Thursday, August 11, 2011

ThinkTank Internships: Reflections International Business ...

I interned with Global ThinkTank for two semesters. I enrolled in the internship program through the University of Akron. My major was International Business therefore I was required to complete an internship where approximately 50% of my time was spent working on projects or assignments that would offer me international exposure. I had a very hard time finding an internship that was willing to give me the experience required to complete my degree program. Global ThinkTank was willing and eager to involve me in projects that were international as well as tailor their internship program to meet my specific needs.

While interning at GTTi I was involved in three different projects. One of these projects was group oriented where I worked with a team of my peers to market and build pre-launch recognition for a new service. The other two projects that I was involved were international in nature and allowed me to practice, develop, and implement the tools that I had acquired through my education. Not only did I use previous knowledge, but the internship projects helped me to acquire new skill sets revolving around the use of internet technologies and social networking to be used as a business tool. The internship program at Global ThinkTank is a loosely structured program which requires individuals to complete tasks on their own time. The program requires an individual who is capable of managing time and punctuality to complete tasks and communicate information while working outside of the office setting. This format allows and encourages interns to expand their thinking and develop new techniques and ideas to help generate revenue streams from the ground up.

In closing, my time spent with GTTi has offered me the opportunity to explore what it is in life that I am passionate about and how to turn that into a career that will be successful and rewarding. My supervisors were diligent about showing me the results of my work and how I had impacted the operations of the business. GTTi has allowed me to make connections with influential individuals worldwide that will have an impact on my future success. My supervisors were very willing and helpful in the post-internship job search process. I would highly suggest an internship with Global ThinkTank to any student who has the ability to manage their time wisely, is motivated, and thrives in an environment which encourages thought and innovation while maintaining a systems thinking based approach. I would like to thank GTTi and my supervisors for giving me this opportunity and trusting me with their business?s reputation, mission, and values.








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