Sunday, February 12, 2012

Stay With Me

Stay With Me

A lonely night for a lonely girl, ripped apart inside and weak. She finds it hard to compare life and death; she?s not sure what she wants anymore. Her light grey eyes glancing out of a hole in the prison she seemed to be stuck in, viewing the beautiful stars and the deep midnight sky. The only thing that bothered her was she wasn?t outside to feel the night breeze on her pale skin; all she wore were a plain black corset and a long layered skirt with a train flowing around her. Bound down by silver chains wrapped round her wrists, the pain consuming her physically? the burns of the chains visible to her eyes as she glanced down to her wrists. She can?t do anything except wait. A round her cave was nothing but clothes, hair pieces, a corner full of dead bodies, and a flute. The stench of the dried up bodies wasn?t very pleasant to her nose but she did drink from them. Her captors of course would want her alive but not sure why, she still waited, but her eyes back out of the hole, staring at the stars as they shone so bright. A slight bit of hope rose, maybe she will be saved one day, just maybe?
She turned in fright seeing a door open on the other side of the cave, A boy stood by the door, His face gleaming beautifully as the night sky shone in, his cheek bones showing elegance and grace, his eyes were a bright blue, narrow, very seducing. His dark brown hair tied in a neat pony tail; he wore a deep blue waist coat with a white long sleeved frilled shirt underneath and matching deep blue trousers and a pair of pointed shoes, on his fingers he only had a few rings, his nails sharp and pointed. His thick lips smiled softly showing his teeth at the girl slowly walking towards her
?Victoria.? Hearing his voice, the girl Victoria smiled softly, not able to move she waiting till he came close to her, Victoria?s fangs on display as he crouched down to her his arms wrapped round her tightly, embracing her, She closed her eyes softly still smiling ?I?m sorry I haven?t been able to see you-?
?It?s ok.? She paused, letting out a soft grunt, he let go of her, glancing down at the silver chains taking them away, releasing her, she quickly wrapped her arms round him into another embrace ?you?re here now, that?s all that counts.? He laughed softly pushing her off, staring deep into her eyes as she did with his
?it has been so long since I?ve held you or even seen you.? He paused after whispering smiling more ?my father is letting you come to my 351st birthday in a few days-?
?Really?!? she gasped softly smiling happily, ?that?s great, that?s really great!?
?I know, I?m so happy he?s letting you come.? He paused frowning slightly ?But the bad news is that my father has chosen a bride-? she frowned softly hearing ?Bride? escape his lips, she didn?t want to show any form of emotion, she just slowly frowned and looked away ?Her name is Bridget Hallway, she?s 290 years old-?
?what does she look like?? Victoria asked him, her fingers laced into his slowly, he let out a sigh looking away
?Her hair flows and glows like the sun in the sky, her skin is a light brown like mine, and her eyes are wide and green like the leaves on the spring trees.? He paused softly glancing at Victoria ?she?s as beautiful as mother nature?? she glanced at him she knew he wanted to be with his future bride more than herself, she didn?t want to comment in case she let out her emotions, she didn?t have emotions until he first came into her cave.

?Lord, we have the Princess.? Hearing werewolves snarl, their grip tightly round Victoria?s arms. She just hung there loosely, not moving, her head bowed down to the dirt, her weapon had been taken away, her clothing had been ripped apart, showing a lot of flesh on her, revealing a scar that started from her stomach to the centre of her back, her hair was all down, the plait in her fringe was messed up, tangled, her side pony tail was flowing down to her ribs, her eyes faded a light grey, the red in them vanished. She was weak, exhausted, in pain. The Lord turned, wearing a frilled white shirt that was open, showing off his muscular hairy chest. His long black hair down, elegantly sitting on his shoulders, his eyes a light grey, glancing at Victoria, walking down from his platform his bare feet walking in the dry mud, dirty feet. Once towards Victoria He grabbed her chin tight forcing it up to stare at him, her eyes weren?t fully open, all she could see were blurs of his figure and blurs of her surroundings. The room she was in wasn?t much of a room; it was a tent, a light brown tent with a wooden platform in front of her, on the sides of the tent were weapons and armour. His free hand lifted up her top lip seeing extremely sharp fangs, his hand let go of her lip, he could see her eyes were grey. He forced her head to the side looking at her cheek bones more carefully; he let out a soft growl seeing the scars on her neck and let go of her chin, her head hanging back down to the floor, he grabbed her hair, smelling it he growled
?smells of blood and sweat-?
