Saturday, August 11, 2012

A second try ? a hope the spammers don't attack. ? the daily creative ...

Special note ? my blogs are getting copied and reposted all over the internet without my consent and without attribution. ?This post was originally uploaded earlier in the week, but I had to remove it in an attempt to thwart all the plagiarizers. ?If I can find a solution, I?ll post an update.

Speaking in Tongues


Update ? the spammers have struck again ? I will have to pull this content indefinitely. ?I have to say that I?m really disappointed in WordPress at the moment. ?They supply an ?autoblogging? plugin that allows other sites to automatically post your content on their blog ? often without attribution. ?These sites are really shady ? many of them are spammers or associated with spammers ? and they are not places you want your content to appear.


Here?s a list of the websites that are stealing my content. ?If I find a solution, I will post it here.




By Elizabeth Cutright
? 2012 The Daily Creative Writer


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OJ Murdock

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