Thursday, August 30, 2012

Republicans adopt socially conservative platform

Republicans at their convention approved a party platform that defends heterosexual marriage, rejects abortion, and would give states a wide berth in handling immigration cases.

The 60-page document, subtitled "We Believe in America" wrote that congressional Republicans "took the lead in enacting the Defense of Marriage Act," affirming that marriage is between one man and one woman.

Republican officials said the document of party principles -- hammered out anew every four years at the presidential nominating conventions by a committee of more than 100 delegates -- focuses on traditional values like hard work, faith and family.

The platform wrote that states have the right "not to recognize same-sex relationships licensed in other jurisdictions."

On the controversial subject of abortion, which has divided US society for decades, it stressed the party's strong commitment to valuing every human life, even in embryonic form.

The statement of Republican party's guiding principles heading in to November's presidential election criticized what it called President Barack Obama's "open defiance" of the "constitutional principle" that states have jurisdiction in various issues regulated by the federal government -- including handling illegal immigration.

The document also stressed Republicans' support for a constitutional amendment defining marriage as the "union of one man and one woman."

It also calls for a federal spending cap, and urged greater federal government restraints in spending.

The party's platform expressed its support for the public display of the Ten Commandments and for the first time included a section recognizing the importance of the Constitution.

It also reaffirmed a commitment to veterans, a strong national defense, and the obligation to defend America's closest Middle East ally, Israel.

The document condemned moves across a nation beset by gun violence to restrict the capacity of gun clips or magazines.

At the convention in Tampa, Florida, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney will formally accept the nomination on Thursday to take on President Barack Obama in November. Polls show the two candidates neck-and-neck with 10 weeks to go.


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