?she was fighting us off with the rest of the Vampires Lord, she uses magic, and her magic is very strong Lord Wolfclaw-? He smirked slightly his eyes at her fragile, slender figure.
?She doesn?t physically fight?? He asked, glancing at his guards
?Not that we know of Lord, they?ve all seen her using magic and alchemy.? They both replied at the same time. He smirked more
?I could tell, she looks fragile and weak.? He growled wickedly, ?I will take her back to the cave; you both should be in the field fighting.? The guards nodded throwing her towards the Lord?s feet, her hands on the floor before her body could collapse, her arms were shaking violently, she was covered in scratches, blood, Lord Wolfclaw grabbed her by the chin again forcing her head up to stare into his face, she fluttered her eyes open, she could tell he was on one knee smirking at her, she could smell his rotten breath on her face, the warmth of his touch. ?Welcome to Mount Wolfclaw.? He growled as he kicked her shaking arms making her fall and her sight blackened as her head hit the floor.
A groan escaped Victoria?s throat sitting up, her arms holding her up, she wasn?t shaking as bad as before, her eyes started to flutter open quickly, nothing was blurred all clear. She was surrounded by mud, with only a hole for a window. A pain through her wrists she looked down seeing silver chains wrapped round her wrists, she was also wearing new clothes. A plain white steel boned corset and a matching white skirt with a train flowing behind, it was already ripped and dirty. Her hair was all down; the plait for a fringe wasn?t there anymore it was blended in with the rest of her wavy rib length hair, she looked up only to see more mud and rock above her this was obviously a prison, one prison they didn?t really care much about to even rebuild it and upgrade it. She felt a cold breeze enter from the hole in the cave; it was still dark which was surprising to her as it would usually shine bright, the only time she will be as human as she was back then. The only thing on her mind was that she was now a prisoner; she was defenceless, vunerable to the enemy. She could use her magic, possibly. But she shook that thought out of her head quickly knowing it would be pointless against so many werewolves, the only way out of this place is to go with the flow? A pointless plan of course but it would take its tow in her life before they decided her death, I don?t want to die she thought to herself as she saw dark clouds covering the moon, the werewolves would of turned to their human forms now after the fight she also thought to herself but their strength would still be amazing. She started looking around her cave, nothing amazing. She could see there was a mattress on the floor at least for her? looks so comfortable she thought sarcastically her light grey eyes rolled slowly looking around more, folded up clothing and a flute. Victoria wasn?t impressed? of course she wasn?t? it?s a prison in a cave, not so beautiful. But the view outside on the other hand, was something that was so beautiful? her eyes wondered back to the small hole in the cave and back outside.
She jumped turning around, looking around, she couldn?t see anything. She then started to hear a lock unlock, the scent of a wet dog drifted in as she heard creaking of a door opening, she started to hiss, her fangs sharper, her eyes changing red ready to attack with the small bit of strength she still had only to see a young man walk in. She kept growling with every step he took to get closer his slim facial features, elegant cheek bones on his square shaped face, his eyes narrow, seducing with thick eyebrows? His nose slightly pointed but it wasn?t so noticeable to Victoria?s crimson red eyes her anger was flowing through her veins, she tried lunging for him but the silver chains dug deeper into her skin, one of her eyes squinted in pain as she tried just her top half of her stuck out trying to get towards him. He had a frown on his slim lips, he wore a white frilled shirt, the first three buttons undone showing his collar bones and his hairless chest, and his trousers were slim but formal with black snake skinned boots. His hair flowed down to his chest, dark brown. He stood not far from her and frowned softly
?So you are Dominica Victoria Rosa Vincent?? His voice soft but sore sounding, he slightly shook his head as his eyes gleamed with the reflection of the moonlight ?you?re a very pretty Vampire-?
