Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Learn Nowism The Holistic Art Of Self Mastery, Health & Fitness

Learn How Nowism, The Holistic Art Of Self-mastery, Can Help You Unite Body, Mind And Spirit For The Common Good, Taking Charge Of Your Internal World To Create A Life Full Of Enthusiasm, Confidence, Clarity And Unshakeable Joy In Every Present Moment.

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    Emergence of Self - Emotional Healing Sarah Chambers

    Emergence of Self - Emotional Healing Sarah Chambers

    Take a journey of empowerment, into your wild intuitive self. Access your feminine power through the magic of your own mind. There you will find the creative inspiration and self-awareness needed to re-create your own personal world. This video is a sample of Precision Therapy self-hypnosis by Sarah Chambers http://www.sarahchambersaudios.com
    Ranked 4.50 / 5 | 9 views | 0 comments

    Click here to watch the video (02:42)
    Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
    Tags: Feminine Power Self Development Consciousness Awareness Improvement Help Find Your Soul Purpose Mind Spiritual Awakening Woman's Wisdom Growth Empowering Women Inspirational Health Spirituality Vlog
    Categories: People & Stories

    #3 Self-Breast Massage

    #3 Self-Breast Massage

    http://www.tummylove.net Self breast massage is wonderful for -blood circulation -lymph flow and drainage -self examination -counters the effects of wearing restrictive bras -detoxification -relief from breast tenderness -improved resiliency and suppleness of skin tissue
    Ranked 4.50 / 5 | 2446 views | 0 comments

    Click here to watch the video (09:54)
    Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
    Tags: Self-breast Massage Improved Circulation Lymph Drainage Nodes Tender Breasts Swollen Butter Sore Chest Breast-health Premenstrual Symptoms Pms October Cancer Awareness Months Pink Ribbon Controversial Titles
    Categories: How To

    Autoexamen Seno - Breast Self-exam. Fundacion SORAYA

    Autoexamen Seno - Breast Self-exam. Fundacion SORAYA

    AUTOEXAMEN DE SENO. Debe efectuarse mensualmente desde los 20 a?os en adelante. La mejor ?poca para hacerlo es justo despu?s de la menstruaci?n. Si no tiene per?odo, o estos son irregulares, repita el examen el mismo d?a de cada mes. PALPACI?N AL BA?ARSE. La piel h?meda facilita el examen. Con la mano izquierda palpe la mama derecha y viceversa buscando masas, depresiones y en general cualquier anormalidad. note cualquier anormalidad que le llame la atenci?n, para consultar posteriormente con su m?dico. OBSERVACION FRENTE AL ESPEJO. Coloque sus brazos a los lados del cuerpo Luego levante sus brazos sobre su cabeza y observe buscando cualquier cambio de contorno o asimetr?a. Anote cualquier anormalidad que le llame la atenci?n, para consultar posteriormente con su m?dico. A continuaci?n descanse las palmas de las manos sobre la parte superior de sus caderas a cada lado, con los codos flexionados 90 grados. Presione firmemente para contraer sus m?sculos pectorales y anote cualquier anormalidad que le llame la atenci?n, para consultar posteriormente con su m?dico PALPACI?N RECOSTADA BOCAARRIBA. Para examinar su mama izquierda coloque una almohada bajo su hombro izquierdo y su mano derecha detr?s de la nuca. Y viceversa para la mama derecha. Con la mano derecha y la palma casi paralela a la superficie mamaria presionar suavemente con movimiento circular siguiendo los movimientos de la aguja del reloj, comenzando de afuera hacia adentro hasta completar toda la mama (aprox. 3 movimientos circulares) Efectuar los movimientos similares pero con la otra mano para la mama izquierda. anote cualquier anormalidad que le llame la atenci?n, para consultar posteriormente con su m?dico Luego oprima el pez?n entre el pulgar y el ?ndice y observe cualquier l?quido que salga. anote cualquier anormalidad que le llame la atenci?n, para consultar posteriormente con su m?dico. BREAST SELF-EXAM Just as your period ends (or at the same time each month if you do not have periods), check for any change in the normal look or feel of your breasts. Report any changes to your doctor or nurse. Go for regular breast exams and ask about a mammogram. LYING DOWN: Feel for a hard lump, thickening or any change in your breast tissue. ? Lie down on your back with a pillow under your right shoulder ? Use the pads of the three middle fingers on your left hand to examine your right breast ? Press using light, medium and firm pressure in a circular motion ? Follow an up and down pattern ? Feel for changes in your breast, above and below your collarbone and in your armpit area ? Repeat on your left breast using your right hand These steps may be repeated while bathing or showering using soapy hands. IN FRONT THE MIRROR: Look for changes in the shape, size or appearance of your breasts. Look for dimpling, rash or puckering of the skin or nipple, nipple discharge or any change from normal. Inspect your breasts in four steps: ? Hold arms at your sides ? Hold arms over your head ? Press your hands on your hips to tighten your chest muscles ? Bend forward with your hands on your hips
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    Click here to watch the video (03:41)
    Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
    Tags: Breast Self-exam AutoExamen Seno FUNDACI?N SORAYA Fundasoraya Traves?a Tv Casi Almost All For You Solo Por Ti De Repente Suddenly Cancer De Seno Breast Cancer No One Else Por Ser Quien Soy Cuerpo Y Alma I?m Yours Health
    Categories: People & Stories

