Saturday, September 29, 2012

October 5: World Teachers? Day, Do Something Nice Day, National Diversity Day, National Apple Brown Betty Day

World Teachers' Day

Teachers are one of our most valuable resources, yet we often treat them like a cheap commodity. "Take a Stand for Teachers" is this year's theme for "World Teachers' Day." Irina Bokova, Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) explains World Teachers' Day: "On this day, we call for teachers to receive supportive environments, adequate quality training as well as 'safeguards' for teachers' rights and responsibilities."

Here are some national teachers retention statistics from the Business-Higher Education Forum:

* Thirty-three percent of all new teachers leave teaching during the first three years; 46 percent leave in the first five years.

* The rate of attrition is 50 percent higher in poor schools versus wealthy ones.

* The United States spends about $4.9 billion each year to replace teachers.

I wonder why they're all leaving. On Oct. 5 you can help by making sure your child's teachers know how important they are to you and your family. Ask them what they need to do their job better, and do what you can to help them get it.

Do Something Nice Day

Doing something nice doesn't have to cost you money. Let someone ahead of you in traffic, say hello to a homeless person, or have patience with the call center rep whose English skills are lacking. Today is "Do Something Nice Day," and is the perfect time for you to get your Pollyanna on!

What's the best way to do something nice for cheap? Just smile! Research shows that "People who have been acknowledged by a stranger feel more connected to others." So show those pearly whites and help make the world a happier place!

National Diversity Day

You've probably heard the old clich?, "If we were all the same, the world would be a boring place." How very true that is! The first "National Diversity Day" was celebrated in 2005 as a way to embrace our differences, learn from one another and add acceptance to our personal mantra.

You can celebrate diversity and inclusion by gathering the family and watching the 2011 blockbuster movie, "The Help," starring Cicely Tyson and Sissy Spacek. Check out the film's trailers on Yahoo! Movies.

National Apple Brown Betty Day

One of the easiest baked desserts of all time, all you need to make a simple Apple Brown Betty is apples, bread, butter and sugar. A rustic version of a pie, this tasty improvised sweet is a sort of baked pudding made and enjoyed in Colonial times.

If you'd like to try your hand at your own "Betty," try this recipe from Yahoo! Shine.

Warm and Homespun Apple Betty


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