?Who are you?? she growled out ?and what do you want with me?? her eyes a brighter red but she stopped struggling, she stayed into her spot. His frown stayed in place as he took two more steps closer and crouched to her level, her fangs on display growling, and her eyes on his neck. His hands grabbed one chain taking it off slowly
?I?m taking the chains off you.? He simply replied letting out a soft sigh ?it?s not right to have you chained like this-? Once he was done with both she saw the opportunity grabbed him by the throat with her right hand tight making him gasp slightly, but he showed no pain as he grabbed her free wrist tightly and twisting it making her loose her grip round his neck. He turned her over onto her stomach he grabbed both wrists and putting her into a complicated arm lock as he sat on the bottom of her back. ?I?m not here to fight or hurt you.?
?Then why are you here?!? She snarled loudly struggling under his grip
?to see what the Princess looked like.? He replied letting her go and getting off her. She started to calm down slightly; she turned to lie on her back then got to her feet slowly her eyes back grey and her fangs decreasing in size. She glanced at him calming, she gave him a cold look which made him frown more ?you?re not one of them nice, happy, vunerable princesses are you?? he asked letting out a slight laugh, Victoria just frowned her arms slightly crossed as the skin round her wrists quickly healed, she didn?t answer she just stared, watching in case he came closer, but he didn?t he stood by the small hole in the cave, only darkness filled the cave, but lucky for Victoria Her sight was good in the dark ?My name is Logan.?
?The leader?s son?? She asked growling giving him an evil look then turning away ?you shouldn?t be here alone.? She paused ?I could kill you with a single bite-?
?But you haven?t.? He simply said as he moved away from the small hole letting in the light she glanced at him softly then smirked
?I would.? Pausing again ?but it would be too obvious.? Letting out a soft laugh ?I am not too good with hand to hand combat-?
?Vampires work with magic, unless their assassins.? He replied softly
?They partly use magic, but they prefer weapons.? Victoria replied simply, Logan smirked slightly
?Well I will not question your abilities.? He replied softly ?I will have to go; I am not meant to see you.? Victoria just chuckled slightly ?I don?t exactly stick to rules-?
?As do i.? she whispered softly as he walked away locking the door behind him as he left.

?The marriage is on that day? I don?t know what I should do really.? Logan paused ?I want to be with you, but her.? He paused Victoria frowned
?Theirs something about her that makes you feel normal?? She asked he nodded smiling slightly
?yes.? He stopped and looked away ?We are forbidden, we can?t be together, even if we found a way. We would end up found and killed-?
?It?s okay Logan? Victoria lied softly putting on a fake smile ?I understand??
?Really?? Logan asked smiling more ?Thank you Victoria.? He wrapped his arms round her once again tight, she embraced back but not as tight ?You?ll always be the one for me.?
?As are you.? She whispered softly. He let her go smiling standing to his feet
?I have to go, make arrangements with the servants and the organizers.? Victoria nodded softly as she watching him taking steps backwards towards the door he waved slowly before he turned around and locked the door behind him. She could feel her eyes swell up with tears but she shook them off even if he wasn?t there her emotions she kept in as much as she couldn?t fully control them anymore, she was in denial. And denial only made her think for the worse.

The door unlocked again. She didn?t turn around, her eyes were glued outside, staring at the moon as it slowly faded, only stars left to shine. Her nose flared up slightly the scent of blood and sweat, slowly closing her eyes and smirked slightly, she had put the chains back round her wrists sometime after Logan?s first visit to her? cave still in the same clothes. It had been four nights since she got dragged here by werewolf soldiers under the Lord?s orders, she knew it wasn?t Logan that had came in but the Lord himself.
?How may I help you Lord Wolfclaw?? her voice asked echoing through the room as she turned her head she was dirty, mud all over her feet, her skirt and arms, dried blood on her hands and around the chains. Hey eyes were bloodshot; her makeup had ran down her face. Her lips dry from lack of blood in her system, the Lord stared at her with his grey eyes, he wore no top, showing off his hair covered chest with a pair of shorts on, his hair tied into a pony tail but was dripping with sweat, his forehead also dripping he just smirked slightly.
?You need to be cleaned.? He simply said ?You look a mess, and I don?t want that.? He replied walking in towards her, she didn?t hesitate as he took off her chains grabbed her by both of her forearms dragging her out.
