Friday, October 7, 2011

Advertising Your Taxidermy Business | New Life Taxidermy

Today?s taxidermy tip is about advertising. I will discuss some strategies that you can use to promote your business and gain more clients.

The first thing you should look at when deciding where or how to advertise is your budget. Contrary to popular opinion, you do not have to spend a fortune to advertise your taxidermy business, but you do need a budget. Luke 14:28 says, ?Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Will he not first sit down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it??. You need to determine how much you have to spend on advertising and then develop a plan that fits within that budget. Depending on your situation, you might set aside a small amount of money or a large portion for advertising. In either case, you need to spend that amount wisely.

If you do not have a professional website, it is an absolute requirement for shops that are not established. People look online for info these days. You need a nice website that reflects the quality and value you provide to your clients. Don?t be a cheapskate here. Don?t set up a ?free? website or only a facebook page. Pay a designer to develop a quality website to represent your business. In my ebook, Marketing Your Taxidermy Business in the Dot-Com Era, I discuss website implementation in great detail. Visit this post for more information.

You should also spend some money on high quality business cards. Once you have them printed, you need to get them into people?s hands. You should display them at local bait shops, feed stores, restaurants, auto parts stores, meat processors, and anywhere else the owner of the business will allow you to display some cards. Overall, this is a cheap method of advertising. Business cards are pretty cheap and you can pick up nice card holders for a couple bucks each at your local office supply store.

Along those lines, fliers are also pretty cheap. I recommend a professionally designed and printed flier, but you can make some nice ones if you are good with a computer. I like to display these at the same places where I display cards. Our boat ramps at public lakes often have covered bulletin boards for people to put up posters about tournaments, etc. I like to put my fliers up on these bulletin boards. You can also have some nice vinyl signs made up to place at strategic locations. My neighbor has a deck building and home repair business. He puts these up at every intersection and gets quite a bit of work from them. Additionally, you can have vinyl decals printed for your truck. Now, you have a rolling billboard for your business.

The things I have mentioned so far have been relatively inexpensive. If you have a more substantial amount of money to INVEST in advertising, you have a world of opportunities available to you. You can place ads in hunting and fishing magazines. We have several magazines that are specifically directed towards North Carolina hunters and fishermen. I?m sure there are publications that target your local audience. Additionally, our state wildlife regulations digest sells ad space. All of these target hunters and fishermen that could benefit from your services. Some of these sell ads cheap and others require more money. Usually the price is based on the number of subscribers. A well-designed, well placed ad in these publications can lead new clients to you.

National publications are also great places to advertise. Ducks Unlimited, Delta Waterfowl, SCI, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, and other groups send magazines to their supporters. An ad in these magazines can broaden your customer base. Again, these ads are not cheap, but they can make you way more money than they cost if deployed properly.

Television and radio ads along with billboards on the highway are also great advertising tools. Again, not cheap by any means, they can make you way more money than you invest in them. The main point to consider is the target audience. A taxidermy ad on the local hip-hop radio station is probably futile, but the same ad on a country station can reap huge rewards.

Other ways to advertise are available. Google AdWords is currently doing pay-per-click ads where you only pay when clients visit your website. You can sponsor hunting and fishing websites, blogs, and forums. Sponsor local events such as charity road races, golf tournaments, conservation banquets, and festivals. These can bring you recognition and often your logo will be included on t-shirts and other printed materials related to the event. The great thing about these is you help a cause, promote your business, and receive a tax deduction to boot. Setting up a booth at local hunting/fishing/boating expos is also a great way to advertise. While a simple booth won?t do much, a well-designed, well-placed booth can attract quite a few new client inquiries.

Setting up displays of your work in local hunting/fishing stores is another great way to advertise. You must display good work and make it attractive to the customers of those businesses. Keep the mounts dusted and maintained and make sure to have some nice signage present. Developing a good relationship with the employees of these places is also essential. They can become some of your best ?cheerleaders? and send clients your way.

These are just a few ideas you can use. There are many other opportunities available to market your business. A key point to remember is that you still have to sell yourself to clients. The marketing and advertising strategies will bring clients to your door, but it is up to you to get them to say ?yes?. Provide them with quality work, a fair price, and exceptional service and you will convert these folks into lifelong clients.

The last point I?d like to make is to gauge the effectiveness of each of your marketing strategies. Ask new clients how they found you. Keep track of their answers. Then, in following years invest more in the most productive avenues and less in avenues that do not produce.

I?d like to hear some of the strategies my readers have used to successfully promote their businesses. Send them to my email and I will post them. You can also share your strategies by clicking ?Leave A Reply? below. Thanks in advance for sharing your advertising tips with my readers and thanks for reading.


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