    Halo (beyonce) -perfect Self Ascension Meditation

    Halo (beyonce) -perfect Self Ascension Meditation

    mind movie for activation of ascension life program ,daily watching these images will imprint upon conscious and subconscious mind your desire to ascend and will attract all that is necessary for your progress towards this end.
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    Click here to watch the video (03:41)
    Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
    Tags: Beyonce Halo Meditation Miracles 2012 Higherself Wealth Mindmovie Ascens?o Medita??o ??????????? ??????????? ?? Beklimming Besteigung ??????? Ascensione Meditazione ???????? Love Wisdom Gayatri Health Light Truth 2009 Earth Plan
    Categories: Music & Dance

    Tapping into Your True Magnificent Self - EFT with Brad Yates

    Tapping into Your True Magnificent Self - EFT with Brad Yates

    Here is a video to help you set free the true magnificent being that is within you. Use this as a daily reminder of who you really are - don't let your old limiting beliefs hold you back from the health, wealth and happiness you deserve! :) Don't wait for evidence from the outside world to convince you that these positive statements are true. When you allow yourself to acknowledge inside that they are true, the outside evidence will show up. For more info on EFT and how to do it, including links to Gary Craig's site and his free manual and training videos, please visit: http://www.bradyates.net Be Magnificent! Brad http://www.bradyates.net If you'd like to get instant access to well over 100 hours of Life-Enhancing, Laughter-Inducing, Fear-Smashing, Abundance-Attracting, Joy-Inspiring audio for only , go here: http://www.MagnificentTappers.com I also hope you'll consider letting folks know about my videos... these are free: http://www.youtube.com/eftwizard If you want even more great stuff for free, check out my monthly newsletter: http://www.listcast.com/x?oid=1006398x EFT is a registered trademark of Gary Craig and is used with permission. This video represents my own style of delivering this technique, and use of the term EFT is not intended to imply an official endorsement.
    Ranked 4.42 / 5 | 159 views | 0 comments

    Click here to watch the video (06:20)
    Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
    Tags: Eft Emotional Freedom Techniques Brad Yates Happiness Love Health Wealth Peace Joy Michelangelo David Creation Enthusiam
    Categories: How To

    MOON: Movie Trailer

    MOON: Movie Trailer

    It is the near future. Astronaut Sam Bell is living on the far side of the moon, completing a three-year contract with Lunar Industries to mine Earth?s primary source of energy, Helium-3. It is a lonely job, made harder by a broken satellite that allows no live communications home. Taped messages are all Sam can send and receive. Thankfully, his time on the moon is nearly over, and Sam will be reunited with his wife, Tess, and their three-year-old daughter, Eve, in only a few short weeks. Finally, he will leave the isolation of ?Sarang,? the moon base that has been his home for so long, and he will finally have someone to talk to beyond ?Gerty,? the base?s well-intentioned, but rather uncomplicated computer. Suddenly, Sam?s health starts to deteriorate. Painful headaches, hallucinations and a lack of focus lead to an almost fatal accident on a routine drive on the moon in a lunar rover. While recuperating back at the base (with no memory of how he got there), Sam meets a younger, angrier version of himself, who claims to be there to fulfill the same three year contract Sam started all those years ago. Confined with what appears to be a clone of his earlier self, and with a ?support crew? on its way to help put the base back into productive order, Sam is fighting the clock to discover what?s going on and where he fits into company plans.
    Ranked 3.51 / 5 | 110857 views | 4 comments

    Click here to watch the video (02:08)
    Submitted By: videodetective
    Tags: Moon Kevin Spacey Sam Rockwell Kaya Scodelario Matt Berry Duncan Jones Science Fiction Sony Pictures Classics Movie Trailers Movie Trailers
    Categories: Entertainment

    Self Massage 9

    Self Massage 9

    massage to smoothe the face, reduce wrinkles and relax the shoulders and neck, watch the long session http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMTa5t3-cC8&feature=response_watch
    Ranked 3.24 / 5 | 23689 views | 0 comments

    Click here to watch the video (02:39)
    Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
    Tags: Massage Massage Video. Beauty Health Fitness
    Categories: How To

    Self Massage Acupressure for the Face

    Self Massage Acupressure for the Face

    this routine could help you to rejuvinate your face
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    Click here to watch the video (05:16)
    Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
    Tags: Massage Beauty Fitness Health Home Sports Acupressure Acupuncture
    Categories: How To

    Self Breast Exam: Brought to You by McLaren Health Care.

    Self Breast Exam: Brought to You by McLaren Health Care.

    How to do a self breast exam. Brought to you by McLaren Health Care. www.mclarenhealthcare.org
    Ranked 3.08 / 5 | 82345 views | 1 comments

    Click here to watch the video (05:53)
    Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
    Tags: Breasts Cancer Care Exam McLaren Controversial Titles
    Categories: How To

    Self Breast Exam

    Self Breast Exam

    In honor of my relatives who have battled cancer and Breast Cancer Awareness month, I perform a self breast exam.
    Ranked 4.28 / 5 | 38146 views | 0 comments

    Click here to watch the video (00:00)
    Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
    Tags: Attack Breasts Cancer Exam G4 Health Olivia Munn Of Self Show The Controversial Titles
    Categories: People & Stories

Source: http://loans.ptjobsdb.com/categories/36-health-fitness/21747-learn-nowism-the-holistic-art-of-self-mastery-health-fitness.html

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