?Where are you taking me?? she growled softly not struggling, just letting him control her taking rough turns round a cave until they both got to a pair of stone stairs. The stone on her feet, the touch was like ice, but being dragged up the stairs wasn?t all much of a good feeling, her toes hitting some stairs losing her footing and falling, straight back onto her feet and dragged up to the top of the stairs, the room was immaculate. The floors were marble, the curtains deep purple velvet with golden rope round them, the windows were large? beautiful. Her eyes wondered around, the ceiling had a painting of werewolves, not exactly Victoria found beautiful. The walls were a deep brown with lighter brown patterns, two guards at the stairs. She started getting dragged again to the other side of the room where two more guards stood growling and snarling as she got dragged past into a dark corridor, the floor and the walls the same still, but turning to a left not far from the entrance he use one of his hands and pushed open a door throwing her into a white room landing on the floor with her hands first, white stone on the floor, the room wasn?t that big, but it was big enough to hold a toilet, bath and a sink. All white, old fashioned and clean. There were no windows, just candles, lit around the whole room; she turned to him with glaring eyes. He just laughed
?This is a slave?s bathroom, clean yourself. I want to talk to you.? He replied, ?one of my slaves will come in and give you extra clothing to wear, but I?ll be standing out here, in case you try to escape.? He smirked more as he closed the door leaving Victoria in the room by herself, she just looked around growling wondering if there was any traps? she sniffed the air, only for it to smell of nothing, nothing was obvious, she slowly got to her feet, removing the corset, undoing the knot and loosening the rope, it slid off her quickly, then removing the skirt revealing her pale naked body, her messed up dirty hair covering her breasts but not covering anything else, she walked towards the bath, turning the hot tap on watching the water flow slowly, she could see herself staring into the water, the steam rising from it, her fingers ran through the water gently watching the ripples fade out. Once the bath was full she turned off the tap, slowly putting her feet in first, it was warm on her skin as she put her whole body in the bath, and she laid their eyes closed. She opened them seeing some white soap and two small bottles, she grabbed the soap quickly rubbing it quickly in her hands until her hands went bubbly then started rubbing her hands everywhere on her even her face, her body and face were clean. She washed her hands in the water then grabbed a bottle,, opening it she could smell the wild flowers that were mixed into the liquid, she poured some out onto her hand and rubbed it into her hair after wetting it, the bubbles in her hair taking out all the dirt out, she put her head in the water, washing out the liquid, scrubbing into her hair as it washes out, the door opening quickly then slowly, a small child walked in. Her eyes were amber and wide, her skin pale with fragile body structure, her hair was long and plaited at the back with no fringe to cover her big forehead. She wore rags, her feet were dirty as well as her face like she was in mud. The child looked at her as Victoria covered herself up with her hair, the child just smiled softly
?do not worry; I bring you towels, clothes and makeup.? The child replied with her weak voice, Victoria?s eyes widened as she saw the child?s fangs
?are you a Vampire child?? she asked the girl, she just nodded in reply with her smile fading into a frown ?why are you here??
?Me and my family could not fight off the werewolves, we were travelling to the Vampire City Dawn Town.? The child paused ?we got ambushed by them, and they took us away??
?Why would they do that?!? Victoria growled slightly, the girl shrugged her shoulders as she passed Victoria a towel, Victoria started to calm down slightly as she grabbed the towel, unfolding it as she stood up wrapping the towel around her body. Her hair dripping wet onto the floor, she took small steps forward, the child passed her another towel. She accepted as she wrapped her hair within the towel. Both towel were white with a scent of vanilla essence, the girl smiled at her again ?how old are you child??
?Seven hundred years old.? The child replied which made Victoria?s eyes widened again but back to normal, she smiled again ?I know who you are, Princess.? She paused grabbing Victoria?s hand with a free hand, dragging her down to her level making her stare into her wide amber eyes ?you are in trouble, you need to get out of this place or they will drink you dry-?
?what do you mean?? Victoria asked the girl her eyebrows arched confused, he child just looked at the door frowning.
?I cannot tell you, or I will be killed.? She replied softly letting Victoria go ?here are the clothes the Lord wants you to wear?? the child whispered, ?put them on, I have to put on your make up and make your hair pretty.?
?Okay.? Victoria whispered softly sighing. ?I always had a maid to fasten my corsets-?
?Oh, of course.? She laughed as she put the things on the floor ?put the skirt on first.?
