Tuesday, August 21, 2012

14 year old step son is constantly spouts to me I am going to win

My husbands adopted 14 year old came to live with us two years ago after his mother could no longer handle him. I found out he elbowed his mother, and slam the car door on her arm because she did not buy him a stuffed animal at cracker barrel. The mother has relinquished her legal custody of this child. He is larger, taller than myself in all aspects. His behavior is becoming more aggressive and bolder. Saturday he was suppose to be doing his few chores after breakfast but refused to. If I turned the tv off he would turn it back via remote. I was leaving for the weekend to visit my sister and my husband told him I would be going in the afternoon. This was morning bad behavior to expedite my exit. I asked for the TV remote and he hid it under his t-shirt and refused to give it to me. He does these things when his father goes to the bathroom, (which is frequently.) I could see he wanted this to become a physical struggle. I left the room went to the bathroom door and shouted to my husband his son refuses to give me the remote. I could still see the boy from the door way he takes his hand and slaps himself in the face, and yells i hit him. I looked at him and said ok lets call the police and get this settled I am tired of the playing BS games.
My husband follows by doing nothing, these encounters,clashes with the step son occur more frequent on the weekends when I am home from work.
The child has been through 3 different counselors, and they all state he is a misogynist. My husband refuses any more counseling because he said it does not do the child any good. The child has vowed to me he will do what ever he can to make my life with his father miserable. Last month he went into my drawers and stole a pair of expensive ear buds from me. He basically feels he has the ability to tell adults what to do, interrupt adult conversations. In two weeks he will be 14 and wants me to host a big birthday party for him. Based on his years of disrespect toward me, and constantly telling me I am not in this family, and only a second wife. Closer to his birthday, I am going to tell him he can have his grandmother, mother, or one of his sisters host his part.
The condo we live in is very small. I had some items stored in the garage, namely a 4 year old I mac apple. The kids constantly leave the garage door open, and take off to their friends. I come home and no one is around. Last Monday, my computer was missing from the garage. Nothing else missing, only family members knew it was there. Setpson was entertaining a lot of teen boys last week, who hung outside all day. Some of his friends can drive. I called the police and when they arrived wanted them to question the teen. They refused to based on no actual proof. This does not help me, my computer is stolen even if it is 4 years old. My husband then tells me I do not have any right to call the police to report the computer missing. He claims normal people do not do that. Yes, I have a counselor I see once a month, but my situation is NOT improving it is getting more stressful.

- Asked by Female, 56-65

Source: http://www.answerology.com/index.aspx/question/3124936_14-year-old-step-son-is-constantly-spouts-to-me-I-am-going-to-win.html

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