Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Invest In Real Estate For Your Retirement Fund | Mortgage Blog

Saving for retirement can be difficult after all with all the expenses and the cost of raising a family what?s left? Consider investing in real estate for your retirement fund.

The time to start thinking about your retirement is as soon as you start working. Because of your age you have more disposable income. Your healthy, no family responsibilities so why not start now?

Here?s something else to think about. You have to live somewhere right? So why not start saving for a down payment on a house. You can start small ? older home, condominium, you?ve got lots of options. By thinking ahead you are setting yourself up for the future.

You buy that first house and a few years later you find the person you want to spend your life with. Next is marriage and before you know it children are in the picture. Now it?s time to look for a larger home.

But wait over the years your first house has gone up in value by 50%. Wow! Inflation combined with demand and you?ve got a winning equation.

So you sell, buy a home large enough for the growing family and live happily ever after. The kids grow up and get married and retirement sneaks up on you.

You?ve put some money aside but the big win is in your home. You sell your home for almost 200% more than what you paid. You pick up a nice little cottage in the country and pocket enough money to live comfortably for years.

There is no better way to guarantee that you?ll have a sizeable cash amount for your retirement. In fact there is no better investment platform than real estate.

You get tax breaks and as long as you continue to invest in your principle residence you continue to get excellent breaks. Over the years you can flip properties continuously increasing the value and making excellent money. Timing is everything!

One of the reasons houses are increasing in value so rapidly is because of supply and demand. There is only so much land to go around which keeps demand up and when demand is up prices continue to climb.

By investing smartly you can not only give you and your family a beautiful home to enjoy and live in you can prepare yourself for a comfortable retirement.

Invest in real estate for your retirement is one of the smartest investments you?ll ever make.

Source: http://www.mortgagesum.com/blog/invest-in-real-estate-for-your-retirement-fund/

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