?I know? Victoria replied eyes rolled as she removed her towel, not caring about the person in the room, she slipped on some plain underwear and then a long black layered long skirt flowing behind her as well, Victoria slid the corset on from above her head then removed her hair from covering herself she grabbed her hair with one hand and the corset with the other. Feeling it tighten her body jerked backwards slightly as the girl tightened it. Once tightened Victoria turned around and the child smiled softly, Victoria let go of her hair and let it down
?you look beautiful without the makeup, I don?t think I need to do what the Lord says when it comes to your hair and face.? She paused ?he likes his prisoners to look as wild as they do-?
?I am not wild.? Victoria simply replied ?I would rather not be tied down by these forsaken creatures-?
?Sh!? The girl whispered glancing at the door then to Victoria, ?fine, I?ll brush your hair-?
?I can do it myself.? Taking the brush from the child and letting the bristles of the brush swim though her hair lightly, her hair drying quickly changing into curls as they dried. She handed the brush back to the slave then frowned ?I didn?t get your name.?
?My Name Is Isabella.? She paused smiling softly changing to a frown ?but names do not matter here? she paused softly ?the Lord does not let us use names. He just calls us slaves.? Victoria just shook her head softly
?I even treat my?? she paused thinking of another way to call her slaves ?helpers better than these creatures do.? Isabella smiled softly glancing at her
?I think you are done, the lord is waiting for you outside.?
?Thank you Isabella.? Victoria frowned softly as she walked out Lord Wolfclaw standing to the right side of the door, his lips smirking, her eyes watching her as she turned to face him, their grey eyes staring into each other but she looked to the floor, He let out a loud cough making her glance up quickly.
?Your hair?? he paused, his rough hairy hands grabbed lightly, his fingers running though a curl, he caught a scent of roses as did Victoria, his smirk grew slightly ?Too neat.?
?I prefer to look like myself, a princess of Vampires.? She paused, the frown on her lips still ?and that means neat, unlike you.? The Lord let out a loud laugh with his hand ready to react with violence, his nails growing but he stopped, licked his lips then his hand to his side
?You?re important to me, a single drop of you would make you? impure.? He growled slightly at the end, he grabbed her right forearm with his left hand jerking her forward dragging her ?Just because you are a beautiful princess don?t expect me to be nice with you.?
?Never did.? She muttered softly.

It has been at least a day or two since Logan had visited Victoria in her cave she had to call home. Her eyes wouldn?t leave the door; she had been fed three humans? last time she remembered anyway. She was in a deep maroon, long layered skirt and a black steel boned corset, her hair was tied into a messy side pig tail. Her hands covered in dried human blood, her face flawless, pale, and her eyes shining bright red. After feeding from her latest snack, she knew what would happen after she was fed, but she didn?t care, if they kept her alive she never cared. She knew Logan was with his bride to be; spending time with her, their fingered lacing, showing her around the castle. She could tell Logan was happy, happier than ever. He stopped caring for her? Well that?s what she thought. Her attempts of hiding her anger were not successful; her nails were covered in mud, scratches through her rotting corpses. She gently closed her eyes and opened them, suddenly calm. Still staring at the door waiting is this healthy? Victoria thought to herself as her eyes wondered away towards the hole in the cave. It?s always night here. The sun never really shone in this part of the world really, humans lived further away from the mythical creatures. Victoria sighed softly I haven?t tried to escape, I should start planning now she thought determined, a soft smirk on her lips then hearing the door unlock, her nostrils flared at the scent of hunger? craving. She turned seeing the Lord panting heavily smirking
?Give me your blood Vampire.? He growled ordering her, she just stood there, her arms folding, and she didn?t have her chains wrapped round her wrists ?Now!?
?No.? she simply replied waiting for him to come towards him, she quickly looked down, a circle drawn around her, her eyes back to the Lord as he took two steps towards her as her eyes started to change red ?bescherm? she growled softly as a black and red sphere surrounded Victoria, she could hear the Lord slam his fists against it thinking he could break it, getting angrier but he stopped, growling, she could see he was getting weaker, but she did nothing. He stared, his eyes yellow
?I will get your blood.? He growled softly as he turned dragging his weak self out locking the door behind himself, she waited. She didn?t want her guard to be let down now he knows I can do magic, maybe that was a bad idea. She thought to herself, letting the shield down she let out a soft sigh I really need to get out of here she thought looking at the hole in the cave, the temptation for her to just crawl out of the hole and run away came to her mind, but. She didn?t want to. A frown appeared on her face hearing the door unlock again
?bescherm? she whispered her shield appearing again, the door opened revealing Logan, she stood there smiling softly which changed to a quick frown seeing her shield
?What is that around you?? he asked taking two steps in, she frowned as her shield went
?it was a shield, to protect me for your father.? She simply replied, a general plain look appeared on her face as she turned away to look out the hole of her cave, Logan frown slightly more taking another two steps
?what?s wrong??
