Friday, July 13, 2012

Product Creation Vs Resell Rights: What to do when you don't want ...

A family member of mine (my sister), is considering releasing a course. And like a lot of people I talk to ? creating a product (especially a course) can be a major sticking point. It can be very overwhelming.

But there is an easier alternative (aff link).

While this alternative is easier, I don?t recommend it as a long term business plan, but it is a good way to get started. I?ll explain why in a minute.

When it comes to sourcing a product you can sell, you only have 5 options:

  1. Create your own product
  2. Market an affiliate product
  3. License the rights
  4. Purchase the resell rights
  5. Hire someone to create it

I?ve done all 5 and generated income using all 5 methods.

My first instinct is to tell you that nothing beats creating your own product. Not only do you have full control over the asset, but it?s also unique and brandable to you only. It?s yours. You own the full rights to it. No one can sell an exact copy of it.

However, there is a downside to creating your own product

It?s time consuming.

If you enter a market and can?t sell your product, you will have spent a lot of time and a lot of energy. The experience may not be wasted, but it can be discouraging.

However, if you start with a ready-made product you can test and tweak and test again, before you put time and energy into your own creation.

A simply formula I?ve followed is to acquire the rights to a product to enter a new market, and only after a degree of success, I then switch it for my own product. I?ve done this with membership site software, books and courses.

In fact, I used a part of the profits I received from my sales on an affiliate software package to fund the development of my own membership site software. I then switched over to promoting my own unique software and have gone on to sell thousands of licenses for it. But if I didn?t have a starting point, it may never have happened.

Old School

I remember when I started my first business (this was before the Internet took off),? I purchased my very first resell rights to a product. It was the rights to a video course.

At the time I decided to purchase resell rights because I wanted to have a product and the marketing material that had been proven to sell.

I figured I could be confident in running ads, as I knew somebody else had been successful selling the same product.

This became one of my tipping points in the product development business.

I ran the ads and to my surprise I started to generate sales.

I now had some success.

I generated my first few thousand dollars in direct mail sales.

I was excited, and I was in business.

It lowered my ?time risk? in entering a new market. I purchased the rights and could move ahead at a very fast pace.

Now, as a seasoned product creator I still sometimes revert to other people?s products to test a new market before entering it.

It?s all about speed in entering a new market.

How to find a great resell rights product

While there are a lot of ?resell product directories? available online, it?s important to select quality products. Here are the rules I follow:

  1. Try to review a sample of the product
  2. If necessary, purchase and use the product before buying the resell rights
  3. Check the sales copy used to promote it
  4. Search around for honest reviews on forums (beware of fake affiliate review sites)

Once you?ve locked one in, acquire the resell rights to it, get your business generating income and then create your own unique product and swap it with the resell product!

You can find some ready-made resell right packages on this directory here


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