Wednesday, August 8, 2012

International Entertainment News: New TV Ad In Sacramento Asks ...

New TV Ad In Sacramento Asks Congressman Garamendi Why Admit One Million Immigrant Workers When So Many Californians Need Those Jobs

Despite Nearly 2 Million Jobless, California's Leaders Continue To Stand By And Admit One Million Legal Immigrants A Year To Take Jobs

SACRAMENTO, Calif., Aug. 7, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS) has launched TV ads in Sacramento, California asking viewers to contact Congressman John Garamendi and urge him to slow mass immigration and save jobs for unemployed Californians. The ads are launching as California experiences unprecedented levels of unemployment while at the same time experiencing one of the highest settlement rates in the nation for new legal immigrants who need jobs.

Marilyn DeYoung, Chairman of the Board of Californians for Population Stabilization commented, "As a Democrat, Congressman Garamendi is supposed to be the champion of working class Californians. Instead, he's allowing big corporations to bring in more cheap labor to take unemployed Californians jobs. When is he going to fight for unemployed Californians by slowing mass immigration?"

California has recently recorded some of the highest unemployment rates in the nation. Unemployment has already topped 12% this year and nearly two million can't find jobs in the Golden State. More than one hundred thousand in the Sacramento area can't find jobs. Many more have simply given up looking. Yet despite high unemployment, California politicians like Congressman John Garamendi are standing by and raising no objections as our government continues to admit one million immigrant workers a year to take unemployed Californian's jobs.

"Low income Californians have been especially hurt in this bad economy. Many immigrant workers who came here last year can't even find jobs. The last thing we need is another million immigrant workers this year," commented DeYoung.

The ad campaign will run in Sacramento for an undisclosed period. The campaign will launch in future markets shortly.

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SOURCE Californians for Population Stabilization

Californians for Population Stabilization

CONTACT: Gretchen Pfaff, +1-805-564-6626

Web Site:

Profile: intent


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