?What do you mean?? she asked him, not even glancing at her once lover
?you don?t sound too happy-?
?who said I was exactly happy?? she asked him, turning around to glance at him, he wore a suit, smart white shirt with a light grey waist coat and trousers, her eyes wondered up and down him ?take it you had your rehearsal dinner?? he simply nodded softly
?how did you know??
?I can smell the food, and the rare meat you?ve ate.? She paused ?and sugar.?
?Sugar? He asked her, his eyebrows arched. Victoria smirked slightly taking a step forward,
?you kissed her didn?t you??
?Of course, she is my future wife-?
?Of course she is, but what am I to you now?? Victoria growled ?what am i?!?
?Your?? he paused raising a hand then back down; deep in thought
?exactly!? she snarled ?I?m nothing but a slave!? Victoria growled ?I?m nothing but a source of power to your kind.? Logan took a single step back, her eyes were slowly changing red
?calm down Victoria please-?
?I will not calm down until I know if I?m really someone you even care about. Am I?!? she snarled at him he just stayed quiet staring at her anger, the pain of a broken heart was revealed to him. He could sense it without her realizing. Her hair was messed up her facial expression fierce; to him she didn?t look so beautiful when she was mad. He just sighed softly
?No.? he softly replied to her ?you?re not.? When he replied she calmed down, her facial features looking so vunerable and child like ?I?m sorry.? She stayed quiet, staring at him her eyes growing redder, no tears escaped. She held her emotions in until her face turned cruel; her fangs grew longer, her cheek bones more defined and her general facial features that made her look once beautiful
?Lorem ipsum!? she snarled out her hands glowing with a blue fire, his eyes widened shocked. Her nails grew longer in the fire she was ready to attack ?leave or I will kill you on this very spot and drain you dry.? She threatened to him growling deep, he took slow steps back, his back on the door he jumped as he turned his back towards her unlocking the door slamming it locked behind him. She paused softly as she clenched her fists the fire gone from both hands her face changing back to its beautiful self letting out a loud sigh why did you even do that? She thought sadly you?ve scared him away now! ?He?ll never come back to me??

Victoria stumbled into a large room, the floor was wooden; the walls were stone with flags up of Kevin slaying vampires. She turned away from them and glanced at some old ripped up dummies then turning her head seeing Logan walk in around and in front of his father who stood beside her with a grin on his face, Logan glanced at her quickly with a slight smile
?Son, this is Dominica Victoria Rosa Vincent, Princess of the Vampire Clan, our enemy.? He introduced me ?this is my son-?
?Logan.? She simply replied, they both looked at her, Logan giving her a Sh-he?s-not-meant-to-know look, the Lord just smirked softly ?h-he was mentioned in a meeting.? She replied with a slight stutter as she looked at Logan then the Lord.
?Well,? he paused glancing back at his son. ?I want you two to fight? I want to see what she is capable of? He told Logan who simply nodded as he turned to Victoria in a fighting position; she glanced at Logan then his father laughing slightly
?I don?t think I?m wearing appropriate fighting attire.? She simply told him holing up her long skirt with one hand, he just smirked softly
?what a shame.? He simply said as he took a few steps back, Victoria glanced at Logan?s fighting stance smirking slightly his knees bent with his arms ready to attack, she just stood there taking a step back, her free arm by her side standing straight and elegant
?is that how you really stand?? she asked laughing slightly, his eyes just narrowed as he went for her but her reflexes reacted as fast as his attack, her hand grabbing his fists tightly which surprised Logan and his father then her knee raised hitting his stomach hard, she quickly let go as she arched her back as her hands touching the floor then her feet behind her arms quickly standing straight again, his hand was slightly round his stomach but he glanced up running towards her ready to punch again but she ran to him, jumping, her hands grabbing his extended arm and landing behind him with his arm in a lock behind him on the floor, her knee in the bottom of his back with her other knee on the floor, her lips near his ear letting out a slight chuckle as he grunted heavily
?I thought- you weren?t good with combat.? He grunted out quietly which just made her smirk
?I lied.? She replied with a slight purr as she dug her knee in the bottom of his back deep getting up taking a few steps back before he thought of something. Kevin stood there smirking slightly
?your reflexes are good.? He complimented ?But my son has strategy.?
