Sunday, August 14, 2011

Employees Must Understand Health and Safety Procedures | Business ...

Businesses must realise that it is their responsibility to educate employees about the safety procedures within the workplace.

Research by Personal Injury Lawyers revealed that the majority of British workers were completely unaware about the health and safety practices implemented by their organisation.

Almost half of the employees surveyed stated that they had never seen any safety policy documentation even though they worked in an organisation which had a workforce of five or more people.

Only a fraction of staff were aware of their employers fire safety procedure or knew their dedicated health and safety manager or were even clued up on where their workplace first-aid kit was located.

It is essential that all organisations make certain that their workers are up-to-date with the latest health and safety legislation as this will reduce the risk of injury to employees and potential claims against employers.

This lack of safety awareness has been supported by recent statistics from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) which show that more people have been killed in British workplaces compared to last year.

The HSE reported that 24 more people were killed during the period of April 2010 to March 2011 which means that the fatal injury rate is now at 0.6 per 100,000 workers, an increase of 0.1.

It is important to remember that Britain has one of the lowest rates fatal injury rates in Europe and that the previous year had experienced the fewest number of deaths on record so that an increase was probably expected.

Despite these mitigating factors, employers should still be concerned about the potential for serious injury around the workplace and take steps to remedy any problems or issues.

Keeping a record of work-related ill health and near-miss accidents will help employers to identify any necessary workplace adjustments that need to be made in order to protect employees.

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 requires employers to undertake suitable and sufficient assessments of the potential risks to the health and safety of employees in the workplace.

Many employees are concerned that complying with health and safety legalisation will cost them money but it is more likely that it will save them money in the long-term through reduced instances of staff illness and injury.

Performance improvement consulting professionals can help organisations make certain they are following all necessary legislation in order to boost productivity and the morale of employees.

Himsworth Consultancy is a leading Management Consultancy firm of senior business and peformance improvement consulting professionals that can improve customer service through systems thinking. Click the links to discover more.

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