Friday, February 17, 2012

Business to Business Advertising ? Putting together a business ...

Internet business marketing planBefore you proceed with your business to business advertising, think of the concept that you are going to adopt. Your target business customer needs to have a compelling reason to buy your product. Remember its all about your business customer and not about you. You might think your product is great but ask yourself the question why would your target business customer buy it?
Remember your business client got out of bed with corporate problems, goals and other things on his mind. Your business to business advertising is therefore vying for attention amongst many other things and therefore needs to present a compelling reason that?s important to your business client to buy your product.

Don?t bore your business client

Your business client is already looking at dull reports, bank statements and all sorts of other boring pieces of documentation so don?t add your bit to it. Instead present your business customer with a glitzy, racy business to business advertising presentation that will make them say ?wow? They will welcome the break in their routine. In all this, don?t forget to present a compelling reason for them to buy your product. In fact, that is the next point I shall dwell upon.

After you have their attention, present them the reason to buy

Now that your business to Business advertising solutions has succeeded in grabbing their attention, complete the process by presenting them with a convincing and compelling reason to buy your product. Present the biggest benefit first otherwise they will quickly lose interest. Presenting the best compelling reason to buy the item makes them think about it. Once you present the most compelling reason first, you can then move on to other reasons for buying your product. Remember always to think from your customer?s point of view.

Proof is in the pudding

When you are running your online brand management, do not forget to prove your statements. Be armed with facts and figures or be armed with a demonstration. Do not under any circumstances ask your corporate customer to ?trust you? or to believe you ?it?s a guaranteed switch off and your business to business advertising will fail. Always be prepared to present overwhelming proof to back up your claims.

Be specific

You?ll be amazed at how many Social media campaigns end with a phone number or a email or a URL. Sure you expect them to call, write to visit your website and then what? Instead end your business to business advertising with an offer. ?Call now on xxx-xxx-xxxx for a free sample delivered within 24 hours? or ?visit our website to avail of a special inaugural discount on your first order?and so on. Offering your business client something specific gives them the reason to call you or email you or visit your website. Remember, unless you present them an inducement to action, nothing will happen. Always therefore end your business to business advertising with concrete offer and a call to action.

Talk to us. RetailBizMD is one of the few companies that have all the skills (Ecommerce web hosting services, Ecommerce web development, Ecommerce internet marketing, social media as a marketing tool, Social media as a marketing tool, etc) required under one roof. We will be delighted to be a part of your success.

Check it out also for Online brand marketing and Online Business Marketing Plan

Tags: online brand marketing, Online Business Marketing Plan, Social media as a marketing tool


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