?Oh really?? she asked staring at Logan seeing him lying on the floor, and then gone she paused confused she started to look around for him he was nowhere. She paused, her nostrils flared to a scent of wet dog above her she quickly jumped away then seeing him slam into the floor breaking the wooden floor; she stood on a straw dummy her hands on the head and her feet on the shoulders, he turned to glance at her, she simply waved at him and jumped off the dummy and in front of him as he stood up straight, grabbing her wrists tightly she lightly yelped taking steps back but he was stepping forward, her back was on another dummy.
?If I was sent to kill you, you would be dead now.? He replied softly his back was to his father, he just smiled softly. Victoria smirked slightly as she grabbed his wrists twisting him round her, his front on the dummy with her hands gripping both wrists ready to break them, a crunch loudly heard echoing within the room with Logan snarling loudly she let go simply. He glanced at his broken wrists then to her
?that wasn?t very nice-?
?It wasn?t meant to be nice.? She muttered as so punched him straight in the face making him taking steps back then elegantly put one foot on his chest the other slamming under his chin making him fall back and her flip back onto her feet standing casually
?Stop!? hearing his father shout with a slight growl ?You got beat by a Vampire son.? He paused softly
?I?ll have a word with you later; just go to your room now.? He growled, Logan nodded softly quickly walking out closing the door behind him. He watched his son go out then quickly turned to Victoria smirking ?no one has beaten my son before-?
?well he?s not exactly a good fighter.? She simply replied ?take it he?s learning from you?? he growled slightly
?of course, learning from the best-?
?the best?? she asked smirking slightly ?I don?t think he even wants to fight-? Kevin stayed quiet listening ?or he just doesn?t understand some moves properly, your son might be the heir of your kingdom but I don?t think he?ll be a good king.?
?He will be.? Kevin growled heavily storming towards her ?you?re not exactly a good heir, getting yourself caught-?
?I?d rather fight for my people than hide away in a little tent telling people what and what not to do?? Victoria snarled deeply ?unlike your son at least I can fight for my kingdom-?
?Shut up you blood sucking bitch!? he snarled as his nails grew with one close to her throat should I make a move or not? She thought to herself as she lightly gasped feeling a soft pain on her neck no. It?ll lose my chances of getting out of here alive. She finally thought seeing the smirk grow on the King?s face as his nails shortened
?You have guts?? he chuckled slightly ?weirdly it?s?? he paused as he got closes, his hands on her shoulders tightly ?arousing? he smirked more as he threw Victoria onto the floor her head hitting the floor knocking her unconscious.

Today was the day. Logan?s marriage to his wife, Isabella visited Victoria dressing her in white, plain steel boned corset and a long trailing skirt to match. Her hair all tied into a side messy bun with white glitter in her dark grey hair, her fringe plaited across her forehead, her eyebrows thin and slightly dark. Her lips were a deep maroon red with a darker outline, her face paler than normal; her eyes were shadowed with black and white with sequence down the right side of her face. Victoria sighed softly looking down at the floor, Isabella frowned softly looking up at her
?I know how it feels?? Isabella whispered softly ?but you can?t let him get to you.?
?I know?? Victoria replied whispering ?I should be happy for him, and I shouldn?t have feelings for him. But I can?t help it.? Isabelle frowned softly, Victoria glanced up from the floor ?can I be left alone for a moment please??
?Of course?? Isabelle whispered as she walked out locking the door behind her. I can?t live without him? I cannot see him without wanting to kill his wife? I shouldn?t be alive she thought to herself as blood tears ran down her face, Victoria started to look around finding the silver chain grabbing it quickly with pain running through her fingers letting out a quiet growl as she wrapped it around her throat tightly slowly burning her, soon letting out a loud scream feeling her heart burning up instantly killing her, her body turning to ashes slowly
?I?ll always love you Logan?? she whispered before she completely changed into ashes.


stop loss stop loss thurston moore the island the island mcdonalds beating dreamcatcher

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