Sunday, October 9, 2011

Good Women Health is the Symbol of Fertility | Health

Good Women Health is the Symbol of Fertility

The physical difference between male and female is there just for the sake of fertility. Women are the symbol of fertility; and only a healthy woman can give birth to a healthy child. For the sake of healthy family, healthy society and healthy country it is essential to pay necessary attention to women?s health. Balanced diet is the prime requirement for keeping a woman fit and fine. The diet of a woman must be rich in vitamins and minerals.

Like other parts of the body, reproductive organs of women also require due care. After reaching the age of puberty menstrual cycle starts in women which provide them power to conceive. Menstrual cycle is the process of formation of egg in the ovary, entrance of egg to the uterus for fertilization and removal of unfertilized egg. With the beginning of menstrual cycle possibility of problems related with female genital organs also increases.

Sex is a vital part of normal human life. During sex the egg is fertilized by the sperm if it is available in the uterus. Though sex only for enjoyment is prohibited in many societies and religion but millions iconoclast are there who break the norms. When physical relations are established for mutual enjoyment then women don?t want pregnancy. Contraceptive protects a woman against any unwanted pregnancy. There many types of female contraceptives available in the market.


Oral pills and skin birth control patches are the two prominent ways for women to stop unwanted pregnancy. Trivora and Ortho Tri-Cyclen are the oral contraceptive which can also stop unwanted pregnancy. Women also wear birth control patches on their skin; these are easy to use contraceptives in hectic schedule of modern life. These patches contain hormones like estrogen and progestin which are slowly released in blood stream which stop pregnancy. Ortho Evra is a birth control patch which is easily available through an online order.

Vaginal infection is a common disease in women which generally occurs because of microbes. Yeasts and certain types of fungi are responsible for vaginal infection. Yellowish discharge, dampness, itching and pain in love making are prominent symptoms of vaginal infection. There are tablets like Diflucan which can get rid of vaginal infection.

Every woman wants to have child but sometimes infertility tries to kill her wish. Infertility can occur because of many factors but hormonal disorder is the prime cause of the infertility. Drugs like Clomid can bring hormone on appropriate level so that ovary is stimulated to produce more and mature eggs. This increases the chances for conceiving, as mature egg forms zygote easily.

Menopause is the stage where women may have some complications like hot flashes, vaginal dryness and osteoporosis. After menopause every woman should pay more attention to her health. These described complications can be easily eliminated with the help of Estradiol which is usually prescribed by the doctor for curing malady related with menopause.

Before starting the use of any above described oral or topical medication, drug and contraceptive, doctor?s prescription and advice is essential. Stick to the methods and dosages as advised by the doctor.

Jacob Miller is an expert advisor working in OnlinePharmacyDrugs. He writes articles on pharmacy specifically. It includes the problems of men, women, weightloss etc . For more information regarding Trivora, Viagra online pharmacy, Ortho Tri-Cyclen, Womens health care, Ortho Evra visit

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