the brain

A study in macaques has identified a set of neurons that fire only when the monkey makes eye contact with another macaque

Take that, Tatooine: First planet with four suns found

PH1 orbits a pair of stars that are in turn orbited by a binary system, giving the exoplanet two more suns than Tatooine in Star Wars

Experience supersonic free fall in complete safety

We hope you've fully digested your lunch. Here is the latest video Red Bull has released of Felix Baumgartner's supersonic free fall on Sunday

Bedsores no match for shocking underpants

Treating bedsores in people with mobility issues costs the US billions each year - underwear that stimulates the gluteal muscles could help

The five most promising new cancer treatments

A host of experimental therapies are emerging that could dramatically improve our chances of curing cancer, say Shaoni Bhattacharya and Clare Wilson

Ada Lovelace: My brain is more than merely mortal

The creator of the first recognised algorithm talks, via her letters, about her colleague Charles Babbage, the Analytical Engine and what the future holds

'Tired' fat cells might trigger obesity

If you are not getting enough sleep, your fat cells may malfunction, causing you to pile on the pounds

Tidal records expose surge in hurricanes

An examination of historical storm surges shows that Atlantic hurricanes are worsening

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