Thursday, July 12, 2012

Children's Health & Fitness ? Abused Children May Become Obese ...

July 10th, 2012 by Len Saunders

From News Medical?..

Severity of abuse in childhood or adolescence is associated with an increased risk for overall and central obesity in adulthood, report researchers.

?Abuse in childhood may adversely shape health behaviors and coping strategies, which could lead to greater weight gain in later life,? said lead author Ren?e Boynton-Jarret from Boston University School of Medicine in Massachusetts, USA, in a press statement.

Childhood abuse has previously been linked to obesity in adulthood, write the researchers in Pediatrics. However, ?little is known regarding the impact of abuse severity on risk, potential mechanisms are poorly understood, and few studies have been conducted among minority populations,? they explain.

In the current study of 33,298 participants (median age 49 years) from the Black Women?s Health Study who completed a self-administered questionnaire on early life experiences of abuse, nearly 58% of the women reported at least one instance of abuse as a child or teenager.

The frequency of abuse severity was worked out by categorizing individuals into those who had reported ?mild,? ?moderate?, or ?severe? abuse, depending on the type and amount of abuse inflicted. This was then reviewed using a 9-item instrument based on the Conflict Tactics Scale and the Pregnancy Abuse Assessment Screen.

To read the full story?..Click here

Entry Filed under: Health / Fitness Articles


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